Feb 11, 2025  
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog 
2014-2015 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Policies

  Click on any of the following links for information:

Every organization, large and small, runs more smoothly when policies and procedures are in place. This chapter touches briefly on policies that are most important to students and their academic pursuits. The University of Colorado Denver’s Policies and Guidelines website, www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/employees/policies/, provides a complete list of policies for every facet of the organization, including those from other organizations that affect the Denver Campus, such as the Laws of the Regents and policies of the Auraria Higher Education Center.

Academic Honor Code and Discipline Policies


 Policies related to academic credit and grades are explained in the Registration and Records  chapter of this catalog.

University Policies

Phone: 303-315-2724           
Website: http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/employees/policies/pages/default.aspx

The Office of Policy and Efficiency - with input from system and campus policy owners - develops, oversees and maintains the University’s system wide policy-making process; facilitates the development, review, approval, and maintenance of University-wide policies.

Policies include:

  • Inclusiveness and Non-Discrimination
  • Anti-Violence Policy
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Drugs and Alcohol Policy

For further information on University Policies please contact an individual via the information above.

Academic Integrity And Discipline Policies

A university’s reputation is built on a standing tradition of excellence and scholastic integrity. As members of the University of Colorado Denver academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in completing all forms of academic work at the university. Academic dishonesty is academic in nature, and students are encouraged to contact their academic advisor for details of how policies and procedures differ from one college to another.

Forms of Academic Dishonesty

Students are expected to know, understand and comply with the ethical standards of the university. Academic dishonesty is defined as a student’s use of unauthorized assistance with intent to deceive an instructor or other such person who may be assigned to evaluate the student’s work in meeting course and degree requirements. Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to the following:

A. Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the use of another person’s distinctive ideas or words without acknowledgement. The incorporation of another person’s work into one’s own requires appropriate identification and acknowledgement, regardless of the means of appropriation.

B. Cheating
Cheating involves the possession, communication or use of information, materials, notes, study aids or other devices not authorized by the instructor in any academic exercise or communication with another person during such an exercise.

C. Fabrication and Falsification
Fabrication involves inventing or counterfeiting information, i.e., creating results not obtained in a study or laboratory experiment. Falsification, on the other hand, involves the deliberate alteration or changing of results to suit one’s needs in an experiment or other academic exercise.

D. Multiple Submissions
This is the submission of academic work for which academic credit has already been earned, when such submission is made without instructor authorization.

E. Misuse of Academic Materials
The misuse of academic materials includes but is not limited to the following: stealing or destroying university property, illegitimate possession of examination materials, forgery, falsification of university documents.

F. Complicity in Academic Dishonesty
Complicity involves knowingly contributing to another’s acts of academic dishonesty.

School/College Specific Policy

Business School

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, illegitimate possession and disposition of examinations, alteration, forgery, falsification of official records and similar acts or any attempt to engage in such acts are grounds for suspension or expulsion from the university. In particular, students are advised that plagiarism consists of any act involving the offering of the work of someone else as the student’s own. It is recommended that students consult with the instructors as to the proper preparation of reports, papers, etc., to avoid this and similar offenses. Also, actions that disrupt the administrative process, such as misrepresentation of credentials or academic status, other forms of deception or verbal abuse of university staff are grounds for suspension or probation. All discovered acts of dishonesty must be referred to the Business School’s Internal Affairs Committee.

College of Engineering and Applied Science

Students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, illegitimate possession and disposition of examinations, alteration, forgery or falsification of official records and similar acts or attempts to engage in such acts are grounds for suspension or expulsion from the university.

In particular, students are advised that plagiarism consists of any act involving the offering of the work of someone else as the student’s own.

At CU Denver, there is a student Academic Honor Code. The code is published in a brochure available from the Office of Student Life. Information regarding all student grievance procedures may be obtained in that office.

In addition, the college has a committee on discipline that hears cases of alleged violations of academic ethics and recommends disciplinary action. In a case of proven academic dishonesty/misconduct, the committee may invoke penalties that may include probation, suspension or expulsion. In a case of suspension or expulsion, a distinction may be placed on a student’s academic record indicating the action was due to academic dishonesty/misconduct. Students who suspect or observe violations of academic ethics should report them to their instructor, the department chair or the Office of the Dean.

Academic Probation and Suspension Policies

Students at the University are expected to maintain progress in their degree program, as defined by being in “good academic standing.”  Good academic standing requires minimally a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all University of Colorado course work.

Academic Probation

  • Academic probation is a warning to students that they are not progressing toward completion of their degree in a satisfactory manner.
  • Students are placed on academic probation when their cumulative CU GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic term.
  • Students are informed in writing (via university-assigned e-mail and postal letter) of their academic probation status.
  • Students on academic probation will be required to complete the academic success plan during their first semester on academic probation. 
  • Students will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor to discuss the completed academic success plan before they will be allowed to register for the subsequent term.
  • Students on academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor every semester that they are on academic probation before they will be allowed to register.
  • Academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester GPA each subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0 to return to good academic standing. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to meet graduation requirements.
  • Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic probation will be placed on restricted academic probation.
  • Students have five semesters or 30 credits (whichever happens sooner) to raise their cumulative GPA to above a 2.0, or they will be placed on academic suspension.
  • Once a student has raised his/her cumulative CU GPA to at least a 2.0, s/he will be removed from academic probation and notified via university-assigned e-mail that s/he is in academic good standing.  

Academic Suspension

  • Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
  • Students are informed in writing via certified/registered letter of their academic suspension status.
  • The minimum duration of academic probation is for a period of one year (three semesters, including summer term). Students placed on academic suspension will be unable to take courses from any CU campus during this time.
  • Should a student be placed on academic suspension while registered for the next semester, s/he will be administratively dropped from their courses by the university.
  • A student’s academic suspension status is permanently indicated on his/her official University of Colorado transcript.
  • During the one-year academic suspension period, students who wish to return to the university should consider one (or both) of the following actions:
    • Attend another regionally-accredited college/university. 
      • Students who choose to attend another institution while on academic suspension can take as many or as few credits as they choose, but must earn a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all transferable course work.
      • Students should consult their academic advisor to discuss appropriate course work.
    • Use the time off to directly address and resolve the factors that contributed to the academic difficulty.
  • After the one-year suspension period has elapsed, students must petition the appellate committee (of the school or college they wish to enter) for readmission and meet and document at least one of the following criteria:
    • Attendance at another regionally accredited college/university where they earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in transferable credit.
    • Explanation of their previous academic difficulty, demonstration of what has changed and how this will allow them to now achieve and maintain good academic standing (including a semester GPA of at least 2.3 and a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0).
  •  Students who choose to petition their college’s appellate committee for re-admission must submit their petitions by the following deadlines:
    • For fall admission: June 1
    • For spring admission: December 1
    • For Maymester/summer admission: April 1
  • If a student is granted readmission and his/her CU GPA is below a 2.0, s/he will be re-admitted on restricted academic probation. These students must meet the condition of restricted academic probation every semester until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0.

Good Academic Standing

Degree Seeking Students

Good academic standing requires a minimum GPA that is determined by the student’s school or college. Grades earned at another institution (excluding other University of Colorado campuses) are not used in calculating the GPA at the University of Colorado.

Degree-seeking students should consult the academic standards section of their school or college for degree program requirements.

Students at the University are expected to maintain progress in their degree program, as defined by being in “good academic standing.”  Good academic standing requires minimally a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all University of Colorado course work.

Non-degree Seeking Students

Continuation as a non-degree student is contingent upon maintaining an overall GPA of 2.0 upon completion of 12 or more semester hours.

Failure to maintain the required average will result in a non-degree student being suspended. The suspension is for an indefinite period of time and becomes part of the student’s permanent record at the university.  While under suspension, enrollment at the university is restricted. For more information contact the dean’s office of the school /college you are enrolled in. 

Non-degree students are not placed on academic probation prior to being suspended.

Restricted Academic Probation

  • Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic probation will be placed on restricted academic probation. 
  • Students are informed in writing (via university-assigned e-mail and postal letter) of restricted academic probation status.
  • Students on restricted academic probation will be allowed to enroll for a maximum of 6 credits/two classes per semester (whichever is more). A course and its attached lab are considered to be one course in this case. 
  • Students on restricted academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor in order to register for courses. 
  • Students on restricted academic probation will not be able to register online; they will need to register for courses using a schedule adjustment form, which must be submitted to the Service Center (North Classroom #1003) for processing.  
  • Restricted academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester GPA each subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to return to good academic standing and to meet graduation requirements.
  • Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
  • Students who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above in five semesters or 30 credit hours on academic probation and restricted academic probation will be placed on academic suspension.
  • Once a student has raised his/her cumulative CU GPA to at least a 2.0, s/he will be removed from restricted academic probation and notified via university-assigned email that s/he is in academic good standing.

Second Suspension

  • Students who are readmitted after their first academic suspension and fail to meet the conditions of restricted academic probation for a second time are placed on a second suspension for an indefinite period of time.
  • Students on a second suspension may be readmitted to the university only by petition to the college’s appellate committee.
  • Students will not be considered for re-admission unless they have demonstrated significant improvement in academic performance at the college/university level, and/or considerable and positive change in personal circumstances.

Code of Student Conduct


The conduct listed below is prohibited, as are attempts to commit, aid, abet, or incite others to commit conduct prohibited by this code. Engaging in retaliatory acts against a person who reports an alleged violation of the code or testifies, assists, or participates in a conduct proceeding or investigation is a violation of this code.

The recommended minimum sanction for violating any of the below standards with bold type shall be suspension unless specific and significant mitigating factors are present.

  1. Assaulting or physically abusing another person or being involved in brawling.
    • In the case of a student who is found responsible via the Student Code of Conduct process to have caused severe injury or bodily harm, the minimum sanction shall be suspension.  
      • Severe injury and bodily harm includes but is not limited to the following: broken bones, concussions, lacerations, etc.
  2. Intimate partner violence. Intimate partner violence is conduct between people who are or were involved in a sexual or romantic relationship when one person in the relationship causes harm or significant alarm or distress to the other person. This includes but is not limited to threats, assault, or other action against the person or their property when used as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge. For more information on Interpersonal Violence policies and procedures please see Appendix I.
  3. Threatening or endangering the health or safety of a person (one’s self or others).
  4. Sexual Misconduct: Sexual misconduct includes non-consensual sexual intercourse, non-consensual sexual contact and sexual exploitation or exposure, and sexual Harassment.
    • Non-consensual sexual intercourse: Non-consensual sexual intercourse is any sexual intercourse (anal, oral or vaginal), including sexual intercourse with an object, however slight, by one person upon another without consent and/or by force.
    • Non-consensual sexual contact:Non-consensual sexual contact is any sexual touching (including touching with an object) however slight, by one person on another without consent and/or by force.
    • Sexual exploitation and/or exposure: Sexual exploitation is when a student takes non-consensual, unjust, or abusive sexual advantage of another for his/her own pleasure, advantage or benefit, or to pleasure, benefit or advantage anyone other than the one being exploited. Sexual exposure occurs when a student engages in lewd exposure of the body done with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desire of any person.
    • Sexual Harassment: Unwelcome, gender-based verbal or physical conduct that is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it has the effect of unreasonably interfering with, limiting or denying someone the ability to participate in or benefit from the university’s educational program.

NoteFor the purposes of this Code of Conduct, consent shall be defined as the act of knowingly and voluntarily agreeing, verbally or non-verbally, to engage in sexual activity. An individual cannot consent who is obviously, substantially impaired by any drug or intoxicant; or who has been purposely compelled by coercion, force, threat of force, intimidation, or deception; or who is unaware that the act is being committed; or whose ability to consent or resist is obviously impaired because of a mental or physical condition; or who is coerced by supervisory or disciplinary authority.

For a more complete list of terms and detailed definitions please see Appendix 1:  Definitions and Procedures for Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, and Nondiscrimination Policy

  1. Indecently exposing one’s body (non-sexual).
  2. Stalking. Repeated conduct which reasonably and subjectively causes another person to fear for his/her safety or repeated conduct which causes a person to alter his/her activities in response to the repeated conduct. Such repeated conduct may include, but is not limited to, any of the following: physically or electronically following or approaching a person or a member of that person’s family or household; contacting a person or a member of that person’s family or household whether or not conversation ensues; and placing a person or a member of that person’s family or household under surveillance.
  3. Hazing. Any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the health, safety, or welfare of an individual for the purpose of initiation, participation, admission into or affiliation with any organization at the University. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, any abuse of a mental or physical nature, forced consumption of any food, liquor, drugs, or substances, or any forced physical activity that could adversely affect the health or safety of an individual. Hazing also includes any activity that would subject the individual to embarrassment or humiliation, the willingness of the participant in such activity notwithstanding. (See Appendix 5)
  4. Abusive Conduct. Unwelcome conduct by an individual(s) that is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of education or employment and creates an environment that a reasonable person would find intimidating, hostile or offensive. The determination of whether an environment is “hostile” must be based on all of the circumstances. Factors to consider include the frequency of the conduct, its severity, and whether it is threatening or humiliating. Simple teasing, offhand comments and isolated incidents (unless extremely serious) will not amount to abusive conduct.
    • This policy should not be construed, and will not be enacted, to deny any student the right of free speech and expression.
  5. Violating any federal, state, or local law or University regulation or policy. University policy may include but is not limited to:
    • “Sexual Harassment Policy and Procedures” (https://www.cu.edu/policies/aps/hr/5014.html)
    •  ”Nondiscrimination Procedures” (http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/employees/policies/Policies%20Library/HR/Nondiscrimination.pdf)
    • “Computing Policy Statement” (http://www.ucdenver.edu/faculty_staff/employees/policies/Policies%20Library/DDC/Computing/ComputingPolicy.pdf)
  6. Interfering with, obstructing or disrupting a University activity.
    • University activities include, but are not limited to, all normal University activities, such as teaching, research, recreation, meetings, public events, and disciplinary proceedings.
    • This prohibition includes: conduct disruptive of University functions; from injury to persons or damage to property on the campus; and from impeding freedom of movement of students, school officials, employees, and invited guests to all facilities of the University. Interference in any manner with the public or private rights of citizens, conduct that threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person, and damage to property are prohibited.
  7. Interfering with, obstructing, or disrupting police or fire responses. This prohibition includes, but is not limited to:
    • Resisting arrest.
    • Failing to abide by the directions of a peace officer.
    • Tampering with, impairing, disabling, or misusing fire protection systems such as smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, sprinklers, or alarms.
    • Failing to evacuate during a fire alarm.
    • Arson/setting fires.
  8. Failing to comply with the direction of University or housing employees who are performing their duties. Students are required to comply with instructions or directions given by University or housing employees.
  9. Failing to abide by or complete a University sanction in a satisfactory manner, including violating the Student Code of Conduct while on University probation, University probation with loss of good standing, termination in abeyance, or suspension in abeyance.
  10. Providing false information to University employees, student conduct administrators, or peace officers in performance of their duties or forging, altering, falsifying or misusing documents or records, or knowingly using/possessing forged, altered or false documents or records.
  11. Retaliating against or discouraging an individual from participating in a University process, acting improperly to influence a University conduct process, or the unauthorized release of confidential student or University information/records.
    • Direct contact with an individual or conduct officer or review committee or contact through third party may constitute a violation of this provision.
  12. Violating any policy or procedure listed in the Campus Village Apartments Resident Handbook while in Campus Village. See a complete list of Campus Village Policies and procedures at: http://www.campusvillagedenver.com
  13. Unauthorized entry into or exit from a University facility or property, including Campus Village Apartments.
  14. Damaging University property or property belonging to another.
  15. Engaging in, inciting, or arming someone for a riot or public disturbance (see appendix 4).
  16. Use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of another person without that person’s express consent and/or knowledge when such a recording is likely to cause injury to or exploit the individual being recorded.
  17. Possessing firearms, explosives, fireworks, incendiary devices, ammunition, or other weapons on campus.
    • Possession of a harmless instrument designed to look like firearm, explosive, or dangerous weapon is also prohibited by this policy(including but not limited to BB guns, pellet guns, airsoft guns, martial arts equipment, and knives with a blade over 3” in length).
    • s mandated by Regent’s Policy, in the case of a student who is found responsible via the Student Code of Conduct process to have intentionally or recklessly used or possessed a weapon in a way that would intimidate, harass, injure, or otherwise interfere with the learning and working environment of the University, the minimum disciplinary sanction shall be expulsion.
      • In the case of a harmless instrument as described in section 21a., the minimum sanction shall be expulsion if the student used the item with the intent to cause fear in or assault to another person.
    • Mere possession of firearms, explosives, fireworks, incendiary devices, ammunition, other weapons, or instruments designed to look like any of the above will result in suspension unless mitigating factors are present.
  • Note: Students, faculty, and staff possessing valid Concealed Handgun Permits are allowed to carry concealed on campus in accordance with the law.
  1. Theft, including but not limited to, possessing property known to be stolen, or taking property of another without consent, even with an intent to return the property.
  2. Possessing, using, providing, manufacturing, distributing, or selling drugs or drug paraphernalia, or prescription drugs in violation of law or University policies
    • If the violation occurs in Campus Village Apartments, a student who knew, or reasonably should have known, s/he was in the presence of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia or prescription drugs is in violation of the code.
    • Attending classes or University functions while under the influence of drugs/illegal substances shall also be considered a violation of this Code.
    • In the case of a student who is found responsible via the Student Code of Conduct process to have endangered the health, safety, or welfare of an individual through the provision of drugs, the minimum disciplinary sanction shall be suspension.
  • NoteAlthough possession and use of marijuana for certain medical conditions consistent with the requirements of the Colorado Constitution is no longer a crime in the State of Colorado, the possession and use of marijuana remains illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on campus, including while in campus housing.
  1. Possessing, using, providing, manufacturing, distributing, or selling alcoholic beverages in violation of law or University policies.
    • If an undergrad student is in Campus Village Apartments, this prohibition includes a student who knew, or reasonably should have known s/he was in the presence of alcoholic beverages, or possessed, displayed, or was in the presence of alcohol containers.
    • Attending classes or University functions under the influence of alcohol shall also be considered a violation of this Code. This includes inappropriate alcohol related behavior at official University functions where alcohol is served. 
    • In the case of a student who is found responsible via the Student Code of Conduct process to have endangered the health, safety, or welfare of an individual through the provision of alcohol, the minimum disciplinary sanction shall be suspension.
  • The health and safety of members of the University of Colorado at Denver are the primary concerns of the University. The University is committed to ensuring that students obtain timely medical assistance for themselves and for their peers. To this end, we have instituted a “Good Samaritan” Provision for drug, alcohol, an IPV related incidents. For more information about this provision please see Appendix 3.

The complete Code of Conduct, including a detailed explanation of the conduct process and sanctions can be found online at:  http://www.ucdenver.edu/life/services/standards/Documents/CUDenver-CodeofConduct.pdf

You can also visit the Office of Community Standards and Wellness in the Tivoli Student Union Room 227.