Jul 02, 2024  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 See a list of All Courses by Course Type .

  • FINE 1120 - Digital Photography for Non-Majors

    Students will learn fundamentals of digital photography through creative assignments that promote a broad understanding of the photographic medium. Topics include digital camera operation, sizing and resolution, principles of design, and interpreting photographic meaning. This course is designed for non-art majors. Restriction: Restricted to other schools and colleges and the following CAM Code Plans: MUSC-BS, RCDA-MS, TFTV-BFA, TFTV-BA. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1140 - Topics in Photography

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 1150 - Introduction to Darkroom Photography

    Students learn traditional, film-based photographic practice. Topics such as camera functions, film processing, black and white darkroom printing, color theory and alternative darkroom techniques are explored through demonstrations, critiques, readings and discussions of historical and contemporary photography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1400 - Two Dimensional Design

    Focuses on the concepts and visual elements of all forms of two-dimensional art. Students gain an understanding of basic design principles as they analyze and visually articulate formal concerns in viewing contemporary and historical artworks as applied to studio problems. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1435 - Intro to Electronic Art and Design

    A lecture/art-studio course for high school students that provides an introduction to the computer and its artistic and commercial possibilities. Through projects, lectures, discussions and readings, students explore techniques of production including digital photographic manipulation, sound editing, and web animation. Max hours: 2 Credits. Semester Hours: 2 to 2
  • FINE 1450 - Visual Culture: Ways of Seeing

    A core course for majors and non-majors Visual Culture: Ways of Seeing explores how the meaning of imagery is encoded in cultural settings and transforms globally through changing technology and is integrated into daily life. Max hours: 3 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-AH1. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1500 - Three-Dimensional Design

    Students explore the elements of art and the principles of design applied to three-dimensional design while developing an understanding of material properties, techniques, processes and tools. Creative practice is accompanied by written, theoretical and verbal critical thinking skills. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1810 - Digital Animation Foundations: Producing Animation

    A lecture/lab course that explores the theory, practices and fundamentals of producing 3D animation. Students will explore the foundations of the animation process including the production pipeline, studio organizations, traditional animation techniques, foundational cinematography, storyboarding and character development. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1812 - 3D Computer Graphics: Producing Animation

    An online course that explores the theory, practices and fundamentals of the producing 3D animation. Students will explore the foundations of the animation process Note: Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate for details. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1820 - Digital Animation Foundations: Introduction to Digital 3D

    A lecture/lab course that explores the foundations of creating digital 3D content. Primary focus is an introduction to current 3D software. Class lectures, demonstrations and hands-on application will expose the student to the expectations for commercial high-end 3D animation production. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 1822 - 3D Computer Graphics: Introduction to Digital 3D

    An online course that explores the foundations of creating digital 3D content. Primary focus is an introduction to current 3D software. Note: Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate for details. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2010 - The Graphic Novel Workshop

    This course introduces students to the visual language of the graphic novel through the creation of sequential imagery and page development. Students will delve into the pictorial methods found in both historical and contemporary comic books, Manga and alternative cartooning. Prereq: FINE-BFA PIL, ILS, PPD, PND, PNT or DRW: FINE 1100, 1400,1500, 2155, 2600, 2610. Prereq: FINE 1100, 1400. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2030 - Life Drawing

    This course introduces the student to the human figure, addressing anatomy, movement and proportion. Discussion of historic and contemporary critical methods supplement studio practice. Exploring a variety of drawing media, students expand their drawing skills and relate the principles of composition and design to figure drawing. Prereq: FINE-BFA PIL, PPD, PNT, DRW or SMD: FINE 1100, 1400,1500, 2155, 2600, 2610. Prereq: FINE 1100. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2130 - Experiments in Color/Photography for Non-Majors

    Explores both practical and innovative ways to manipulate color materials. Students gain technical mastery in understanding their cameras, using creative camera controls, color balancing film, and exposing color film while creating a portfolio of work that reveals experimental and innovative uses of color photographic materials. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2140 - Topics in Photography

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 2155 - Introduction to Digital Photography

    Students learn digital image manipulation, input and output strategies, and digital camera functions through assignments that emphasize conceptual development. Presentations, readings, projects and class discussions help students gain an understanding of the role of digital imaging in contemporary photography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2200 - Painting I

    This course is an introduction to the language of painting. Students will learn to develop composition in layers, working from value to color and from direct observation to abstraction while exploring the range of visual possibilities that painting offers. Prereq: FINE-BFA PIL, ILS, PPD, PND, PNT or DRW: FINE 1100, 1400,1500, 2155, 2600, 2610. Prereq: FINE 1100, 1400. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2405 - Introduction to Digital Design

    A project-based exploration of the design potentials of vector, raster and motion based digital media. Through project critiques, discussion and demonstration students will create projects that examine technology as an art medium and a design strategy. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2415 - Typography Studio

    A studio course that teaches principles of typography and organization that is the foundation of design and artistic practice. Through drawing, editing, and moving typographic forms, students will create projects that examine how typography is used to create meaning. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2428 - Introduction to Scientific Media Design

    Through lectures, writings, readings, and discussions students will be introduced to Scientific Media Design as a profession as well as the history and emerging directions in the field. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2500 - Bronze Casting

    Students learn lost wax casting with ceramic shell investment and bonded sand. Modeling, foundry work, centrifugal casting and welding for cast metal are introduced, as is steel fabrication and mixed media. Individual vocabularies are explored and design skills acquired. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2510 - Wood and Metal Sculpture

    Wood, metal fabrication and introduction of the found object are premise for the exploration of individual visual vocabularies. Investigation and design are applied towards developing conceptual ideas while students advance skills in the metal and wood studios. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2600 - Art History Survey I

    A lecture course studying Western and non-Western art from prehistory to medieval times, including major artists and periods. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, exams, and writing assignments, students demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the arts. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2610 - Art History Survey II

    A lecture course studying Western and non-Western art from the Renaissance to today, including major artists and periods. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, exams, and writing assignments, students demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the arts. Prereq: FINE 2600. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2810 - Digital Animation Techniques: Surface Modeling

    A lecture/lab course focused on the mastery of creating surface models for digital 3D content. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for building complex 3D objects with an emphasis on artistic excellence through application of current 3D technologies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2812 - 3D Computer Graphics: 3D Surface Modeling

    An online course focused on mastery of creating surface models for digital 3D content. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for building complex 3D objects. Note: Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate for details. Prereq: FINE 1810 or 1812 and 1820 or 1822. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2820 - Digital Animation Techniques: Surface Properties

    A lecture/lab course focused on mastery of creating surface textures/materials for digital 3D content. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for creating realistic 3Dtextures/materials with an emphasis on artistic excellence through application of current 3D technologies. Note: Offered through Extended Studies (Continuing and Professional Education) due to separate tuition structure. Acceptance to the Digital Animation Center is competitive by interview/portfolio review with the Area Head for the program. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2822 - 3D Computer Graphics: 3D Surface Properties

    An online course focused on mastery of creating surface textures for digital 3D content. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for creating realistic 3D textures/materials. Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate. Prereq: FINE 1810 or 1812 and 1820 or 1822. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2830 - Digital Animation Techniques: Lighting

    A lecture/lab course focused on mastery of lighting the digital 3D environment. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for creating realistic 3D lighting/lighting effects with an emphasis on artistic excellence through application of current 3D technologies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2832 - 3D Computer Graphics: 3D Lighting and Rendering

    An online course focused on mastery of lighting the digital 3D environment. Students will develop skills/knowledge about the processes and techniques for creating realistic 3D lighting. Note: Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate for details. Prereq: FINE 2812 and 2822. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2850 - Digital Animation Techniques: 3D Character Creation

    A lecture/lab course focused on mastery of skills for creating digital 3D characters. Students will develop skills/knowledge to shape, mold, transform/articulate, deform digital 3D shapes creating digital characters with an emphasis on artistic excellence through application of current 3D technologies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2852 - 3D Computer Graphics: 3D Character Creation

    An online course focused on mastery of skills for creating digital 3D characters. Students will develop skills/knowledge to create digital characters. Note: Offered through Extended Studies. Must provide sufficiently powered computer. See www.cu3d.org Computer Graphics Certificate for details. Prereq: FINE 2812 and 2822. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 2995 - Travel Study

    Created for students doing travel study in a foreign country. Students register through the Office of International Education. Max hours: 15 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 15
  • FINE 3001 - Illustration I: Digital Media

    This course focuses on digital mixed media and design thinking in the creation of illustrations within design constraints established by the client rather than the artist. Students learn methods for design thinking, critical assessment and refinement of illustration processes. Prereq: FINE 2030 and 2405. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA ILS majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3002 - Illustration II: Spatial Thinking

    Spatial Thinking focuses on the visualization of three-dimensional subjects in pictorial space. Theoretical and historical concepts of linear and optical perspective are examined; projects cover traditional and modernist approaches to creating the illusion of space. Prereq: FINE 2010 and FINE 3001. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA ILS majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3030 - The Media of Drawing

    This course introduces students to the notion of drawing from life through an exploration of drawing methods/materials in the creation of artist’s books- including learning various binding techniques and studying movement and juxtaposition as we draw in and from these books. Prereq: FINE-BFA ILS, PND, PNT, or DRW: FINE 1100, 1400, 1500, 2155, 2600, 2610. Prereq: FINE 1100. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3050 - Figure Painting

    This course is an exploration of representing the human form in pictorial space. Students will gain a knowledge of figural color, proportion, scale and space; and will understand the conceptual and visual weight carried by expressive gesture and figural form. Prereq: FINE 2030 and FINE 2200. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3110 - Imaging and Identity

    A lecture course that analyzes representations of cultural diversity within the arts. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams, and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to pursue critical thinking when interpreting imagery. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3120 - Visual Culture Studies

    A lecture course about visual culture, theory, and literacy since the Industrial Revolution. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams, and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze imagery. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3130 - Photography, Optics and Perspectives in Italy

    In this study abroad seminar course, students develop an understanding of their work within the context of the history of art and photography, particularly the artistic and scientific breakthroughs of the Renaissance, by exposing them to strategies and theories exemplified by the remarkably diverse and historically significant artwork that is available in collections in Florence, Italy. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3135 - Historic Photographic Processes in Italy

    Investigates the relationship between critical concepts and alternative photographic processes in the unique cultural and artistic setting of Florence, Italy. Students create images using historic photographic methods such as salted paper, P.O.P., albumen, photo-polymer gravure and bromoil. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3160 - Color and Studio Lighting

    Students explore traditional color photography, lighting techniques, concept development, and expressive uses of the medium. Topics include chromogenic printing, color theory, 4x5 technique and studio lighting. Students gain insight into the creative impact of color on photographic representation. Spring only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3161 - The Silver Fine Print

    Students learn advanced black and white darkroom techniques while translating ideas into photographic form. Techniques include the zone system, split filter printing, toning, montage printing, and film/paper choices. Students gain insight into photographic artists, techniques, and movements. Fall only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3162 - The Digital Fine Print

    Students learn the art of digital printing as it relates to photographic practice and theory. Assignments focus on conceptual development, advanced image manipulation, workflow, color management. Students gain insight into the role of digital imaging in contemporary photography. Fall only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3171 - Concepts and Processes in Photography

    Students develop skills in alternative photographic techniques. Processes covered include camera-less and pinhole photography, reticulation, non-silver printing, liquid emulsions, digital/traditional cross-manipulation. Students gain insights into the relationship between ideas and experimental ways of creating images. Spring only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3172 - Digital Bookmaking

    Students create handmade artists books using digital technologies. Projects build skills in idea development, use of text and image, digital image manipulation, digital printing, scanning and bookbinding. Students learn strategies for creating visual narratives through photography. Spring only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3175 - Creative Commercial Applications

    Students learn how photographers apply creative, technical and conceptual skills to commercial photographic practice. Topics covered may include editorial strategies; studio or location photography; commercial business practices; advertising photography; shooting and lighting techniques; and professional presentation. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3200 - Intermediate Painting and Drawing I

    In this course students develop a body of work that expands on previous course work, to make the transition from assignment-based work to an independent body of work, and to prepare for advanced level study in painting and drawing. Prereq: FINE 2030 and FINE 2200. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3210 - Intermediate Painting and Drawing II

    In this course students continue to develop a body of work begun in Intermediate I, making the transition from assignment-based work to an independent body of work. Students are prepared in Intermediate II for advanced study in painting and drawing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3240 - Abstract Painting and Drawing

    This course explores the methods of abstraction as applied to painting and drawing. Through developing a body of paintings and drawings, students will gain an understanding of complex formal structures in the development of their work. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3250 - Sculpture: Contemporary Artists and Concepts

    Provides the art student (sculpture majors and non- majors) with a focused opportunity to look at contemporary sculpture, installation and performance art and to examine the philosophical issues, processes and methods motivating practicing artists today. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3260 - Portraiture

    This is an advanced course in portraiture using both drawing and painting media. Working from observation and focusing on the anatomical structure, the artist will gain a greater command in portraying complex expressions of the human face. Prereq: FINE-BFA ILS: FINE 2010, 2030. Prereq: FINE 2030. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3300 - Painting, Drawing and the Printed Image

    This course explores the role of technology in the history of painting/drawing alongside studio practice. Students produce works that explore personal symbolism through the combination of graphically printed and hand-produce marks while utilizing technology as a tool in painting/drawing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3340 - Topics in Studio Art

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3342 - Topics in Studio Art

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3343 - Topics in Studio Art

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3350 - Topics in Multimedia

    Specialized topics are offered in new multimedia technologies, theories, processes and conceptual thinking. Course titles are unique and changing semester to semester. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3400 - Introduction to Web Design and Digital Imaging

    A studio course for non-design-majors that explores the design and creation of web sites for personal and professional use. Through critiques, discussion and research, students learn the basics of digital imaging and illustration as well as principles of user-interface design. Note: class may not be taken by Digital Design majors for credit toward degree. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3405 - Introduction to Digital Video

    A studio course for non-design-majors that focuses on the basics of storytelling using digital video. Through class projects, screenings, discussions and readings, students explore the concepts of montage and strategies to develop compelling video for artistic and commercial purposes. Note: class may not be taken by Digital Design or Transmedia majors for credit toward degree. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3414 - Motion Design I

    A course devoted to understanding time based imagery that focuses on utilizing video and motion graphics as a creative communication tool. Students create projects that explore topics using video, animation, time and motion using a non-linear digital editing software. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3415 - Design Studio I

    In a design laboratory students learn to turn ideas into visual solutions through the application of design principles. Through lectures, writings, readings, discussion and critiques of projects assigned students will build visual literacy in relation to digital design. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3417 - Design Research

    This seminar class examines methods and processes used by designers to better understand the content they are asked to communicate while addressing increasingly complex social, technological and economic problems. Class topics will include: user interface and experience design, demographics, storyboarding, branding, and concept mapping. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3424 - Interactive Media

    A course exploring how interactive media can be used to convey a message and deliver information. Through critiques, discussion and research, students will learn principles of user interface design, aesthetics and structure including their potential cultural impact. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3434 - 3D Motion Design

    A course devoted to 3D as a medium for creating works of art. Through demonstration, discussion, readings and project based explorations, students will learn to navigate and create in the 3D digital environment. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3438 - Text, Image and Electronic Art

    A workshop-laboratory devoted to examining advanced concepts concerning the role of image and text within time-based and interactive media in design/artistic practices. Through creative investigations, readings and discussion students consider the new and expanding roles of text and image within the electronic sphere. Note: priority is given to Digital Design and Transmedia majors. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3444 - Interactive Media II

    An intense course devoted to using interactivity as a medium for communicating ideas and information. Through creative investigations, readings and discussions, students will create projects that explore active viewer participation using vector/ raster animation, non-linear editing and viewer interaction. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3450 - Digital Painting

    Digital Painting is a studio designed for student exploration of artistic expression using digital tools for traditional painting and illustration techniques. Prereq: FINE-BFA ILS, PND, PNT, or DRW: FINE 2030, 2405. Prereq: FINE 1100, 1400, 2405. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3454 - Motion Design II

    An intense course devoted to using time and motion as a medium for communicating ideas and information. Through creative investigations, readings and discussions students explore linkages between non-linear editing, animation and 3-dimensional animation as used in motion graphics. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3464 - Design Studio II

    In a studio environment students will develop advanced projects using animation, interactivity and motion graphics to create innovative solutions to design problems. Students will learn to apply design theory to practice through discussion, critiques and assigned projects. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3474 - Narrative and Experience

    A workshop-laboratory that focuses on narrative structure and its ability to create, control and manipulate viewer and user-experience. Through creative explorations, students will examine issues of identity, reception and audience and develop approaches to creating user-centered works of art/design. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3500 - Installation Art

    Students learn to modify the way a particular space is experienced through material intervention in everyday public or private spaces. Material use ranges from everyday and natural materials to new media such as video, sound, performance, computers and the Internet. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3505 - Environmental Art

    Students create site-specific work to exist in a certain place or describe a specific location. This involves temporary outdoor landscaping combined with sited sculptural elements and gallery exhibition. The formal, political, historical, public, ecological, geographical and social context of the urban/rural environment will be explored. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3510 - Mold Design & Casting

    Mold design and construction using rubber, alginate and plaster is introduced for casting in metal, resin, synthetics, concrete, plastic, paper and biodegradable materials. Drawing is included. Exploration of life size and small-scale castings. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3515 - Public Art

    Students connect with professional/visiting artists installing public art works on campus for the Auraria Sculpture Park. Public relations, installation techniques, curatorial and administration skills are developed. Students learn to establish, maintain and promote the current sculpture collection on campus. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3520 - Sculpture: Contemporary Artists and Concepts

    Provides the art student (sculpture majors and non-majors) with a focused opportunity to look at contemporary sculpture, installation and performance art, and to examine the philosophical issues, processes, and methods, motivating practicing artists today. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3525 - Modeling for Manufacture

    The course will focus on contemporary professional practices and will cover topics such as project planning, an introduction to computer-aided design, fabrication, and outsourcing for the production of sculptural works. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3530 - Electronic Art

    Video, sound and projection in contemporary sculpture. Introduction to sensors and motors and data visualization. A bridge between the digital laboratory and the sculpture studio in the context of object making, gallery and networked media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3535 - Sculpture Rendering

    Students apply traditional and mixed media drawing skills, photography and digital reproduction to depict the sculptural object in two and three-dimensional space. Students learn to construct small-scale models and develop sculpture proposals. Drawing as sculpture medium is explored. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3550 - Iron Casting

    Students learn traditional and innovative mold making techniques for casting iron. Casting techniques include working with found objects, lost wax, ceramic shell and sand molds. Furnace design and equipment fabrication are researched. Public performance is integral to the class. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3630 - History of Photography

    Students examine the history of photography from its origins to the present. Emphasis is placed on photography as an artistic medium. Topics covered include important movements, photographers, and technical innovations, as well as photographer’s broader role in visual culture. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3631 - Photography: Theory and Criticism

    Students investigate the historical texts of photographic criticism. Readings relate to photography as a fine art form, concentrating on 1970 to the present. Through discussions, readings and critical writing, students examine and appreciate the significance of photographic theory. Spring only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3635 - Photography Now

    Students investigate trends in fine art photography from 1990 through the present. By examining current topics, styles, and techniques students gain insights into contemporary photographic practice and its relationship to the history and future of the medium. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3640 - Topics in Art History I: Art Before Modernism

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art before Modernism. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3644 - Topics in Art History II: Modern and Contemporary

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art since Modernism. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3810 - Digital Animation Studio: Set/Environment Design

    A mid-program capstone studio course focuses on developing a project from preproduction through final product using a standard production pipeline model within a collaborative work environment. Students will design and create high-production value CG set/environment utilizing current 3D technologies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3815 - Storyboarding for Cinema and Game Previsualization

    A lecture/lab course covering the foundations of the cinematic storyboarding process/techniques used for previsualization in the film, entertainment design and game industries. Students will develop skills/ knowledge for creating storyboards study and understand film theory, storytelling, film language and grammar, and filmic composition. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3820 - Digital Animation Technique: Char. Rigging Animation I

    A studio course focused on foundational skills for animating digital 3D objects/characters. Students explore the process/techniques of key frame/pose-to-pose animating considering character performance, thought, constraints and velocity with an emphasis on artistic excellence through applications of current 3D technologies. Restrictions: Restricted to Visual Arts majors with an emphasis in 3D Animation within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3830 - Digital Animation Technique: Char Rigging&Animation II

    A studio course focused on mastery of skills for rigging and animating digital 3D characters. Students explore the processes/techniques of animation rigging and its relationship to animating character performances. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3835 - Procedural Workflows for 3D Animation

    A lecture/lab course covering the procedural workflow methods for developing art for 3D animation, dynamics, VFX and motion graphics. Students will develop skills/ knowledge about the techniques for creating procedural 3D models, simulations, texturing, lighting, and rendering in FX Houdini. Intermediate computer skills required. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3845 - Digital Animation: Short Film Preproduction, Story

    A seminar course focused on the story development/preproduction phases for the DAC senior thesis short. The principle focus of the course will be story development, preproduction activities and organizing the production team and production pipeline for the thesis short. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3846 - Digital Animation: Short Film Preproduction: Look Dev

    A seminar course focused on the development and preproduction phases for the DAC senior thesis short. The principle focus of the course will be look, lighting, effects, and pipeline development and production organization for the DAC thesis short film. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3850 - Digital Animation Techniques: Dynamic Simulation

    A lecture/lab course exploring the theory/techniques of dynamic and particle simulations for 3D content. Students explore how to develop effects (smoke, fire, steam, explosions) and dynamic materials (cloth), with an emphasis on artistic excellence through application of current 3D technologies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 3939 - Internship

    Designed experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 3995 - Travel Study

    Created for students doing travel study in a foreign country. Students register through the Office of International Education. Max hours: 15 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 15
  • FINE 4001 - Illustration III: Conceptual Methods

    Illustration III is a conceptual illustration studio course that focuses students on assigned problems with constraints. Design-thinking methods and research are used to communicate a concept and discover the potentials of illustration media from plastic to digital. Prereq: FINE-BFA ILS: FINE 3001, FINE 3002. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA ILS majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4002 - Illustration IV: Professional Practice

    In preparation for BFA Thesis, students refine their visual voice within a marketplace context. Students learn essential illustration marketing and business practices in order to develop a portfolio for a particular market or gallery setting. Prereq: FINE-BFA-ILS: FINE 4001. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA ILS majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4003 - Illustration V: BFA Thesis

    Illustration V is a capstone studio course and the culmination of the Illustration program leading up to the BFA Thesis exhibition. Students focus on the development of individual style and the refinement of a professional portfolio. Prereq: FINE-BFA ILS: FINE 4002. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA ILS majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4020 - Anatomy for the Artist

    An intensive study of the human figure, focusing on its structure, movement and proportions. Skeletal and muscular systems are explored in depth using the classic texts of artistic anatomy to enhance students’ drawings from observation. Prereq: FINE 2030. Restriction: Restricted to FINE-BFA majors within the College of Arts and Media. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4050 - Design in a Global Workplace

    Through intensive participatory workshops, study tours, and lectures this class examines the advantages of interdisciplinary community-based collaboration. This class also examines the complexities of cross disciple collaborations including multiple professional agendas, political and business establishments and the needs of the community. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 6
  • FINE 4100 - Painting & Drawing Theory & Practice

    This course focuses on a study of critical art theory from 1900 to now and its effects on art practice. Students read, research, discuss writing, and produce artwork while forming connections between published critical theory and their own creative ideas. Note: Students missing the first 2 classes of this course may be administratively dropped. Students will not be allowed to add course if they have missed the first 2 classes. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3

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