Feb 17, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Academic Policies and Procedures
Click on any of the following for more information:
Good Academic Standing
Degree Seeking Students
Students at the University are expected to maintain progress in their degree program, as defined by being in “good academic standing.” Good academic standing requires minimally a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.000 on all University of Colorado course work
Non-degree Seeking Students
Continuation as a non-degree student is contingent upon maintaining an overall GPA of 2.000 upon completion of 12 or more semester hours.
Failure to maintain the required average will result in a non-degree student being suspended. The suspension is for an indefinite period of time and becomes part of the student’s permanent record at the university. While under suspension, enrollment at the university is restricted. For more information contact the dean’s office of the school /college you are enrolled in.
Non-degree students are not placed on academic probation prior to being suspended.
Early Alert
- Student’s faculty member notifies academic advisor of academic difficulties via Early Alert system.
- Academic advisor notifies student via university email of Early Alert, encourages student to make an appointment.
- Advisor may place advising service indicator on student’s registration. Service indicators are “flags” placed on a student’s record that prevent the student from registering until they deal with the reason for being flagged.
- Requires that student contact the advisor (usually via face-to-face appointment) to discuss the Alert, possible ramifications (such as academic probation), and resources available.
- Advisor will release service indicator for registration upon satisfactory contact with student.
- No restrictions on enrollment or class load at this time
Academic Probation
- Student’s cumulative CU GPA (grade point average) falls below 2.000. (Individual colleges and schools may trigger probation if GPA in the major falls below 2.000).
- Student notified via university e-mail and regular postal mail of status.
- Advisor places advising hold on student’s registration each and every term until the cumulative GPA is raised to 2.000 or better.
- Academic probation entails:
- Appointment with student’s academic advisor.
- Advisor gives student Academic Success packet.
- Student must complete packet and make second appointment with academic advisor.
- During second appointment, student and advisor review packet, talk about options and resources.
- Advisor refers student to Financial Aid and/or the Office of International Affairs, as applicable, to discuss ramifications of academic probation (see #3 “Restricted Probation”).
- Student is unable to register for term until the packet is completed and student has met with advisor.
- Student is then able to register as usual.
- Student must earn 2.300 semester GPA each and every semester, including summer term, regardless of number of credit hours attempted, until cumulative GPA is raised to 2.000 or better.
- Student has five attendance semesters or 30 hours to improve cumulative CU GPA to 2.000
- Once cumulative GPA reaches 2.000 or better, student is considered in good standing, and advising service indicators are no longer placed on student’s registration.
- If student fails to achieve 2.300 or better while on academic probation in any given semester, student is placed on “restricted probation” and notified via university e-mail.
“Restricted” probation is not a separate identifier in Campus Solutions (the computerized student record system). It is still listed as probation; however, the restricted status is maintained within the school or college documents.
Restricted Academic Probation
- Appointment with student’s academic advisor.
- Student is advised to register for no more than two classes and/or six credits.
- Delivery method (i.e. online) may be restricted.
- Student and advisor will determine best courses to take.
- Student must achieve 2.300 semester GPA.
- Student remains on restricted academic probation until they achieve good standing or is suspended.
International Student Status has additional restrictions. International students must also contact the Office of International Affairs.
Academic Suspension
- Student fails to earn 2.300 semester GPA required during restricted academic probation.
- Student is notified via e-mail and certified postal letter when they are placed on academic suspension.
- All e-mails are tracked in Campus Solutions audit trail for probation.
- Suspension entails:
- Student is unable to attend the University of Colorado Denver for one year/three semesters (including summer term).
- Student can either attend another institution and demonstrate improved academic performance (minimum GPA at a second institution must be 2.750) or (2) use the time off to address issues directly contributing to student’s academic difficulties.
- Student may petition the individual college’s appellate committee (or Undergraduate Experiences appellate committee) for readmission after the required suspension term. It is recommended that the student apply early to allow time for adequate review.
- Students must meet and document at least one of the following criteria:
- Attendance at another regionally accredited college/university wherein they completed a minimum of 12 credit hours transferable to their degree with a cumulative GPA of at least 2.750.
- Explanation of their previous academic difficulty and demonstration of what has changed, and how this will allow him/her to now achieve and maintain good academic standing (including a semester GPA of at least 2.300 and a cumulative GPA of at least 2.000).
- If a student is granted readmission, they will be readmitted on restricted academic probation. These students must meet the conditions of restricted academic probation as described above.
Subsequent Suspension
- Students on suspension a second time may be readmitted to the university only by petition to the college’s appellate committee.
- Students will only be considered for readmission if they have demonstrated significant improvement in academic performance at the college/university level.