Sep 24, 2024  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 See a list of All Courses by Course Type .

  • ENGL 4600 - Modernism

    Modernist literature from the beginning of the 20th century through World War II, including such writers as Eliot, Joyce, Forester, Ford, Yeats, Woolf and Barnes. Examines the social-political influences as well as the aesthetic and stylistic elements which define modernist writing. Prereq: Must have 30 semester hours or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 5600. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4601 - Principles and Practices of Second Language Acquisition

    Overview of basic principles and practices in the learning and teaching of English as a second language. ENGL 3160 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Cross-listed with ENGL 5601. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4610 - Narrative: Form and Theory

    A critical and theoretical exploration of the elements of narrative -e.g., plot, character, dialogue, discourse-in literature and film. This course is especially useful for fiction-writing students in the Creative Writing Track. Prereq: ENGL 2450. Cross-list ENGL 5610. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4651 - Second Language Writing

    Topics include: similarities between first & second language writing, the processes of composition & revision, teacher response to student writing, student processing of feedback, writing assessment, and the reading/writing connection. ENGL 3160 recommended. Prereq: Students must have junior standing/60 units of credit completed. Cross-listed with ENGL 5651. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4720 - Honors in English

    Designed for students taking departmental honors in English. Prereq: Students must have written permission from the honors advisor. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4730 - Chaucer

    Extensive reading in Chaucer’s works in Middle English, including his lyrics, dream visions, Troilus and Criseyde, and the Canterbury Tales. Examines sources, historical and ideological factors influencing the texts. Prereq: 30 semester hours or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 5730. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4735 - Philosophy and Literature

    Considers the philosophical dimensions of literature. Prereq: Must have 30 semester hours or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 5735, PHIL 4730, 5730. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4740 - Honors in Writing

    Designed for students taking departmental honors in English writing. Prereq: Student must have written permission from honors director and faculty advisor. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4745 - Humanistic Writing About Medicine and Biology

    Investigates medical and biological writing over the last two centuries with an emphasis on reception, ethical issues, and the differences between professional and popular writing. Prereq: Must have 30 hours or the permission of the instructor for ENGL 4745. Cross-listed with 5745. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4770 - Topics in English: Film and Literature

    May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film. Prereq: Must have 30 semester hours or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 5770. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4800 - Special Topics in Creative Writing

    Writing-intensive courses combining reading, directed writing, peer- and instructor-led workshops in a topic to be determined by instructor. Topics may include projects in a specialized genre, such as science fiction or noir writing, or in a field of professional endeavor related to creative writing, such as the editing and production of a literary journal. Prereq: ENGL 2154; permission of instructor may be required. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4810 - Literary Editing Practicum

    Practicum for students interested in editing in a literary field, e.g., literary magazines, book manuscripts, anthology projects. Each semester the parameter of the practicum will be set by the instructor. Prereq: English majors and minors. All other students must have instructor’s permission. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4820 - Senior Poetry Workshop

    Capstone workshop for students within the Creative Writing major track or Creative Writing minor. Emphasis on a single, sustained project developed by the student. Prereq: ENGL 3020 and 4025 for English majors. All other students must obtain permission from the instructor. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4830 - Advanced Rhetorical Analysis

    Immerses students in advanced methods for conducting rhetorical analysis and for reading critically. Students are expected to learn multiple frameworks for performing analysis on rhetorical artifacts. Prereq: Students must have senior standing/90 units of credit completed. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4840 - Independent Study: ENGL

    Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • ENGL 4850 - Senior Fiction Workshop

    Capstone workshop designed to deepen the understanding of narrative, and consciously apply the strategies of narrative craft to modern markets. Course will focus on the writing and publishing processes, culminating in a classroom narrative defense and submission to professional outlets. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4880 - Directed Research

    Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • ENGL 4920 - Directed Readings

    Explores an area of English literature not covered in regular course work. Note: May be taken as a precursor to honors essay, in which case student should consult with the honors advisor. Prereq: Senior status. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 6
  • ENGL 4990 - Senior Writing Project in Creative Writing or Film Studies

    Individual writing project consisting of a creative manuscript or critical study. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Note: Available only to students in the creative writing and film tracks. Prereq: Senior standing. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4991 - Senior Seminar in Writing

    Students focus on rhetorical studies through extensive reading, writing, discussion, and reflection upon their own literacy practices. Students produce individual and collaborative writing projects for a final portfolio. Prereq: ENGL 3084, senior standing and EWRT majors. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4995 - Senior Writing Project

    Individual writing project in any genre and any discipline upon approval of faculty advisor. Manuscript must be 30 pages of high quality text. Prereq: Senior standing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 4999 - Literary Studies Senior Seminar

    Allows students to pursue, learn, and apply advanced methodologies such as bibliographical, archival/historical, or cultural and ideological, and apply them to a single author, genre, or period of text. Students engage in research under the tutelage of their instructor. Note: Senior capstone course for literature majors in the literary studies track. Prereq: Senior standing and ENGL 3001 previously completed or concurrent. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5000 - Studies of Major Authors

    An intensive study of works of one major British or American author. Examples: Dickens, Woolf or James. Cross-listed with ENGL 4000. Max hours: 15 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5001 - Special Topics

    This variable credit course offers intensive study of the teaching of writing in a collaborative action-oriented approach. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • ENGL 5080 - History of the English Language

    Examines how English has changed since A.D. 800 through examples of writing from different periods, with attention to the way various groups have enriched our vocabulary and altered our syntax. Prereq: ENGL 2070 or one year of a college foreign language. Cross-listed with ENGL 4080. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5093 - Teaching of Writing

    Deals with the analysis of rhetorical theory with an emphasis on practical applications in the classroom, with attention to alternative pedagogies in teaching. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5100 - Introduction to Graduate Studies

    Introduces students to scholarly methods & key debates in English Studies. Familiarizes students with department’s specializations in film, linguistics, literature & rhetoric. Offers new MA students training in the primary forms of scholarly writing within the discipline(journal article, conference abstract, synopsis, book review). Restriction: Graduate standing or instructor permission is required for students to enroll in this course. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5110 - Denver Writing Project

    An intensive extended workshop in the development of one’s personal and professional writing and in the teaching of writing. Open to those who are members of the Denver Writing Project. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 9
  • ENGL 5120 - Denver Writing Project Advanced Institute

    Advanced institutes provide intensive examination of an issue related to the teaching of writing. The specific issues are of two kinds–repeatable ones such as “Alumni Institute” and “Writing Retreat” and variable, such as “Action Research” and “Writing Across the Curriculum.” Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 1
  • ENGL 5135 - English Language Study

    Introduces students to varieties of English in use today, while tracing range of “new Englishes” back to origins of language. Students will develop an understanding of English as a global language, why it spread throughout the world and how, paying specific attention to print history of English and relationship to other print languages. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5145 - Theory

    Designed to enrich students’ understanding of a variety of modes of theoretical discourse that have influenced modern critical practice in English studies. While the course explores the evolution of criticism, it gives primary emphasis to recent developments. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5150 - Research Methods

    Designed to prepare students for graduate scholarship in language, literacy, and the teaching of writing; should be taken soon after entering the program. Introduction to the research methods and stylistic standards for graduate-level writing. Prereq: graduate student standing Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5155 - Genres of Writing

    Explores work of major contributors to genre and narrative theory. Offers students exposure to emergent genres in new media, while situating these new genre in relation to historical precedents. Gives students an introduction to the evolution of central genres in literary studies, such as novel, poem, political speech and western film. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5160 - Poetics

    “Mechanics” of poetry in English, including meter, rhythm, rhyme, line, and other systems of measurement and logic. Emphasis is on historical development of poetic art in English. Prereq: ENGL 1400 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 4160. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5165 - Literacy and Technology

    Studies the material forms in which English language has circulated-e.g., the history of the oral and manuscript tradition; the history of the book; and the impact of digital technologies on print culture. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5166 - History of American Poetry

    Examines major American poets and poetic trends from the colonial period to the present, with attention to cultural contexts and to development of distinctively American practices. Cross-listed with ENGL 4166. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5171 - Language Theory

    Introduces linguistic theory to the beginning graduate student. Builds upon the material included in the undergraduate class, by adding materials pertaining to the teaching of writing and graduate language studies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5175 - Writing in the Sciences

    Provides rhetorical analyses of scientific discourse and student practice in writing research reports and proposals. Prereq: graduate standing or higher. Cross-listed with ENGL 4175. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5190 - Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing

    Focuses on particular issues in rhetoric and writing as they pertain to reading and writing, including language and gender, language and culture, and language of political action. Cross-listed with ENGL 4190. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5200 - History of the English Novel I

    Rise and development of the English novel from its beginnings in the 18th century through the mid-9th century, including such writers as Defore, Fielding, Austen and Shelley. Cross-listed with ENGL 4200. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5210 - History of the English Novel II

    Overview of the English novel from mid-19th century to World War II, emphasizing the important developments which the form underwent in the hands of notable novelists, including Charles Dickens, the Brontes, George Eliot, Henry James, Joseph Conrad, D.H. Lawrence and Virginia Woolf. Cross-listed with ENGL 4210. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5220 - African-American Literature

    Surveys African-American literature with special emphasis on post-Civil War writing. Cross-listed with ENGL 4220, ETST 4220. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5230 - The American Novel

    Surveys major developments in the American novel from the 18th century to the 21st century. Cross-listed with ENGL 4230. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5235 - Faulkner

    Studies the works of Faulkner’s high period with special attention to southern themes and Faulkner’s experimentation with narrative form. Cross-listed with ENGL 4235. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5236 - The American Short Story

    Traces the development of the short story in the United States, from its beginnings in colonial tales to its contemporary renaissance as a dominant literary form. Cross-listed with ENGL 4236. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5240 - Topics In Contemporary American Literature

    Seminar focusing on a segment of contemporary American literature. Cross-listed with ENGL 4240. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5250 - Twentieth Century Fiction

    Deals with novels originating in a variety of countries in an effort to see the similarities and differences that varying nationalities bring to the genre. Cross-listed with ENGL 4250. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5280 - Proposal and Grant Writing

    Focuses on research, design, composition, and editing original proposals. Includes idea development, identification of funding sources, and the creation of persuasive documents. Prereq: ENGL 1020. Cross-listed with ENGL 4280. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5300 - History of British Drama

    Intended as a survey of British drama from the miracle plays of the medieval period, through the Renaissance and Restoration, to the “kitchen sink” realists of the 1960s. Cross-listed with ENGL 4300. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5306 - Survey of Feminist Thought

    Examines changes and continuities in feminist thought from the 18th century to the present, using historical and literary materials. Explores the ways that women’s characteristics, experiences, and capabilities have been understood and challenged. Cross-listed with ENGL 4306, HIST 4306, 5306, WGST 4306, 5306. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5320 - History of Poetry in English

    Studies the major schools and eras of English prosody, including the poetry of Great Britain and the United States, from the medieval period to the present. Cross-listed with ENGL 4320. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5350 - History of American Drama

    Studies American drama from its foundations in the 18th century through movements including realism, expressionism, symbolism, agit-prop, black nationalism, feminism, and performance art. Drama read as both text and performance, as sometimes supporting the status quo and as sometimes subverting it. Cross-listed with ENGL 4350. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5400 - Old English I

    Instruction in the Old English language. One year of college foreign language or ENGL 2070 recommended. Cross-listed with ENGL 4400. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5410 - Old English II: Beowulf

    Continuing training in the reading of Old English and intensive reading of Beowulf. Prereq: ENGL 5400 or 4400. Cross-listed with ENGL 4410. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5420 - Film Theory and Criticism

    (1) Familiarizes students with some of the central concepts and debates in film theory and criticism, both classic and contemporary, (2) enables students to develop advanced analytic and interpretive skills, and (3) guides students toward discovering and articulating original critical and theoretical perspectives. Prereq: ENGL 2250 and 3070, 3080 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 4420. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5460 - Contemporary World Literature

    Surveys literature written by world writers since World War II. Note: Texts read in English. Cross-listed with ENGL 4460. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5500 - Medieval Literature

    Introduces representative writers from the Norman Conquest to about 1550. Emphasis on a variety of genres, including religious poetry, Arthurian romance, dream vision and drama. Cross-listed with ENGL 4500. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5510 - Whores and Saints: Medieval Women

    Studies how women are presented in texts, as well as works by women. Investigates the roles open to women and societal attitudes toward women, who were considered seductresses, saints, scholars and warriors in the middle ages. Prereq: Nine hours of literature courses or instructor permission. Cross-listed with ENGL 4510, RLST 4730/5730, WGST 4510/5510. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5520 - English Renaissance

    Introduces some of the important writers in this major period of English literature (1500-1660). Special attention to the works of Sidney, Milton, Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne, Herbert and Johnson. Cross-listed with ENGL 4520. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5530 - Milton

    Extensive reading in John Milton’s poetry (Lycidas, Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained, Samson Agonistes) as well as his political, social and theological writings. Cross-listed with ENGL 4530. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5540 - Restoration and the 18th Century

    Introduces some of the important writers of the “Age of Reason.” Emphasis on such figures as Bunyan, Burke, Dryden, Johnson, Pope and Swift. Cross-listed with ENGL 4540. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5560 - English Romanticism

    Studies major works of the chief English writers of the first part of the 19th century, with emphasis on such representative figures as Wollstonecraft, Godwin, Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Hazlitt, Byron, Keats and Shelley. Cross-listed with ENGL 4560. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5580 - The Victorian Age

    Examines the main currents of Victorian thought in prose and poetry from about 1830 to the end of the century, including such writers as Browning, Carlyle, Mill, Newman, Ruskin, Swinburne and Tennyson. Cross-listed with ENGL 4580. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5600 - Modernism

    Modernist literature from the beginning of the 20th century through World War II, including such writers as Eliot, Joyce, Forester, Ford, Yeats, Woolf and Barnes. Examines the social-political influences as well as the aesthetic and stylistic elements which define modernist writing. Cross-listed with ENGL 4600. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5601 - Principles and Practices of Second Language Acquisition

    Overview of basic principles and practices in the learning and teaching of English as a second language. Cross-listed with ENGL 4601. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5610 - Narrative: Form and Theory

    A critical and theoretical exploration of the elements of narrative -e.g., plot, character, dialogue, discourse-in literature and film. This course is especially useful for fiction-writing students in the Creative Writing Track. Prereq: Graduate standing. Cross-list ENGL 4610. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5650 - American Literature to the Civil War

    Graduate survey of American literature from the Colonial period to the Civil War, with particular attention to the question of what makes this literature distinctly American. Explores a wide range of genres of American literature in an effort to assess how this tradition of letters shaped our historical past and continues to influence contemporary American culture and ideology. Prereq: Graduate standing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5651 - Second Language Writing

    Topics include the similarities between first and second language writing, the processes of composition and revision, teacher response to student writing, student processing of feedback, writing assessment, and the reading or writing connection. Cross-listed with ENGL 4651. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5655 - American Literature: Civil War to the Cold War

    Graduate survey of American literature from the Civil War to the Cold War considered central to the tradition of American literature. Students will consider how new ideas about gender, race, class, nationality, postcoloniality, history, and aesthetics have influenced the field of American literary studies. Prereq: Graduate standing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5730 - Chaucer

    Extensive reading in Chaucer’s works in Middle English, including his lyrics, dream visions, Troilus and Criseyde, and the Canterbury Tales. Examines sources, historical and ideological factors influencing the texts. Prereq: 30 semester hours or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with ENGL 4730. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5735 - Philosophy and Literature

    Considers the philosophical dimensions of literature. Cross-listed with ENGL 4735, PHIL 5730, 4730. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5745 - Humanistic Writing About Medicine and Biology

    Investigates medical and biological writing over the last two centuries with an emphasis on reception, ethical issues, and the differences between professional and popular writing. Prereq: Must have 30 hours or the permission of the instructor for ENGL 4745. Cross-listed with ENGL 4745. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5770 - Topics in English: Film and Literature

    May look at specific genres, aesthetic approaches to literature, ideological or socio-political agendas, or other special topics in literature and/or film. Cross-listed with ENGL 4770. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 5840 - Independent Study: ENGL

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • ENGL 5880 - Directed Research

    Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • ENGL 5913 - Practicum in Language and Rhetoric

    Supervised work in applied language or rhetoric and the teaching of writing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • ENGL 5939 - Internship

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • ENGL 6001 - Critical Theory in Literature and Film

    Designed to enrich students’ understanding of a variety of modes of theoretical discourse that have influenced modern critical practice in literary and film studies. While the course explores the evolution of criticism, it gives primary emphasis to recent developments. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6002 - Rhetorical Theory

    Examines the principles and applications of rhetorical theory and its relationship to writing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6010 - Studies of Major Authors

    Note: May be repeated when topics vary. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6011 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6012 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6013 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6014 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6015 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6016 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6017 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6018 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6019 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6090 - Studies in Major Authors

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6110 - Special Topics in Literature

    An intensive study of specialized topics in English and/or American literature. Note: May be repeated when topics vary. Max hours: 30 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6111 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6112 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6113 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6114 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6115 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6116 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6117 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6118 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • ENGL 6119 - Special Topics in Literature

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3

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