Jul 04, 2024  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 See a list of All Courses by Course Type .

  • FINE 4140 - Topics in Photography

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4195 - Advanced Photography I

    Students create an independent body of photographic work that integrates sophisticated concepts with technical mastery. Through critiques, presentations and discussions, students relate subject matter to historical and contemporary context. Students build expertise in the area of professional development in photography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4196 - Advanced Photography II

    Students create an independent body of photographic work that integrates sophisticated concepts with technical mastery. Through critiques, presentations and discussions, students relate subject matter to historical and contemporary context. Students build expertise in the area of professional development in photography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4200 - Advanced Painting and Drawing I

    This is the first level of advanced studies in painting/drawing where students create a body of work that expresses a more complex individual vision. Students learn to develop their artistic practice with self-directed processes in support of focused concepts. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4210 - Advanced Painting/Drawing II

    This is the second level of advanced studies in painting/drawing in which students expand and refine their body of creative work in preparation for the BFA Thesis Exhibition and advance their artistic practice by articulating their sources, processes and concepts. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4340 - Topics in Studio Art

    Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4350 - Topics in Digital Design

    Specialized topics are offered in new design technologies, theories, processes and conceptual thinking. Course subjects are unique and changing semester to semester. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4400 - Design Studio III

    Set up as a collaborative studio, students learn to identify problems in the cultural and urban environment and design solutions that address those problems. Through discovery and research students will learn how design can be a catalyst for change. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4420 - Interactive Media III

    An advanced interactive design workshop where students will use current industry tools to explore a range of topics such as emerging technologies, design interactive prototypes, physical computing, application design, experimental game design. Students will end the semester with a finished mobile or desktop application. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4425 - Motion III

    An intense workshop-laboratory devoted to advanced motion design techniques. Through creative investigation, the study of motion theory and hierarchy, compositing, filming techniques, broadcast parameters, aesthetics, typography and technical issues students will develop the in-depth knowledge necessary to excel as design professionals. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4434 - Virtual Landscapes

    In a studio environment students will explore place in relation to contemporary digital art practice. Through readings, lectures and production of projects assigned, students will create work that addresses the natural, urban and virtual environment. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4446 - Visualization & Infographics

    In our data and information-rich society, visual representations of data can be useful for making sense of available information and fostering understanding. This course engages students in critique existing work and encourages a thoughtful design process toward creation of information graphics and simple data/information visualizations. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4447 - Presenting Science

    Sophisticated graphical components can help a viewing audience understand complex scientific information more clearly. This project-based learning course engages students in creation of thoughtful graphic explanations of science for the purpose of enhancing scientific presentations and audience comprehension. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4448 - BioMedical 3D Animation

    3D Animation can be a powerful tool for telling stories rooted in science and medicine. This course provides opportunity to learn from existing animated works while honing skills in storyboarding, narrative and 3D animation with focus on biology, science, and health education. SMD students explore and research BFA thesis topics. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4450 - Social Engagement by Design

    Through lectures, discussions and conducting onsite research in international settings, students will become familiar with professional practitioners’ Perspectives and experiences in the field of socially engaged design while interrogating current practices, policies, and expectations that inform community engagement and by Design. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 6
  • FINE 4480 - The Practice of Design

    Through lectures, studio visits and research, students will engage the profession and examine the role of the artist as a designer. Projects will focus on resumes, interview techniques, portfolio and business practices to prepare students for entering the design profession. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4495 - Design Studio IV: Thesis

    Through critique, research, and writing students will critically explore a thesis topic and develop professional quality visual solutions. Students will create work that expresses their personal artistic vision in relation to significant contemporary and historical artists and practice. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4500 - Electronic Performance

    Digital and live performance. The investigation of “Live Media”, screen based non-local performance, and social/networked media in conjunction with live viewer engaged performance. Examination of social, political and personal concerns through conceptual idea, time, space, and a relationship between performer and audience. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4505 - Sculptural Rendering

    The refinement of personal ideology and practice with traditional or electronic/digital techniques. Each individual problem solves to determine the conceptual basis of their art making in preparation for BFA Thesis and Advanced Sculpture. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4510 - Advanced Sculpture

    Individual decision-making is stressed in developing a strong body of work. Competent technical skills and conceptual ideology are expanded to achieve complete visual experiences and development of conceptual ideas. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4520 - Performance/Installation in Fine Art

    Individual and collaborative projects, pieces, and events that develop one’s attitudes, trust, and abilities to express through the awareness of space, environment, and the human condition and body. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4522 - Interdisciplinary Art in Ireland

    The interdisciplinary course introduces students to the methods and concepts of contemporary site-specific art as critical theory through lecture and critique and as practice in the rural/urban landscape and studio along Ireland’s County Clare coastline in the Burren region. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 6 to 6
  • FINE 4523 - Topics in Art History I: Art Before Modernism

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art before Modernism. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4524 - Topics in Art History II: Modern and Contemporary Art

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art since Modernism. Prereq: FINE 2610. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4525 - Museum Studies

    A seminar about museums and art galleries as institutions for the preservation and exhibition of cultural materials. Through writing assignments, discussions, site visits, and analysis, students will demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking on the display of art. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4600 - History of Modern Design:Industrial Revolution-Present

    A lecture course involving the history of design from the Industrial Revolution to the present. The course will address the graphic design, typography, architecture, “Decorative arts”, and new media from each period/major design movement in that time frame. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4610 - Pre-Columbian Art

    A lecture course on the art and architecture of Mesoamerica and the Andes before the Spanish conquest. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams, and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Cross-listed with FINE 5610. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4620 - American Art

    A lecture course onthe art of the United States from colonial times to the present. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4625 - Studio Creative Process

    Provides students with an understanding of the artistic creative process which is learned through an examination of pre-studio, studio and post-studio practices. Prereq: Must have at least two art history survey courses. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4630 - History of Latin American Art:1520-1820

    A lecture course studying Latin American art of 1520-1820, including major artists and periods. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, exams, and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the arts. Prereq: FINE 2610. Cross-listed with FINE 5630. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4632 - Media History and Aesthetics

    This survey class will present the current and historic impact of media technology on the arts and professional design practice. Through lectures, research and discussion students will become familiar with issues specific to digital media and design. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4670 - Greek and Roman Art

    A lecture course on art and architecture from ancient Greece and Rome. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4680 - Art of the Middle Ages

    A lecture course on western European art and architecture from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Prereq: FINE 2610. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4700 - Italian Renaissance Art

    A lecture course about developments in Italian Renaissance art and architecture. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4705 - Northern Renaissance Art

    A lecture course about developments in Northern Renaissance art and architecture. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4710 - Baroque and Rococo Art

    A lecture course on Italy, Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4712 - Applied Digital Media

    This lab course provides students with the opportunity to execute practical applications in the use of digital 3D media for commercial and/or non-profit venue. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4730 - Arts of Japan

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in Japanese art. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4750 - Arts of China

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in the arts and architecture of China. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4770 - Art of India and Southeast Asia

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in the arts of India and Southeast Asia. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4790 - Methods in Art History

    A seminar about the various research methodologies in the history of art. Through reading, discussion, research,writing assignments, and presentations, students will demonstrate knowledge of art historiography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4810 - Digital Animation Studio: Animation Production I

    First semester of a yearlong capstone focuses on production of the BFA thesis short. As a team, students assume key management/production roles to organize, produce and complete a high-production value animated short and student “demo reel” with real-world production pipeline. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4820 - Digital Animation: Production II

    The second in the capstone series continues the production of the BFA thesis short. Led by faculty in the roles of Producer, Director, and Technical Director(s), students produce and complete a high-production value animated short film based on provided content. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4825 - Architectural Visualization

    A lecture/lab course covering the 3D visualization of architectural projects. Students will develop skills/ knowledge about the techniques for creating realistic 3D models, texturing, lighting, and presentation. Special emphasis will be placed creating realism in modeling, materials, lighting, and professional renderings. Prereq: FINE 1820. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4840 - Independent Study: FINE

    Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 4950 - Studio BFA Thesis

    Studio: BFA Thesis involves the preparation, exhibition and critical faculty response to students’ Creative work. Course work focuses on contemporary trends in the arts, the commerce of the arts and the professional practices necessary to an artist’ Self-promotion. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4951 - Bachelor of Art Thesis

    A seminar that emphasizes creative and original research through the composition of a substantial paper on a topic in art history. Through discussion, presentations, and individual readings, students will demonstrate skills in research, writing, and critical thinking. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4980 - Gender in Contemporary Art

    This lecture course will address ways in which gender issues have affected the creation and study of visual arts since the early 20th century, with an emphasis on art and culture since World War II. Prereq: FINE2610 required for FINE-BA and FINE-BFA majors only. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4990 - Contemporary Art: 1960 to Present

    A lecture course about developments in art and architecture since 1960. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 4995 - Travel Study

    Created for students doing travel study in a foreign country. Students register through the Office of International Education. Max hours: 15 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 15
  • FINE 5020 - Graduate Anatomy for Artists

    An intensive figure drawing course that focuses on structure, movement and proportions. Skeletal and muscular systems are studied using the classic texts of artistic anatomy. A research paper is also required. Prereq: Graduate Level Standing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5190 - Graduate Photography

    Graduate students create an independent body of photographic work that integrates sophisticated concepts with technical mastery. Through critiques, presentations and discussions, students relate subject matter to historical and contemporary context. Students build expertise in professional development in photography. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5200 - Graduate Painting/Drawing I

    An intensive painting and drawing course for students who have completed their bachelor’s degree in fine arts to further develop their technical and expressive means to implement their ideas. Self-directed studio is paired with studies in theoretical and critical analysis. Note: Students missing the first 2 classes of this course may be administratively dropped. Students will not be allowed to add course if they have missed the first 2 classes. Restriction: Restricted to CU Denver Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5210 - Graduate Painting/Drawing II

    This is the second level of graduate painting and drawing with a tutorial focus. Emphasis is placed on directed research and the development of significant body of original work reflecting student’s expressive and theoretical concerns. Note: Students missing the first 2 classes of this course may be administratively dropped. Students will not be allowed to add course if they have missed the first 2 classes. Restriction: Restricted to CU Denver Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5340 - Topics in Studio Art

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 5350 - Topics in Multimedia

    Specialized topics are offered in new multimedia technologies, theories, processes and conceptual thinking. Course titles are unique and changing semester to semester. Prereq: Multimedia majors must have completed all required FINE 2000 level classes with a 2.75 GPA or have passed a portfolio review. Other majors must have permission of instructor as course prerequisites may vary depending on course subject matter. Priority seating is given to multimedia majors. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5446 - Visualization & Infographics

    In our data and information-rich society, visual representations of data can be useful for making sense of available information and fostering understanding. This course engages students in critique existing work and encourages a thoughtful design process toward creation of information graphics and simple data/information visualizations. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5447 - Presenting Science

    Sophisticated graphical components can help a viewing audience understand complex scientific information more clearly. This project-based learning course engages students in creation of thoughtful graphic explanations of science for the purpose of enhancing scientific presentations and audience comprehension. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5448 - BioMedical 3D Animation

    3D Animation can be a powerful tool for telling stories rooted in science and medicine. This course provides opportunity to learn from existing animated works while honing skills in storyboarding, narrative and 3D animation with focus on biology, science, and health education. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5450 - Social Engagement by Design

    Through lectures, discussions and conducting onsite research in international settings, students will become familiar with professional practitioners’ Perspectives and experiences in the field of socially engaged design while interrogating current practices, policies, and expectations that inform community engagement and by Design. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 6
  • FINE 5500 - Graduate Sculpture I

    A tutorial format which asks students to be self-directed. Conceptual ideology is expanded through research connected to projects. Portfolio documentation and presentation are required. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5510 - Graduate Sculpture II

    A self-directed format where students engage in mentored individualized projects as an extension of FINE 5500, Graduate Sculpture I. Conceptual ideology is expanded through research connected to projects. Portfolio documentation and presentation are required. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5522 - Interdisciplinary Art in Ireland

    The interdisciplinary course introduces students to the methods and concepts of contemporary site-specific art as critical theory through lecture and critique and as practice in the rural/urban landscape and studio along Ireland’s County Clare coastline in the Burren region. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 6 to 6
  • FINE 5523 - Topics in Art History I: Art Before Modernism

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art before Modernism. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 5524 - Topics in Art History II: Modern and Contemporary

    Variable: Art History lecture course pertaining to art since Modernism. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5525 - Museum Studies

    A seminar about museums and art galleries as institutions for the preservation and exhibition of cultural materials. Through writing assignments, discussions, site visits, and analysis, students will demonstrate knowledge and critical thinking on the display of art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5600 - History of Modern Design:Industrial Revolution-Present

    A lecture course involving the history of design from the Industrial Revolution to the present. The course will address the graphic design, typography, architecture, “Decorative arts”, and new media from each period/major design movement in that time frame. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5610 - Pre-Columbian Art

    A lecture course on the art and architecture of Mesoamerica and the Andes before the Spanish conquest. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5620 - American Art

    A lecture course on the art of the United States from colonial times to present. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5625 - Studio Creative Process

    Provides students with an understanding of the artistic creative process which is learned through an examination of pre-studio, studio and post-studio practices. Prereq: Must have at least two art history survey courses. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5630 - History of Latin American Art:1520-1820

    A lecture course studying Latin American art of 1520-1820, including major artists and periods. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, exams, and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the arts. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Cross-listed with FINE 4630. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5632 - History of Digital Media

    Art historical survey and critical discourse of digital and electronic multimedia that covers the influences which have shaped this medium, its major contributors, the technological innovations and cultural impacts on society as an art form and commercial market form. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5644 - Topics in Art History

    Restriction: Restricted to Graduate Students. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 5670 - Greek and Roman Art

    A lecture course on art and architecture from ancient Greece and Rome. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5680 - Art of the Middle Ages

    A lecture course on western European art and architecture from the fourth to the fourteenth centuries. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5700 - Italian Renaissance Art

    A lecture course about developments in Italian Renaissance art and architecture. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5705 - Northern Renaissance Art

    A lecture course about developments in Northern Renaissance art and architecture. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5710 - Baroque and Rococo Art

    A lecture course on Italy, Spain, France, England, and the Netherlands during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5730 - Arts of Japan

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in Japanese art. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5750 - Arts of China

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in the arts and architecture of China. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5770 - Art of India and Southeast Asia

    A lecture course on selected themes and periods in the arts of India and Southeast Asia. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5790 - Methods in Art History

    A seminar about the various research methodologies in the history of art. Through reading, discussion, research, writing assignments, and presentations, students will demonstrate knowledge of art historiography. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5800 - Art Seminar

    Required of Fine Arts majors in the B.F.A. and B.A. studio degree tracks majoring in Painting/Drawing, Photography or Sculpture. Course work covers research into professional practices, business practices, creative practice and career development. Note: Students missing the first 2 classes of this course may be administratively dropped. Students will not be allowed to add course if they have missed the first 2 classes. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5825 - 3D Architectural Visualization

    A lecture/lab course covering the 3D visualization of architectural projects. Students will develop skills/ knowledge about the techniques for creating realistic 3D Architectural vizualization. Special emphasis will be placed creating realism in modeling, materials, lighting, and professional renderings. Intro level 3D/CAD skills req. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5840 - Independent Study: FINE

    Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • FINE 5939 - Internship

    Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • FINE 5980 - Gender in Contemporary Art

    This lecture course will address ways in which gender issues have affected the creation and study of visual arts since the early 20th century, with an emphasis on art and culture since World War II. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5990 - Contemporary Art:1960-Present

    A lecture course about developments in art and architecture since 1960. Through visual analysis, vocabulary acquisition, discussion, exams and writing assignments, students will demonstrate knowledge of historical developments and an ability to analyze the art. Restriction: Restricted to Graduate level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FINE 5995 - Travel Study

    Created for students doing travel study in a foreign country. Students register through the Office of International Education. Max hours: 15 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 15
  • FITV 1000 - Introduction to Visual Culture

    Provides fundamentals in academic theories surrounding visual culture. Topics include representation, spectatorship, mass media and popular culture, new media, and scientific images. Student participation is through discussion, creative projects, reading, and written response. Cross-listed with THTR 1000. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1035 - Filmmaking for Non-Majors

    Students will be introduced to the concepts and practices of filmmaking. Through a series of hands-on exercises students will gain experience production management, cinematography, editing and client/director relationships. Restriction: Restricted to non-College of Arts and Media students and CAM Code Plans: MUSC-BS, RCDA-MS, FINE-BFA, FINE-BA. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1040 - Lighting, Grip, and Sound Introductory Workshop

    The purpose of this course is to acquire basic competence with all film/video production equipment. The course acts as an introductory look at maintaining professionalism, efficiency, and safety in film/video sets for cast and crew. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1050 - Production I Basics of Film and Television

    Learn the fundamentals of video production including idea creation, videography, composing a professional image, cinematic lighting, sound track recording and construction, non-linear software. Individual and collaborative productions for film, video, and TV will be created. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1200 - Aesthetics of Television

    The course will combine viewing of television programs with reading, writing and discussing television as students begin to understand intellectually, and learn to take an analytical view of this remarkable phenomenon. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1550 - Scriptwriting 1 - Fiction

    Critical exploration of dramatic writing for stage and screen. Understand how imagery, character, story, narrative structure, literary conventions, and more, impact compelling writing. Utilize effective writing and critiquing strategies focused on drafting and writing an original film/TV script. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 1600 - Writing Short Film:Non Fiction

    Students study basic writing elements such as idea generation, character building, and scene setting while writing short non-fiction screenplays or teleplays for production. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 2040 - Introduction to Digital Effects

    Learn the fundamentals of digital effects, animation, compression, and color correction as you incorporate graphic elements into your productions. Demonstrate the skills to utilize software applications used to create 2D, 3D animation, and motion graphics, green screen technology. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 2050 - Production II Film and Television Techniques

    Through a series of assigned film and TV projects students will be introduced to various genres of filmmaking, while building upon the skills of preproduction, production, and post-production. Prereq: FITV 1050/TFVP 1050. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 2090 - Production Management for Film and Television

    Students will learn the various aspects of planning, scheduling, budgeting, and managing both television and film productions. Students will develop skills for conceptualizing projects from script to screen. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • FITV 2220 - Acting for Film and Television

    Provides the study, skill development and workshop experience for the actor in various media – including film, television, commercial, and voice-over work. Students do physical exercises, vocal training, develop vocabulary, and scene exercises. Cross-listed with THTR 2220. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3

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