Feb 13, 2025
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Course Information
Catalog Course Definitions
Core - Course is approved for specific core curriculum (i.e. arts and sciences curriculum; quantitative reasoning and mathematical skills)
Cross-Listed – Class that is offered along with another class that has the same topic, title, and course content. Max Hours displayed for each cross-listed class is the total number of hours allowed for all courses completed within a particular cross-listed group. See below for more information on Max Hours.
Gt - Course is approved by the Colorado Dept of Higher Education for statewide guaranteed transfer as part of the gtPathways program.
Max Hours (in Course Description) - Total number of applicable credit hours that count toward a student’s degree for a particular course or cross-listed group.
- Prerequisite - Specific course completed or “in progress” (i.e. ENGL 1020 or ENGL 1020 with C- or higher)
- Corequisite – Specific course taken at the same time (i.e. BIOL 2071 taken same time as BIOL 2051)
- Restriction – Restricted to a specific population (i.e. Restricted to MUSC majors or junior standing, etc.)
Course Number Definitions:
- 1000 - 4999 Undergraduate Level
- 5000 - 9999 Graduate Level