Feb 13, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Information for Graduate Students

Graduate School

Please click the following links to go directly to that section

Graduate School Contacts

Admissions Requirements

Application Procedures

New Student Orientation 

Assistantships and Fellowships

Requirements for Graduate Degrees

Certificate Program

Master’s Degree

Doctoral Degree 

Welcome to the Graduate School at CU Denver. Almost half of our students on the Denver Campus are enrolled in graduate programs. We have a higher ratio of graduate to undergraduate students than most other universities in the country. This special emphasis on graduate education provides a strong culture of graduate studies on the campus and has engendered a number of innovative programs and teaching methods. Graduate programs on the Denver Campus also benefit from CU Denver’s immediate proximity to the city, which provides rich opportunities for internships and employment, collaborations between the university and the city and a wealth of real world problems that can test and elaborate ideas gained in the classroom.

The mission of the Graduate School is three-fold in support of the University, our students, the faculty, and our training programs.

  1. EDUCATION: to enhance and advance outstanding educational experiences for all members of the university and the adjacent community through excellence in graduate education;
  2. INNOVATION: to encourage and support excellence and innovation in research, creative and scholarly work;
  3. LEADERSHIP: to recruit and train the next generation of highly educated leaders from diverse backgrounds to serve and lead in our communities, nation and the world

Not all post-baccalaureate programs at CU Denver|Anschutz fall under the auspices of the Graduate School. Programs that offer “professional” degrees that are independently accredited are overseen by their respective School or College.

For those Graduate Programs or Certificates that fall under the auspices of the Graduate School, the relevant administrative responsibilities are distributed between the central Graduate School office and the home School or College. Those programs having a diamond designation (“Graduate School Rules apply to this program”) are programs within the Graduate School and follow the rules outlined in the Graduate School Rules and this section. Individual graduate programs are detailed in the school/college sections of this catalog.  

Graduate School Contacts  

Dean: David Engelke
Associate Dean:Inge Wefes
Assistant Dean: Jessica Halliday
Assistant Dean: Shawna McMahon
Director of Graduate Admissions and Technology: Krystal Fox
CEAS Application Specialist: Megan Rogers
CLAS Application Specialist: Kelly Santa Maria 

Office: 1380 Lawrence Street, Suite 1251
Telephone: 303-315-2183
Fax: 303-315-5829
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 173364, Campus Box 163, Denver, CO 80217

Website: www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/Graduate-School/Pages/default.aspx

Admissions Requirements

Note that the following are minimum requirements. College and school regulations, if more stringent, take precedence over the minimum guidelines as set forth by the Graduate School.

Regular Degree Students

Students are admitted by the Graduate School as regular degree students provided they meet the following criteria:

  • Hold a baccalaureate or master’s degree from an accredited college or university or demonstrate completion of work equivalent to the baccalaureate or master’s degree given at CU Denver. Applicants whose credentials include studies or coursework at a College or University outside the USA (not taken as part of a semester abroad program) must include original transcripts and documentation in English (or certified English translation) of the transcript as evaluated by the CU Denver Office of International Affairs.
  • have an undergraduate grade point average of 3.00 or better (“A” is equal to 4.0) or a 3.00 or better GPA in twelve (12) credit hours or more of a partially completed graduate level Master’s degree program. Applications from individuals who attended a College or University that does not issue grades or a GPA will be evaluated by the Graduate School on a case-by-case basis.
  • Have adequate preparation to enter graduate study in the chosen program as demonstrated by their performance in the GRE or an appropriate substitute (i.e., MCAT, an earned MS/MA or PhD from a school in the United States, or completion of at least 12 credit hours of transferable graduate-level course work from an accredited US college or university). Although the Graduate School recommends that applicants take the GRE or other standardized test, it is not a requirement for admission as a regular degree student if one of the other two indicators of preparedness is present. Some graduate programs, however, may require that all applicants take the GRE or an equivalent.
  • Meet any additional requirements (such as particular undergraduate course work) for admission as established by the program.

International students must meet ALL of these requirements and also must provide:

  • original transcripts and documentation in English (or a certified English translation) of the completion of a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree or the equivalent as evaluated by the CU Denver Office of International Affairs;
  • financial and other documents as required by the International Student and Scholar Services Office to process immigration documents;
  • a certified English translation of all academic records and references not in English, and
  • evidence of proficiency in English as defined in the University policy Official Measures of English Language Proficiency for Admission of International Students (effective July 1, 2012) by satisfying one of the following criteria:
    • the applicant is a citizen of a country whose official language is English, which includes Australia, Belize, Botswana, Canada (except Quebec), Commonwealth Caribbean, Ghana, Great Britain,Ireland, Kenya, New Zealand, Scotland, Singapore, South Africa, and Zimbabwe; or
    • the applicant obtains a composite score of 75 or above on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL, iBT) (minimum subscores of 15 in Reading, 15 in Listening, 19 in Speaking, and 20 in Writing) or a composite score of 6.5 or above on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (minimum subscores of 5.5 in each area). Schools or Colleges, or individual graduate programs may require higher standards on these tests; or
    • the applicant has graduated from CU Denver’s ESL Academy; or
    • the applicant has graduated with a bachelor’s degree or higher from the United Kingdom or a US accredited school abroad where the language of instruction was English. (The applicant must provide a letter from the home institution verifying this information if the language of instruction is not clearly indicated on the official academic transcript.); or
    • the applicant has graduated with a bachelor’s degree or higher from a US accredited school abroad where the language of instruction was English. (The applicant must provide a letter from the home institution verifying this information if the language of instruction is not clearly indicated on the official academic transcript.); or
    • the applicant has earned a bachelor’s degree in the US or has successfully completed a minimum of 2 semesters (a minimum of 12 credits) of full-time study in a graduate-level master’s program at an accredited institution in the US and obtained a “B” (3.00) cumulative GPA or higher.

Additional requirements and documentation may also be required.

Provisional Degree Students

A Graduate Program that wishes to admit an applicant who does not meet the criteria for admission as a Regular degree student can petition the Graduate School to admit the applicant as a Provisional degree student. On the provisional form that accompanies the student’s admission documents, the graduate Program Director outlines the rationale to support such an admission. The form must include a description of the conditions that the student must meet in order to become a Regular degree student. The admission of the applicant as a Provisional degree student requires the approval of the Dean. Based on the requirements of the Graduate Program and the recommendations of the graduate Program Director, the Dean will make a determination and advise the Program Director and the student of the conditions that the student must satisfy in order to be transferred from Provisional to Regular status. The Dean, in consultation with the Program Director, will also determine the time period (1 or 2 semesters for full-time students and a maximum of 4 semesters for part-time students) in which these conditions must be met. Provisional students are subject to the same standards of performance required of Regular degree students, plus any other requirements imposed by Program faculty as conditions of admission. At the end of the specified probationary period, the Dean, in consultation with the Program Director will review the performance of the Provisional degree student. Provisionally admitted students must either have satisfied the requirements for conversion and be admitted to Regular degree status or be dismissed from the Graduate Program to which they were provisionally admitted. The Graduate School will notify both the Program Director and the student whether the indicated requirements have been met and the student’s status has been converted to that of a Regular student, or if the student failed to meet the requirements and has been dismissed.

Application Procedures

New Degree Seeking Students

Applicants seeking admission to CU Denver’s graduate programs should apply online at:


International applicants should refer to the Information for International Students  chapter for more information regarding specific application instructions and requirements.

If applying to more than one program, you must submit a complete application and separate fee to each program. 

Students transferring from another University of Colorado campus to the Denver Campus must apply and be accepted by the program on this campus.

A student who has completed a master’s program at CU Denver must resubmit an online graduate application for acceptance into a doctoral program.

An applicant for admission must present:

  • Submitted online application 
  • Official transcripts for all academic work in colleges and universities completed to date.
  • Three letters of reference. The online application will automatically send recommendation forms to the recommenders indicated on the application. 
  • A nonrefundable application fee of $50 for domestic students or $75 for international students. No application will be processed until this fee is paid.
  • Any other material required specifically by the program faculty. This may include scores from the GRE or other examination (GRE School code 4875). Check with program coordinators in the departments for additional information that may be required.

Check with the program for the deadline for submitting the application.

Students who wish to apply for a graduate student award (e.g., fellowship, scholarship, assistantship) should contact their department before the application deadline for information, since deadlines are usually earlier for aid requests than for admission.

Nondegree Seeking Students

A student who wishes to take graduate courses, but is not interested in earning a specific advanced degree, may apply as a nondegree student at:


Nondegree students will be allowed to register only on the campus to which they have been admitted.

Nondegree students who later desire to pursue a graduate degree program at this university are encouraged to submit the complete online graduate application and supporting credentials as soon as possible. Credits earned as a nondegree student at the University of Colorado may, at the discretion of the department to which the student is admitted, be transferred in to a degree program. The maximum amount of credits allowed for transfer is 12 semester hours for the master’s degree, 9 hours for the EdD program, and 30 hours for PhD degrees. These limit totals include both nondegree CU credits and those transferred from other institutions.

Certificate Students 

The application for students wishing to matriculate into a Graduate Certificate Program is completed online at http://www.ucdenver.edu/academics/colleges/Graduate-School/prospective/Pages/apply.aspx.

In addition to the online application, official transcripts from Colleges, Schools, and Universities in which the student received a degree are required. Individual Certificate Programs evaluate and select the students they want to admit. A letter of offer from the Certificate Program to the applicant must include a statement indicating that admission to the University is pending final approval of the Graduate School. The Graduate School confirms the applicant’s credentials, including authenticating transcripts, and also determines whether the student meets general requirements of the Graduate School and the specific requirements of the selected Certificate Program. Students admitted to a Certificate Program must meet the same admission criteria as outlined above for degree-seeking students.

Students who are already enrolled in a Graduate Degree Program in which a Certificate is also offered may be admitted into the Certificate Program upon approval of the Program Director and the Graduate School.

Readmission of Former Students

Students who were previously admitted to a Graduate Program but who did not complete that degree program and who have not been registered for more than one (1) year [i.e., three (3) terms] at CU Denver|Anschutz must reapply to the Program supplying updated information and academic credentials. The following requirements must be satisfied before being readmitted:

  • clarify their status with the Graduate Program and Graduate School to determine their eligibility to return and pursue the same degree;
  • submit an application at least two weeks prior to the first day of the term in which you are interested in taking a course; and
  • meet any new admission requirements required of matriculants (i.e., background checks, immunizations, etc.)

However, the Program is under no obligation to readmit the student, and the student should consult with the Program Director before applying.

Transferring Programs

Students who are currently enrolled in a Graduate Program and in good academic standing (i.e., GPA of 3.00 or better) and who want to change Programs or major departments must complete the appropriate application forms and be accepted by the new Program into which they are transferring. The Graduate School maintains a current form for such transfers at www.ucdenver.edu/graduateschool.  

New Student Orientation

An orientation program for new students is held prior to the start of the fall semester. The orientation program provides information to new students about activities and services available on the Denver Campus. Information on the expectations, opportunities, registration process, parking and securing ID cards is also provided. Academic advising sessions are held before registration for the term. Students should contact their schools and colleges for additional information on advising, as well as special orientation sessions that may be scheduled for their programs.

Assistantships and Fellowships

Graduate Student Teaching Appointments

Many departments employ graduate students as part-time instructors or teaching assistants. The instructorship is reserved for those advanced graduate students already possessing appropriate degrees who may be independently responsible for the conduct of a section or course. Contact the department for further information.

Research Assistantships

Research activities provide opportunities for graduate students to obtain part-time work as research assistants in many departments. Such assistantships are funded by external grants obtained by faculty members. Contact the department for further information.

Requirements for Graduate Degrees

Graduate Student Handbooks

The Graduate School provides the Graduate School Policies and Procedures that provides information and guidelines for graduate students at the University of Colorado Denver. Students are encouraged be familiar with the policies outlined in this handbook and to use this handbook as a supplement to the personal feedback and guidance of faculty and staff in their departments.

Each graduate program is expected to provide students with a program-specific handbook indicating in some detail the curricular requirements, the expectations for satisfactory progress toward the degree completion, a timeline for the steps needed to meet these expectations and other features unique to each program (such as the composition and formation of thesis, project and dissertation committees to guide and review the student’s progress).

GPA Requirements and Quality of Graduate Work

To maintain satisfactory academic progress, advance to candidacy, and earn a certificate or graduate degree, students are required to maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.00 for all graduate courses taken while in Graduate School, including any undergraduate (i.e., 4000 level) courses that may be required for the certificate program or graduate degree. Failure to maintain a 3.00 cumulative GPA will result in the student being placed on academic probation, as defined below. Courses in which grades below “B-” (2.7) are received may not be applied toward fulfillment of the requirements for any graduate (PhD or Master’s) degree or certificate. Courses required by the degree-granting program or certificate in which the student receives a grade below B- must be retaken in order to achieve a B- or better grade. However, all grades received, including repeat courses, will appear on the student’s transcript and will be included in the GPA calculation, but only one course enrollment may be counted towards graduation credits.

Transfer Credits 

A limited amount of high-quality resident graduate work done in a recognized graduate school elsewhere, or as a nondegree student at a University of Colorado campus, within the time allowed may be accepted, provided it is recommended by the department concerned and approved by the school or college dean. The maximum amount of work that may be transferred to this university is 12 semester hours for the master’s degree, 9 hours for the EdD degree, and 30 hours for PhD degrees.

Courses taken as pass/fail or satisfactory/unsatisfactory will not be transferred. In addition, a grade of B- or above must be earned for a course to be transferred (individual programs may require a B or better for transfer credit and/or may require a B or better in the core classes of the particular discipline). Courses taken more than 7 years ago will need to be validated by the program director.

Certificate Program

The minimum number of credit hours required for a Graduate Certificate are nine (9), although twelve (12) credit hours are strongly recommended, which is more in line with national norms. While it is expected that most of the coursework will be at the graduate level (5000 or above), no more than 3 credits may be earned at the undergraduate level (4000 level only), and which requires approval of the Certificate Program Director. All graduate level certificate courses (5000 or above) will be eligible for transfer into a subsequent Graduate Degree Program assuming they meet the minimum grade requirements of the Graduate Program (which may be more stringent than the Graduate School Rules), the classes are deemed appropriate for the specific Program of study, and are approved for transfer by the Graduate Program Director.

Admission to Candidacy

Students who have completed coursework required for a Graduate Certificate must apply for a Certificate of Completion. This form is available in the Graduate School and online and must be signed by the Certificate Program Director prior to submission to the Graduate School for final approval and filing. The form has to be submitted to the Graduate School no later than the posted graduation deadline during the semester in which a student plans to have their Certificate awarded. An approved form certifies that a i) student’s coursework is satisfactory, ii) that the Certificate Program curriculum described on the form meets the requirements of the Graduate School as well as the particular Certificate, and iii) that the student is eligible for the Certificate.  Students cannot receive their certificate if they have a cumulative GPA less than 3.00 in the certificate coursework.

Master’s Degree

The requirements stated below are minimum requirements; additional conditions may be set by the individual programs.

Students planning to graduate should obtain current deadlines from www.ucdenver.edu/graduateschool. It is the graduate student’s responsibility to see that all requirements and deadlines are met (e.g., changing of I and IP grades, notification of final examinations, etc.).

Minimum Requirements

The minimum number of credit hours required for a Master’s degree is thirty (30). While it is expected that most of this coursework will be at the Graduate level (5000 and above), some Graduate Programs may allow specific undergraduate courses (4000 level and above) that are outside the specific discipline of their program to count towards the graduate degree and must be approved by the Program Director. Regardless, at least 24 credit hours of those required for completion of the Master’s program must be at the graduate level (5000 and above) and undergraduate credits (4000 level and above) cannot exceed 20% of total credit hours required. Furthermore, undergraduate courses within the same discipline as the Graduate Program cannot be credited towards a graduate degree. If the program has a thesis, research paper or internship option as the culminating requirement, the thesis/research paper must count for three to six (3-6) credits, unless specified otherwise by individual programs. Independent study coursework cannot exceed 20 percent (6 credits) of the 30 credits of coursework required for the Master’s degree.

Master’s Thesis Credit

Master’s students who are enrolled in a program or track that requires a thesis, must also register for a minimum of three and a maximum of six hours of thesis work. Once all required semester hours of thesis work have been taken and all other course work is completed, students may register for Candidate for Degree (CAND 5940) for the semester in which they will defend their thesis. CAND 5940 carries no credit or grade, but students pay for one credit of resident tuition and minimal fees. Students may only enroll in this course once during their final semester. Students registered for the Candidate for Degree course will be considered full-time for financial aid and enrollment verification purposes.

Thesis Requirements

Students who are enrolled in a program that requires a thesis must undertake their thesis work under the supervision of a thesis advisor and a faculty advisory committee. All research conducted for a master’s degree must meet all appropriate regulatory standards specified by federal, state and local agencies regarding ethical research, animal use, human subjects, HIPAA and environmental safety. Each thesis is presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the master’s degree and must meet the formatting criteria outlined in the Style and Policy Manuel for Theses and Dissertations, available on the Graduate School webpage. The Graduate School performs format review and approval for all theses prior to electronic submission. Theses must be successfully defended before the student’s committee before final submission.

A grade of In Progress (IP) will be assigned for thesis hours in all semesters until the final approved thesis is submitted to the Graduate School office. The thesis advisor determines the final thesis grade, and then submits Change of Record forms to the Graduate School office to change all IP grades to this final grade.

Admission to Candidacy

Students who wish to receive the master’s degree must first become candidates. After completing or registering for all program-required course work, students must apply for graduation in their student portal and submit the signed Application for Admission to Candidacy to the Graduate School, by the graduation deadline posted for the semester in which they plan to graduate. The candidacy form is available online on the Graduate School website.

An approved form certifies that a student’s work is satisfactory and that the program curriculum entered on the candidacy form meets all of the requirements of both the Graduate School as well as the particular graduate program, and that the student is a candidate for the degree. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.00 to apply for candidacy.

Master’s Degree Final Examination / Thesis Defense

All candidates for the master’s degree are required to take a final comprehensive examination, present a cumulative professional portfolio or successfully defend a project or thesis. The final examination or defense is conducted by a committee consisting of at least three members of the graduate faculty. The student’s final examination/defense committee and the examination schedule must be approved by the program director. The Request for Graduate Examination form must be submitted to the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to the final exam/defense.

The examination or defense may be oral, written or both, or may consist of an evaluation of the cumulative professional portfolio. The chairperson and student must be present for the oral examination or defense, but a minority of members of the committee may participate by interactive video. If one faculty member cannot be present due to an emergency, the exam can proceed with the faculty who can attend, and the student will schedule a separate meeting with the absent faculty member at an alternate time. A majority of the examination committee members must vote for one of the following examination outcomes: Pass, Conditional Pass or Fail. The original signed form is sent to the student’s respective school or college, or to the Graduate School.

For a Conditional Pass, the examining committee will clearly define the requirements for the student to receive an unconditional passing grade; these requirements must be completed to the satisfaction of the examination committee within four months. Failure to satisfy these conditions will result in failure of the examination. A student who fails the examination is subject to immediate dismissal from the program on the recommendation of the graduate program and concurrence of the dean.

A student who fails the examination is subject to immediate dismissal from the Program on the recommendation of the Graduate Program Director and concurrence of the Dean.At the program’s discretion, a student who fails the examination may be allowed to retake the exam once. The retake must be completed by the end of the next academic semester. Both the original signed examination form noting the failure as well as the signed new exam form for the retake must be filed with the Graduate School.

Time Limit

Master’s students, whether enrolled full time or part time, have 7 years from the start of course work to complete all degree requirements, including the filing of the thesis with the Graduate School if the program requires a thesis. Students who fail to complete the degree in this seven-year period are subject to termination from the Graduate School upon the recommendation of the program director and concurrence of the Graduate School dean. For a student to continue beyond the time limit, the program director must petition the dean for an extension and include: 1) reasons why the program faculty believe the student should be allowed to continue in the program, and 2) an anticipated timeline for completion of the degree.

Doctoral Degree

Students who receive a doctoral degree must demonstrate that they are proficient in some broad subject of learning and that they can critically evaluate work in this field. Furthermore, they must have shown the ability to work independently in their chosen field and must have made an original contribution of significance to the advancement of knowledge. The technical requirements stated below are minimal requirements for all candidates for the degree; additional conditions set by the departments or schools will be found in the announcements. Any department may make additional regulations consistent with these general rules.

Minimum Requirements

The minimum number of credit hours required for a PhD degree is thirty (30) credits of coursework, all of which must be at the Graduate level (5000 and above) and thirty (30) dissertation credits. For the EdD program, the minimum credit hours required is thirty-nine (39) credits of coursework and fifteen (15) credits of dissertation. The PsyD program requires a total of ninety-four (94) credit hours, including four (4) hours of Externship, eight (8) hours of Internship, and four (4) hours of a capstone project. Graduate level coursework taken for a Master’s degree may be applied toward a doctoral degree with Program approval.

All courses that count towards the minimum requirements for a doctoral degree must be at the graduate level; including graded on the A-F system (not pass/fail) and offered within a Degree Program at the 5000 level or above. With the approval of the Program Director, students enrolled in Graduate Programs at CU Denver|Anschutz can undertake graduate level courses at other campuses within the University of Colorado system.

The minimum enrollment requirement at CU Denver|Anschutz for doctoral students is six (6) semesters of full-time scholarly work beyond the attainment of a bachelor’s degree.

After completing all course work required by their doctoral program (a minimum of 30 hours), PhD students must register for at least 30 semester credit hours of dissertation (excluding students in the clinical health psychology doctoral program) to complete the requirements for the PhD degree.  PhD students must register for a minimum of 5 hours (and a maximum of 10 hours) of dissertation credit in each fall and spring semester following successful completion of the comprehensive examination.

Once a student has completed 30 dissertation credits, they need to enroll for only one credit in each fall and spring semester until a successful defense of their dissertation. If defending in the summer semester, they must also register for one dissertation credit.

A grade of In Progress (IP) will be assigned in all semesters until the final approved dissertation is submitted to the Graduate School office. The dissertation advisor determines the final dissertation grade, and then submits Change of Record forms to the Graduate School office to change all IP grades to this final grade.

Registration Requirements

A student (who is not on a leave of absence) who fails to register continuously in a given academic year (fall and spring semesters) for dissertation credit hours after passing the comprehensive examination may, at the discretion of the program director, be required to retake and pass the examination in order to regain status as a student in “good standing.”

Students who are unable to register for the minimum dissertation credits because of extenuating personal circumstances should apply for a leave of absence.

Leave of Absence 

Students who need to leave a CU Denver|Anschutz Graduate Program for a period of time should determine in consultation with their Program Director whether a petition for leave of absence is required for up to one (1) year. If approved by the Program Director and the Dean of the Graduate School, a copy of the Leave of Absence form is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office. The original is retained in the student’s file. Approved leaves of absence do not automatically extend the time limits for earning a degree or certificate, but they may be cited as supporting documentation to request an extension if needed. Requests for leaves of absence that exceed one (1) year will not be approved unless the Program Director provides the Dean with a compelling justification why such action should be approved. Students who are absent for longer than one (1) year will be considered to have withdrawn from the Program and will be required to reapply for admission and be considered with all other applicants.


Each PhD program will require at least comprehensive and final examinations. Notice of all examinations must be filed with the Graduate School at least two weeks prior to administration.

Preliminary Examination 

Each program is responsible for ensuring that students are qualified for doctoral study by successfully passing a preliminary examination. Graduate programs that require students to have a master’s degree before they enter their PhD program may exempt the student from taking a preliminary exam. The preliminary exam must occur within three semesters of completing the required courses as defined by the particular graduate program. The content and format of the preliminary examination are determined by the individual graduate program. The results (Pass/Fail) of the preliminary examination must be reported to the Graduate School. A student who fails the examination is subject to immediate dismissal from the Graduate School upon the recommendation of the program and concurrence of the dean; however, the preliminary exam may be retaken once at the program’s discretion.

Comprehensive Examination 

After completing or registering for all required program course work, and concurrent with applying for admission to candidacy for the PhD, students must take a comprehensive examination in their respective discipline. This exam will test a student’s mastery of a broad field of knowledge, not merely the formal course work that s/he has completed. The oral part of the comprehensive exam is open to all members of the graduate faculty. This examination must be completed no later than the end of the third year for full-time students (fourth year for students enrolled in the PhD programs in applied mathematics and computer science and information systems). Individual programs may establish an earlier deadline.

The student’s comprehensive examination committee and the examination schedule must be approved by the program director. The Request for Graduate Examination form must be submitted to the Graduate School at least two weeks before the exam. The examination committee consists of a minimum of three graduate faculty members; the chair of the committee must be a member of the degree-granting program. The student’s dissertation advisor, if already identified, may not chair the examination committee. All members of the committee must be present for the examination, although a minority of members, but not the chairperson or the student, may participate by interactive video. If one faculty member cannot be present due to an emergency, the exam may proceed with the faculty who can attend, and the student will schedule a separate meeting with the absent faculty member at an alternate time. The student must receive votes from the majority of the examination committee for one of the following outcomes: Pass, Conditional Pass or Fail. The examination form must be signed by the committee and returned to the Graduate School office.

If a student receives a Conditional Pass, the examining committee will clearly define the requirements for the student to receive an unconditional passing grade, and these requirements must be completed to the satisfaction of the examination committee within four months. The committee chair is responsible for monitoring the conditions and reporting their outcome to the Graduate School. Failure to satisfy these conditions will result in failure of the examination.

A student who fails the comprehensive examination is subject to immediate dismissal from the Graduate School upon the recommendation of the program and concurrence of the dean; however, the exam may be retaken once at the program’s discretion. The retake will be in the form designated by the committee and must be completed within twelve months. The original examination form noting the failure is signed by the committee and returned to the Graduate School office. New examination forms will be generated when the examination is rescheduled. Students will be required to meet registration requirements and be registered during the term in which the repeated exam is taken.

Final/Dissertation Examination 

After the dissertation has been completed, a final examination on the dissertation and related topics is conducted in two parts, an oral presentation of the dissertation research that is open to the public, and a closed examination conducted by the examining committee.

The program director will approve the student’s final examination/defense committee and the examination schedule. The Request for Graduate Examination and Biosketch forms must be submitted to the Graduate School at least two weeks before the exam. The Graduate School office will send the final examination signature form to the program office to be placed in the student’s file for use at the exam.

The dissertation defense committee consists of a minimum of four graduate faculty members. The chair of the committee must be a member of the degree-granting program. The student’s dissertation advisor may not chair the examination committee. The student must submit finalized draft copies of the thesis to the defense committee at least two weeks before the examination date; some programs may require an earlier deadline.

All members of the committee must be present for the examination although a minority of members, but not the chairperson or the student, may participate by interactive video. If one faculty member cannot be present due to an emergency, the exam may proceed with the faculty who can attend, and the student will schedule a separate meeting with the absent faculty member at an alternate time. The examination form must be signed by the committee and returned to the Graduate School office. The student must receive votes from a strict majority of the examination committee for one of the following outcomes: Pass, Conditional Pass or Fail.

If a student receives a Conditional Pass, the examining committee will clearly define the requirements for the student to receive an unconditional passing grade, and these requirements must be completed to the satisfaction of the examination committee within 60 days of the defense. Under extenuating circumstances, the graduate program director may petition the Graduate School for additional time. If a student fails the examination, s/he may not continue in the program. 

Dissertation Requirements

A dissertation based upon original investigation and showing mature scholarship and critical judgment, as well as familiarity with the tools and methods of research, must be written on a subject approved by the student’s dissertation advisor and the dissertation advisory committee. All research conducted for the PhD degree must meet all regulatory standards specified by federal, state and local agencies regarding ethical research, animal use, human subjects, HIPAA and environmental safety.

After selecting a dissertation advisor, the student, in collaboration with his or her dissertation advisor, will choose a Dissertation Advisory Committee, subject to approval of the graduate Program Director. Although it is recommended that the Dissertation Advisory Committee be the same as the Dissertation Examination Committee, the two committees need not be identical. Although the student’s dissertation advisor may not chair the Comprehensive or Dissertation Examination Committees, Programs are given the flexibility to permit, or prohibit, the student’s advisor to serve as Chair of the Dissertation Advisory Committee. The Dissertation Advisory Committee will serve an advisory function to the student and dissertation advisor and will also monitor the student’s progress towards completing the dissertation. The Dissertation Advisory Committee will determine when the student has made sufficient progress to begin writing his or her dissertation.  All PhD students who have advanced to candidacy must meet with their Dissertation Advisory Committee at least once every year, although some Programs may require - and the Graduate School encourages - a greater frequency of meetings. It is the student’s responsibility to identify the best available time and schedule the meeting. The Dissertation Advisory Committee shall evaluate the student’s progress to ensure that s/he has made satisfactory progress since the previous meeting. The Committee Chair will complete the Dissertation Advisory Committee meeting form summarizing the student’s progress, or lack thereof, and send copies to the student, the primary mentor if not the Chair, the Program Director and the Graduate Dean. In case of non-satisfactory performance, steps to be taken to rectify the situation should be suggested in the report. If a student fails to meet with their Dissertation Advisory Committee within the previous 12 months, the Graduate School will notify the student and dissertation advisor that the committee must meet within the next four (4) weeks. Students who fail to have a Dissertation Advisory Committee meeting by the end of this four (4) week probationary period will not be permitted to register for subsequent semesters. Once the student is in compliance with this rule, s/he will be permitted to register.

The student’s dissertation must meet the formatting criteria outlined in the Style and Policy Manuel for Theses and Dissertations, available on the Graduate School webpage. The Graduate School performs format review and approval for all dissertations prior to electronic submission. The formally approved dissertation must be submitted electronically, with the appropriate supporting documentation, within 60 days of the successful dissertation defense. Dissertation fees are paid upon submission online.

Time Limit

Doctoral students, whether enrolled full time or part time, must complete all degree requirements within eight years of matriculation. Students who fail to complete the degree in this eight-year period are subject to termination from the Graduate School upon the recommendation of the program director and concurrence of the Graduate School dean. For a student to continue beyond the time limit, the program director must petition the dean for an extension and include: 1) reasons why the program faculty believes the student should be allowed to continue in the program and 2) an anticipated timeline for completion of the degree. Approved leaves of absence do not automatically extend the time limits for earning a degree, but they may be used as a reason to request an extension if needed.