Jan 15, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies and Procedures

Click on any of the following for more information:

Academic Standing 
Course Information 
Declaring/Changing Your Major 


Student Rights 
Transfer Credit 



How to Change Your Major/Minor


College of Arts & Media

Declaring a Major or Minor

All undergraduate degrees offered through the College of Arts & Media comprise 120 semester hours. Students must choose a major to graduate. Minors are optional.

All CAM majors require students to select a degree plan (BA, BS or BFA) and an emphasis. Links to information about specific majors, emphases and minors, including any required reviews/assessments for admission, may be found on the Programs page in this catalog. If an emphasis or minor does not require review/assessment for admission, a student in good academic standing may select it by submitting a major or minor declaration form in Arts 177.

Students may choose to pursue a double degree, double major, double emphasis or minor. Each of these options may require more than 120 semester hours to graduate. Please consult a CAM advisor at CAMadvising@ucdenver.edu for additional information.

Changing a Major or Minor

Undergraduate students who wish to transfer from one emphasis or minor to another within CAM must currently be in good academic standing, pass appropriate reviews/assessments as outlined in the program pages of the catalog and notify the CAM Advising Office in Arts 177 by submitting a change of major or a change of minor form.

Business School

Business majors must complete the prescribed courses in an area of emphasis comprising a minimum of 15 semester hours taken at CU Denver. Business students are advised to select an area of emphasis prior to completing the business core, and are required to declare a major area of emphasis by the time they have accumulated 60 to 75 semester hours. The courses in the area of emphasis are completed in the junior and senior years after completing the business core. A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for courses in the area of emphasis. 

The areas of emphasis include accounting, financial management, human resources management, information systems, international business, management or marketing. The specific requirements for these areas of emphasis are described in subsequent sections.

College of Engineering and Applied Science

Students enrolled in the College of Engineering and Applied Science who wish to change to another department within the college must apply for transfer by submitting a CEAS change of major form for undergraduate degree students, which can be found on the college website (http://enigneering.ucdenver.edu) under Student Services > Policies and Forms. This form requires the approval of both departments, and should be submitted to the Office of the Dean in North Classroom 3024.

Pre-engineering students who are ready for admission to the college, or students enrolled in another school/college who wish to transfer into the College of Engineering and Applied Science, must complete the Intra-University Transfer (IUT) form. This form is submitted to the Engineering Student Services Center in North Classroom 2605.

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

It is important that students declare a major as early as possible in order to receive proper advising toward departmental requirements. Students in the college must declare a major by the start of their junior year (greater than 60 hours). Transfer students to the college with junior or senior standing should declare a major in their first semester at CU Denver. Students are allowed to change their major at any time.

Intra-University Transfer (IUT)

Students on the Denver Campus may change colleges or schools within the university provided they are accepted by the college or school to which they wish to transfer. Intra-university transfer forms may be obtained from the student’s school or college or from the Office of the Registrar.  Decisions on intra-university transfers are made by the college or school to which the student wishes to transfer.

Students in continuing and professional studies programs wishing to enroll in regular courses or degree programs on the Denver Campus should apply for admission to CU Denver.  Visit www.ucdenver.edu/admissions or contact the Office of Admissions at 303-315-2601 or admissions@ucdenver.edu for assistance with application processes and options.


College of Architecture and Planning

Students who want to transfer to the BS Architecture program from another college or school of the University of Colorado Denver must formally apply to the College. To apply for an intra-university transfer, students must submit an intra-university transfer (IUT) form to the undergraduate advisor. Transfer forms are available at the Office of Registrar or the College Undergraduate Advising Office; transcript request forms are available at the Office of the Registrar. Transfer deadlines are August 1 for fall semester, December 1 for spring semester and May 1 for the summer session. Students must have earned a minimum of 12 University of Colorado Denver semester hours and have a 2.3 cumulative University of Colorado GPA to be eligible for an IUT to the BS Architecture program.

College of Arts & Media

Students who want to transfer to the College of Arts & Media (CAM) from another college or school within the university must formally apply to CAM and pass appropriate reviews/assessments as outlined in the program pages of this catalog. To be considered for admission, students must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative University of Colorado GPA.

Business School

Students who want to transfer to the Business School from another college or school of the University of Colorado Denver must formally apply to the Business School. To apply for an intra-university transfer, students must submit an intra-university transfer (IUT) form and transcripts from University of Colorado to the business program coordinator. Transfer forms are available at the Office of Admissions or the Business School Advising Office; transcript request forms are available at the Office of the Registrar. The transcript must include the student’s most recent semester at the university. Students with previous course work from other institutions are also required to submit a copy of their transfer credit evaluations (advanced standings). Transfer deadlines are August 1 for fall semester, December 1 for spring semester and May 1 for the summer session. In general, the admission standards for intra-university transfer are the same as for transfer from other institutions as listed above.

College of Engineering and Applied Science

Pre-engineering students and CU Denver students interested in an undergraduate engineering program but not enrolled in the college must request an intra-university transfer (IUT). Those approved for an IUT will be entered into the undergraduate program of interest. Admission to the bioengineering pre-major does not guarantee admission to the major. To enter an engineering program through the intra-university transfer (IUT) process, students must have earned:

  • a 2.75 (or higher) cumulative CU Denver GPA
  • a 2.5 (or higher) GPA in Calculus I, Calculus II, and Calculus-based Physics I and the corresponding lab and no lower than a C- in any one of these courses.
  • a C- or higher in all other engineering requirements taken prior to or at the time of the request.
  • IUT guidelines are subject to change. Students are encouraged to meet with an Engineering Student Services advisor to discuss the IUT process prior to submitting a request.