Jul 02, 2024  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


 See a list of All Courses by Course Type .

  • GEOG 4230 - Hazard Mitigation and Vulnerability Assessment

    Examines hazard mitigation and its planning and policy implications, emphasizing how vulnerability assessments play an integral role. Students explore how mitigation minimizes the impacts from hazards and use GIS to conduct a local study. Prereq: GEOG 2202 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 5230. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4235 - GIS Applications in the Health Sciences

    Examines how GIS is used throughout the health care industry and public health. Covers environmental health, disease surveillance, and health services research. Students critically review current literature and gain hands-on experience with GIS software. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080, public health background, or consent of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 5235, HBSC 7235. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4240 - Applied Geomorphology

    Uses hands-on tasks and field trips to investigate processes behind Earth’s changing landforms in a variety of physical landscapes(aeolian, volcanic, coastal, fluvial, karst, glacial and periglacial) as related to rock decay, soils and climatic forcings. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or GEOL 1072 (required) and GEOG 3232 strongly recommended. Cross-listed with GEOL 4240, 5240 and GEOG 5240. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4260 - Energy and Natural Resource Planning

    This course provides an overview of the issues associated with energy and natural resource planning. Topics include: energy policy; alternative energy development; water resources; extraction/mining; natural resource protection and regulation; resource management, policies, politics, and technologies. Cross-listed with URPL 6510. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4265 - Sustainability in Resources Management

    Sustainability and sustainable development are the dominant economic, environmental and social issues of the 21st century. Follows a multi-disciplinary approach to these concepts. Case studies demonstrate their implementation in different geographical, ecological and socio-economic conditions worldwide. Note: This course may count for the International Studies major or minor. See your INTS advisor for more information. Prereq: ENVS 1042 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 5265. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4270 - Glacial Geomorphology

    Provides an in-depth view of the processes and systems found in glacial environments. Topics include: evidence of past glaciation; present-day glacial extent; glacier dynamics; glacial erosional processes and landforms; glacial depositional processes and landforms. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or GEOL 1072. Cross-listed with GEOG/GEOL 4270/5270. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4280 - Environmental Hydrology

    Examination of hydrologic processes in relation to climate, soils, vegetation, land-use practices, and human interactions. Natural scientific perspectives emphasized; field and laboratory included. Prereq: GEOG 1202 AND one of: 1) GEOG 3232; 2) GEOG 4240/GEOL 4240/GEOG 5240; 3) GEOG 4010/GEOL 4010/ENVS 5000. Cross-listed with GEOL 4280 and ENVS 5280. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOG 4335 - Contemporary Environmental Issues

    Provides an overview of environmental challenges facing society today, focusing on how humans impact and change the environment. Opposing views and environmental policy at the local, state, national, and international levels are explored. Cross-listed with GEOG 5335. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4350 - Environment and Society in the American Past

    Overview of the geographical development of North American society from the late 15th century to the mid-20th century. A comparative regional approach emphasizing relationships between natural resource exploitation, cultural landscape formation and environmental change. Cross-listed with GEOG 5350. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4400 - Regional Economic Systems

    This course offers a comprehensive investigation into regional economic systems; metropolitan economies; regional economic development; regional market assessment; job generation; taxes/spending; and fiscal/economic policies and impacts at the metropolitan, regional, and statewide scale. Cross-listed with URPL 6605. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4420 - The Politics of Nature

    Examines how economic systems, scientific discovery, institutional policies, and environmental knowledge converge to shape the environment and mediate the way societies understand, manage and respond to environmental changes in both the United States and the developing world. Cross-listed with GEOG 5420. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4440 - Science, Policy and the Environment

    Examines the social, economic and political forces shaping scientific discovery and the development and enforcement of environmental policy. Students will examine perspectives on issues such as risk, expertise, uncertainty and objectivity that influence the problem-defining, standard-setting and policy-making process. Cross-listed with GEOG 5440. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4450 - Urban Food and Agriculture: Perspectives and Research

    Provides an overview of research & practices in urban farming. Critically reviews emergent models of local food production/distribution. Compares new practices to traditional agribusiness. Assesses the prospects for solving sustainability problems within the modern agro-food system. Cross-list ENVS 5450. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4460 - Sustainable Urban Agriculture Field Study I

    Provides a field-based overview of urban farm planning & management. Topics: range/land conservation, native/invasive species, water distribution, animal husbandry, government interaction, local markets, community relations, conservation easements and issues pertaining to urban farming. Prerequisite GEOG 4450. Cross-list ENVS 5460. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4470 - Sustainable Urban Agriculture Field Study II

    Provides a field-based overview of current practices in local agricultural production. Emphasis will be placed on sustainable practices and their most efficient situation, Special consideration will be given to plausible solutions for food insecure communities both local and global. Prerequisite GEOG 4450, 4460. Cross-list ENVS 5470. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4630 - Transportation and Land Use

    Examines basic concepts/methods in contemp. land use & transportation planning, incl. travel demand forecasting, traffic impact analysis, travel behavior, active transportation; & examples of transportation/land use interaction such as influence of built environments on travel & transit-oriented development. Cross-listed with URPL 6555. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4640 - Urban Geography: Denver and the U.S.

    Uses a combined lecture/seminar format to explore research themes in urban geography. Topics covered include both historical and contemporary processes of urban development and transformation. Particular emphasis is placed on the U.S. and Colorado’s Front Range. Cross-listed with GEOG 5640. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4670 - Transportation Planning and Policy

    This course examines policy issues in urban transportation planning: how transportation system design and political/institutional contexts shape transportation decision-making; major modes of urban transportation; and the social, environmental, economic, energy, and health impacts of transportation systems. Cross-listed with URPL 6550. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4680 - Urban Sustainability: Perspectives and Practice

    Examines various perspectives on sustainability, including ambiguities and opportunities of sustainability as a conceptual framework. Class also examines what sustainability looks like in practice, using numerous topics such as poverty and urban farming to water and climate change. Cross-listed with GEOG 5680. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4700 - Synthesis for Interdisciplinary Science

    Synthesis is an approach in interdisciplinary research and education that links ideas, data and methods. This course develops synthesis skills through the lens of systems theory. It includes exercises for synthetic thinking, examination of integrative tools, and a service-learning project. Cross-listed with ENVS 5700. Breadth and depth training in environmental sciences. Interest in interdisciplinary collaboration. Senior standing required. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4710 - Disasters, Climate Change, and Health

    Provides a review of the impacts of disasters and climate change on human health, using a broad framework of preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, and adaptation. Prereq: GEOG 2202 or GEOG 3501. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4720 - Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Solutions

    Examines science behind past, present & future climate change & environmental, social & political implications & solutions. Explores recent scientific research, syntheses & mainstream literature advancing knowledge about causes & consequences of natural & anthropogenic climate change. Prereq: GEOG 3232. Cross-listed with GEOG 5720/ ENVS 4720/ ENVS 5720. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4731 - Mountain Biogeography

    This course utilizes the close proximity of the Rocky Mountains to examine altitudinal influences on species distributions. Topics include species patterns and distributions, disturbance, climate impacts, forest management and sustainability. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or ENVS 1042 or graduate standing or permission from the instructor is required in order to register for this course. Cross-listed with ENVS 5731. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4770 - Applied Statistics for the Natural Sciences

    Surveys statistical techniques including: quick review of basic statistics, tests for normality and outliers, display of data; simple and multiple regression; ANOVA and its relation to regression. Emphasis on computer or stat-pak analysis and interpretation of statistical results. Prereq: College algebra and GEOG 2080, or consent of instructor. Cross-listed with ENVS 5600, GEOL 4770, 5770. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4840 - Independent Study: GEOG

    Independent research primarily for undergraduate majors. Prereq: Permission of department. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOG 4850 - Understanding And Communicating Field Methods

    Interdisciplinary course that presents a balanced overview of common field methods and how to communicate them effectively to a general audience. Includes hands-on experience with various field methods (e.g., transects, survey design, historical assessment, GIS, etc.) and communication strategies. Prereq: Introductory geography or environmental science course, and graduate or advanced upper-level standing, or instructor permission. Cross-listed with GEOG 5850 and ENVS 4850/5850. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4880 - Directed Research

    Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 4900 - Colloquium

    Engages students and faculty in discussion of current and pertinent world topics, including specific readings, (guest) presentations, and creation of working research papers, among other items. Students and faculty may work in research groups to accomplish specific goals. Prereq: Advanced Standing (undergrad). Cross-listed with ENVS 4900, ENVS 5900, GEOG 5900. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 1
  • GEOG 4940 - Senior Seminar

    Introduces students to the professional literature in the field. Various professionals and faculty lecture about geography/planning research and careers. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4950 - Honors Thesis

    A capstone course designed to promote critical thinking, research methodology, and writing/oral presentation skills. Students design and develop a research project under the supervision of a faculty advisor. Each student gives an oral presentation or defense of his or her thesis at the end of the semester in which they enroll. Prereq: GEOG 4940 and junior or senior standing. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4990 - Special Topics

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 4992 - Advanced Regional Field Study

    Directed, hands-on study of concepts involved in understanding geographic regions. Utilizes field observations, field techniques/methods, & data observation, collection, analysis, & interpretation related to the specific region being studied. May include physical as well as cultural phenomena. Note: Instructor permission required. Cross-listed with GEOG 5992, ENVS 4992, ENVS 5992. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 4995 - Travel Study

    Rigorous yet flexible fieldwork-based experience exploring geographical and environmental phenomena in diverse world locations. Course begins with intensive regional and methodological introductions, followed by on-location field investigations in environmental analyses, cultural studies, GIS applications, tourism evaluation and/or hazards assessment. Prereq: GEOG 1202 and GEOG 1302, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENVS 4995, ENVS 5995, and GEOG 5995. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 9
  • GEOG 4998 - Geography By Rail

    Systematic and geographic exploration of region(s) mainly via train, focused on creating broad understanding of peoples, cultures, and landscapes. This course represents an intensive, field-based experience that may encompass both physical and cultural characteristics of place and space. Prereq: GEOG 1202 and 1302, or equivalent as determined by instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 5998 and ENVS 4998/5998. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 12
  • GEOG 5060 - Remote Sensing I: Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing

    An in-depth treatment of the use of aerial photographs and other forms of imagery for the analysis of urban-industrial patterns, vegetation, agriculture, landforms, and geologic structure. Cross-listed with GEOG 4060, GEOL 4060, GEOL 5060. Completion of GEOG 2080 with a C or better is recommended for optimal student success. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5070 - Remote Sensing II: Advanced Remote Sensing

    Focuses on digital image processing of satellite and aerial images. Students explore the nature of digital image data, gain an understanding of image analysis using PCs, and learn about the use of analysis products in the development of GIS databases. Prereq: GEOG 5060/4060 or GEOL 5060/4060 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4070, GEOL 5070, 4070. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5080 - Introduction to GIS

    Introduces Geographic Information Systems (GIS), including justification, hardware/software, database design, and data conversion. GIS is a computer-based mapping system providing a graphical interface to locational and relational attribute data. Includes hands-on use of a GIS workstation. Cross-listed with GEOG 4080. Completion of GEOG 2080 with a C or better is recommended for optimal student success. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5081 - Cartography and Computer Mapping

    Provides an introduction to the art and science of cartography (map making). Students will learn about design principles, tools and techniques of map production, culminating in the creation of a high-quality map through hands-on exercises. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080. Cross-listed with GEOG 4081. Note: Completion of GEOG 2080 with a C or better is recommended for optimal student success. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5085 - GIS Applications for the Urban Environment

    Takes a more detailed look at basic concepts presented in the introductory GIS course, concentrating on how GIS is used to solve real-world geographic problems. Various GIS applications within both the natural and social sciences are highlighted. The selection of specific topics is flexible, based on the interests of enrolled students. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4085. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5090 - Environmental Modeling with Geographic Information Systems

    Expands the basic knowledge of GIS to spatial models. Establishes a comprehensive framework that can be used to address a wide range of applications in natural and built environments. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4090. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5091 - Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications

    Students will master the individual use and integration of a stack of the most powerful Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial Applications (FOSS4G) to analyze spatial problems and create Spatial Data Infrastructures in different technological, socio-economic and organizational settings. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or 5080 or equivalent course or permission of the instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4091. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5095 - Deploying GIS Functionality on the Web

    Covers the core principles and technologies that allow the deployment of geographic information system (GIS) functionality over the World Wide Web. Hands-on exercises make use of the latest commercial software as well as open source technologies. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080, computer science background, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4095. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5150 - Place, Landscape, and Meaning

    Investigates concepts that constitute place and landscape–how they are not just simply “there.” Incorporates different schools of thought to help understand why landscapes are objects inseparable from us and open to multiple interpretations and meanings. Prereq: Introductory human geography or graduate standing. Cross-listed with GEOG 4150. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5220 - Environmental Impact Assessment

    The objective of this course is to provide the foundation for understanding the environmental impact assessment process, its legal context, and the criteria and methods for procedural and substantive compliance. Cross-listed with GEOG 4220, URPL 6549. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5230 - Hazard Mitigation and Vulnerability Assessment

    Examines hazard mitigation and its planning and policy implications, emphasizing how vulnerability assessments play an integral role. Students explore how mitigation minimizes the impacts from hazards and use GIS to conduct a local study. Prereq: GEOG 2202 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4230. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5235 - GIS Applications in the Health Sciences

    Examines how GIS is used throughout the health care industry and public health. Covers environmental health, disease surveillance, and health services research. Students critically review current literature and gain hands-on experience with GIS software. Prereq: GEOG 4080 or GEOG 5080, public health background, or consent of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4235, HBSC 7235. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5240 - Applied Geomorphology

    Uses hands-on tasks and field trips to investigate processes behind Earth’s changing landforms in a variety of physical landscapes(aeolian, volcanic, coastal, fluvial, karst, glacial and periglacial) as related to rock decay, soils and climatic forcings. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or GEOL 1072 and GEOG 3232. Cross-listed with GEOL 4240, 5240 and GEOG 4240. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5265 - Sustainability in Resources Management

    Sustainability and sustainable development are the dominant economic, environmental and social issues of the 21st century. Follows a multi-disciplinary approach to these concepts. Case studies demonstrate their implementation in different geographical, ecological and socio-economic conditions worldwide. Prereq: ENVS 1042 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4265. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5270 - Glacial Geomorphology

    Provides an in-depth view of the processes and systems found in glacial environments. Topics include: evidence of past glaciation; present-day glacial extent; glacier dynamics; glacial erosional processes and landforms; glacial depositional processes and landforms. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or GEOL 1072. Cross-listed with GEOG/GEOL 4270/5270. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5335 - Contemporary Environmental Issues

    Provides an overview of environmental challenges facing society today, focusing on how humans impact and change the environment. Opposing views and environmental policy at the local, state, national, and international levels are explored. Cross-listed with GEOG 4335. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5350 - Environment and Society in the American Past

    Overview of the geographical development of North American society from the late 15th century to the mid-20th century. A comparative regional approach emphasizing relationships between natural resource exploitation, cultural landscape formation and environmental change. Cross-listed with GEOG 4350. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5420 - The Politics of Nature

    “Examines how economic systems, scientific discovery, institutional policies, and environmental knowledge converge to shape the environment and mediate the way societies understand, manage and respond to environmental changes in both the United States and the developing world. Cross-listed with GEOG 4420. Max hours: 3 Credits.” Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5440 - Science, Policy and the Environment

    Examines the social, economic and political forces shaping scientific discovery and the development and enforcement of environmental policy. Students will examine perspectives on issues such as risk, expertise, uncertainty and objectivity that influence the problem-defining, standard-setting and policy-making process. Cross-listed with GEOG 4440. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5640 - Urban Geography: Denver and the U.S.

    Uses a combined lecture/seminar format to explore research themes in urban geography. Topics covered include both historical and contemporary processes of urban development and transformation. Particular emphasis is placed on the U.S. and Colorado’s Front Range. Cross-listed with GEOG 4640. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5680 - Urban Sustainability: Perspectives and Practice

    Examines various perspectives on sustainability, including ambiguities and opportunities of sustainability as a conceptual framework. Class also examines what sustainability looks like in practice, using numerous topics such as poverty and urban farming to water and climate change. Cross-listed with GEOG 4680. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5710 - Disasters, Climate Change, and Health

    Provides a review of the impacts of disasters and climate change on human health, using a broad framework of preparedness, mitigation, response, recovery, and adaptation. Prereq: GEOG 2202 or GEOG 3501. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5720 - Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Solutions

    Examines science behind past, present & future climate change & environmental, social & political implications & solutions. Explores recent scientific research, syntheses & mainstream literature advancing knowledge about causes & consequences of natural & anthropogenic climate change. Cross-listed with GEOG 4720/ ENVS 4720/ ENVS 5720. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5840 - Independent Study

    Section 1, economic; 2, physical; 3, urban; 4, social; 5, quantitative; 6, transportation. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOG 5850 - Understanding And Communicating Field Methods

    Interdisciplinary course that presents a balanced overview of common field methods and how to communicate them effectively to a general audience. Includes hands-on experience with various field methods (e.g., transects, survey design, historical assessment, GIS, etc.) and communication strategies. Prereq: Introductory geography or environmental science course, and graduate or advanced upper-level standing, or instructor permission. Cross-listed with GEOG 4850 and ENVS 4850/5850. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 5880 - Directed Research

    Students will engage in original research projects supervised and mentored by faculty. Students must work with faculty prior to registration to develop a proposal for their project and receive permission to take this course. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 5900 - Colloquium

    Engages students and faculty in discussion of current and pertinent world topics, including specific readings, (guest) presentations, and creation of working research papers, among other items. Students and faculty may work in research groups to accomplish specific goals. Prereq: graduate student status. Cross-listed with ENVS 4900, ENVS 5900, GEOG 4900. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 1
  • GEOG 5939 - Internship

    Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 5990 - Special Topics In Geography

    Course content varies from semester to semester, depending on faculty member teaching the course. Prereq: Graduate standing. Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 5992 - Advanced Regional Field Study

    Directed, hands-on study of concepts involved in understanding geographic regions. Utilizes field observations, field techniques/methods, & data observation, collection, analysis, & interpretation related to the specific region being studied. May include physical as well as cultural phenomena. Note: Instructor permission required. Cross-listed with GEOG 4992, ENVS 4992, ENVS 5992. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 6
  • GEOG 5995 - Travel Study

    Rigorous yet flexible fieldwork-based experience exploring geographical and environmental phenomena in diverse world locations. Course begins with intensive regional and methodological introductions, followed by on-location field investigations in environmental analyses, cultural studies, GIS applications, tourism evaluation and/or hazards assessment. Prereq: GEOG 1202 and GEOG 1302, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENVS 4995, ENVS 5995, and GEOG 4995. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 9
  • GEOG 5998 - Geography By Rail

    Systematic and geographic exploration of region(s) mainly via train, focused on creating broad understanding of peoples, cultures, and landscapes. This course represents an intensive, field-based experience that may encompass both physical and cultural characteristics of place and space. Prereq: GEOG 1202 and 1302, or equivalent as determined by instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4998 and ENVS 4998/5998. Max hours: 12 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 12
  • GEOG 6300 - Foundations Seminar in Human-Environmental Interaction

    This seminar allows students to gain a deeper appreciation for historical and contemporary geographical approaches to understanding the relationship between society and the environment through a survey review of seminal concepts, theories and debates that have shaped the discipline. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 6700 - Integrated Methods

    Geographers employ a variety of quantitative and qualitative methods in their research. The course presents these methods as a continuum, rather than separate typologies, and reviews the difference between integrated and mixed methods. Students will evaluate how and when to apply various methods to most appropriately elicit data. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 6750 - Research Design

    Reviews research framework common to all geographers. Reviews the key steps in designing and executing high-caliber independent research, including topic selection, literature review and data collection analysis. Students will develop competence in applying relevant theories from the natural and social sciences through projects. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 6800 - Community-Based Research Practicum

    For students to apply the concepts and skills presented throughout the masters program in a community setting. Students will participate in a real-world, studio-based project that meets the needs of a government, non-governmental, or private sector organization and will produce a scoped product. Prereq: Must be graduate level and have completed ENVS 6002, ENVS 6004 and ENVS 6100. Cross-list ENVS 6800. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOG 6840 - Independent Study: GEOG

    Independent research for graduate major students. Prereq: Permission of department. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOG 6950 - Master’s Thesis

    Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 6 to 6
  • GEOG 8990 - Doctor’s Thesis

    Max hours: 8 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 8
  • GEOL 1022 - History of Life

    Non-technical study of fossils through time and their relationships to environments through earth history. Includes discussion of evolution and extinction events and current controversies. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 1072 - Physical Geology: Surface Processes

    Introductory course in physical geology that covers surface processes and landforms, and includes one all-day field trip. Note: Required for geology majors. Max hours: 4 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SC1. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 1082 - Physical Geology: Internal Processes

    Introductory course in physical geology that covers internal processes and properties of the earth’s interior, with plate tectonics as the underlying theme. Includes one all-day field trip. Note: Required for geology majors. Max hours: 4 Credits. GT: Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer, GT-SC1. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 1111 - Freshman Seminar

    Restriction: Restricted to Freshman level students. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 1115 - Earth Sciences Content

    Covers content areas of undergraduate earth sciences. Topics include physical geology; historical geology; oceanography; meteorology; and astronomy. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 1202 - Introduction to Oceanography

    Surveys modern scientific knowledge of the world’s oceans. Intended for non-science students, the course offers a non-quantitative introduction to the major facts and principles of physical, chemical, biological, and geological oceanography. The impact of natural and anthropic events on the marine environment are included. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 1302 - Introduction to Astrogeology

    Surveys the geology of the planets and their environments in space, including the origin and destiny of the universe. Intended for non-majors, the course provides an introduction to the geological origin, evolution, structure, and geomorphology of the planets. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 1400 - Geology of the National Parks

    Combines lecture and laboratory exercises to help students interpret Earth history using the national parks as examples. Students learn to identify the common rocks and minerals, and how to interpret topographic and geologic maps. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 1402 - Introduction to the Ice Ages

    Surveys the natural history of earth’s ice ages, the processes that led to paleoclimatic change, environmental changes, and the effects on the geological earth. Included are topics in ocean-atmosphere influences, glaciers, glacial geology, influences on world flora and fauna, extinction of pleistocene mammal populations and the emergence of hominids. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 1840 - Independent Study: GEOL

    Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 2939 - Internship

    Experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Prereq: 15 hours of 2.75 GPA. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 3011 - Mineralogy

    Principles of mineralogy, including crystallography, crystal chemistry, and a systematic study of the more important nonsilicate and silicate minerals. Origins and occurrences of minerals. Prereq: Physical geology and college-level chemistry. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 3032 - Geology of Colorado

    Introductory course focused on the geology of Colorado. The course is divided into two parts: the first half covers general principles of geology, and the second is devoted to the observation of rock types, structures, and geologic relationships in the field. Discussion of plate tectonics, rock formation, construction and interpretation of geologic maps, the geologic time scale, geologic provinces of Colorado, evolution of major landforms, formation and development of mineral resources of Colorado, and current topics in environmental geology. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 3100 - Current Perspectives on the Evolution of Consciousness and Culture

    Studies of evolution traditionally regard morphology (anatomy)/behavior and mind/consciousness as separate fields that belong either in biology/paleontology or in psychology/philosophy. The “middle ground” behavior, anthropology, social systems, is also treated separately in most cases. Recent approaches tend toward a more holistic view using unifying principles and “laws of nature” that show similar processes (dissipative effects, information theory, development theory) operating across all fields. Examines the relationships and common threads between the physical anatomical evolution of organisms and their behavior perception and consciousness. Prereq: Introductory course in evolution (biology/paleontology), psychology, philosophy, anthropology or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with PHIL 3100 and RLST 4280. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 3102 - Dinosaurs Past and Present

    A broad-based, non-technical new look at the world’s most popular prehistoric animals. Stresses the rapid and perennial growth of knowledge about dinosaurs and the relevance of such knowledge in the 20th century. Prereq: Introductory geology and/or biology are recommended. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 3231 - Introductory Petrology

    Introduces classification, distribution, and origin of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks, including their identification in hand-held specimens. Prereq: Physical geology and mineralogy. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 3411 - Introductory Paleontology

    Studies invertebrate fossils, including a survey of the organic world and its history in the geological past. Includes an introduction to evolution and paleoecology, and discussion of the uses of fossils in geologic correlations. Prereq: Introductory geology-surface processes, or an introductory biology class. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 3415 - Museum Studies in Paleontology

    A practical laboratory-based course covering aspects of museum studies related to paleontological collections. Students learn how to stabilize and prepare bones removed from fossil quarries; learn molding and casting techniques for bones and fossils; assist with the cataloging and curation of the collection; and participate in designing museum displays. Prereq: At least one science class. Cross-listed with ELED 5480, SECE 5480. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 3418 - Field Paleontology

    Introduces methods of paleontological field techniques, including care and maintenance of a late Jurassic dinosaur quarry, field conservation techniques, quarry map-making and surveying, paleontological sampling, and fossil extraction. Students also contribute to research and fossil collections at CU-Denver. Prereq: At least one science class. Max hours: 1 Credit. Semester Hours: 1 to 1
  • GEOL 3421 - Sedimentation and Stratigraphy

    Introduces the principles of sedimentology and stratigraphy. Emphasis is on dynamic processes within sedimentary environments and the resulting stratigraphic record. Prereq: GEOL 1082 or equivalent. Max hours: 4 Credits. Semester Hours: 4 to 4
  • GEOL 3840 - Independent Study: GEOL

    Max hours: 6 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 3939 - Internship

    Designed experiences involving application of specific, relevant concepts and skills in supervised employment situations. Prereq: Junior standing and 2.75 GPA. Max hours: 9 Credits. Semester Hours: 1 to 3
  • GEOL 4010 - Landscape Geochemistry

    A holistic approach to studying the role chemical elements play in synthesis/decomposition cycles, and the resultant environment from interaction of the lithosphere with the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, and pedosphere during geological, and ecological timeframes, together with anthropogenic activities. Prereq: GEOG 1202 or GEOL 1072 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOG 4010/ENVS 5010. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 4020 - Earth Environments and Human Impacts

    Basic concepts describing earth’s biomes and physical environment are presented in a systems context. Global warming assessment, from both political and scientific perspectives, is then presented. Model visualization of these concepts to consider human impacts on Earth’s biomes is discussed. Earth system viewpoint, having links of Earth’s biomes to oceans and atmosphere, completes the course discussion. Cross-listed with ENVS 5020, GEOG 4020. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 4030 - Environmental Geology

    Applies geological information to interactions between people and the physical environment. Increasing awareness of its importance in our society means that this is an expanding field as companies are required to address the environmental consequences of their actions. Prereq: Entry into MSES program, senior standing in sciences or geography, or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENVS 5030 and GEOL 5030. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 4060 - Remote Sensing I: Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing

    An in-depth treatment of the use of aerial photographs and other forms of imagery for the analysis of urban-industrial patterns, vegetation, agriculture, landforms, and geologic structure. Prereq: GEOG 3080 or consent of instructor. Cross-listed with GEOL 5060, GEOG 4060, 5060. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3
  • GEOL 4111 - Field Methods In Geology

    Introduction to the basic methods of geologic mapping (metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks), including use of the Brunton compass and Jacob Staff, as well as preparation of measured stratigraphic sections, geologic maps, and geologic cross-sections. Prereq: GEOL 1072 or GEOG 1202, GEOL 3421 strongly recommended. Cross-listed with GEOL 5111. Max hours: 3 Credits. Semester Hours: 3 to 3

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