AMC Total: 1,965
Dental Medicine: 67
Medicine: 1,708
Nursing: 65
Pharmacy: 65
Public Health: 60
Graduate School:
†Students below are shared with the Graduate School
School of Dental Medicine: 311
Dental Students Subtotal: 202
General Practice Residency Subtotal: 9
International Student Program Subtotal: 60
Orthodontics Subtotal: 31
Periodontics Subtotal: 9
School of Medicine: 1,265
Medical Students Subtotal: 614
Doctor of Physical Therapy Students Subtotal: 151
†Graduate Students Subtotal: 324
Child Health Associate/Physician Asst Students Subtotal: 120
Nondegree Students Subtotal: 56
College of Nursing: 707
DNP Students Subtotal: 47
†MS, PhD Graduate Students Subtotal: 244
Undergraduate Students Subtotal: 416
School of Pharmacy: 623
PharmD Students Subtotal: 571
†Graduate Student Subtotal: 52
Colorado School of Public Health: 362
MPH Students Subtotal: 166
†Graduate Student Subtotal: 64
Nondegree Students Subtotal: 132
Anschutz Medical Campus Total: 3,159
§ Programs below are shared with the Graduate School
Dental Surgery: DDS
Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics: PhD§
Cancer Biology: PhD§
Cell Biology, Stem Cells and Development: PhD§
Child Health Associate/Physician Assisstant: MPAS
Clinical Science: MSCS, PhD§
Computational Bioscience: PhD§
Genetic Counseling: MS§
Human Medical Genetics: PhD§
Immunology: PhD§
Medical Science: BS
Medicine: MD
Microbiology: PhD§
Molecular Biology: PhD§
Neuroscience: PhD§
Pharmacology: PhD§
Physical Therapy: DPT
Physiology: PhD§
Reproductive Sciences: PhD§
Structural Biology and Biophysics: PhD§
Nursing: BS, MS§, DNP, PhD§
Pharmaceutical Sciences: PhD§
Pharmacy : PharmD
Toxicology: PhD§
Biostatistics: MS§
Epidemiology: PhD§
Health Services Research: PhD§
Public Health: MPH, DrPH
In 2008, the School of Pharmacy ranked third in percentage of PharmD faculty with NIH funding; third in the nation for NIH individual grant awards per PhD faculty; and ninth in the nation for total NIH funding.
Together with its five affiliated hospital partners, the School of Medicine ranks fourth of 75 public medical schools in the country for NIH research expenditures (14th of 125 among all U.S. medical schools).
Physical Therapy Program has provided 60 consecutive years of accredited physical therapy education.
U.S. News & World Report, America’s Best Graduate Schools: See UC Denver Quick Facts .
One of the country’s most selective schools of dental medicine.
Colorado’s only allopathic School of Medicine.
Region’s only school of public health.
The College of Nursing instituted the first nurse practitioner and school nurse programs in the U.S.
College of Nursing had the first doctor of nursing practice (DNP) program in the Rocky Mountain region, and one of the first 10 DNP programs in the U.S.
Medical students collectively donate 22,000 hours of community service each year.
The Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant Program is the only pediatric physician assistant program in the country.
The College of Nursing has a 30-year history of distance education—with more than 50% of courses available online today.
Sidney Altman, PhD, 1989 Nobel Prize Winner in chemistry is an alumnus of the Graduate School.
College of Nursing PhD program initiated in 1978 with over 200 graduates worldwide in nursing research and leadership positions.
Academy of Students of Pharmacy/ASP-APHA
All aBout Couples—ABCAlternatives in Science
American Association of Dental Education
American Association of Women Dentists
American Society of Consultant Pharmacists
American Student Dental Association
American Medical Student Association/AMSA
Christian Health Fellowship
Colorado School of Public Health Student Council
Colorado Society for Health-Systems Pharmacists
Colorado Student Nurses Association
Complementary, Alternative, and Integrative Medicine Student Interest Group (CAIMSIG)
CU Student Nurses Association (CUSNA)
Cycling Team
Dental Student Council
Dental Student Fraternities: Alpha Omega, Delta Sigma Delta
Emergency Medicine Interest Group
Graduate Student Council
Health Professionals for Social Responsibility
Medical Student Council
Melomania—HSC Orchestra
National Community Pharmacists Association
Nutrition and Preventive Health Student Interest Group
Oyate—Diversity Student Council
Positive Approaches to Wellness for Students (PAWS)—use of animals/pets in therapy
Pharmacists for Christ
Pharmacy Student Council
Phi Delta Chi—School of Pharmacy
Phi Delta Epsilon—School of Medicine
Phi Lambda Sigma/Alpha Xi Chapter—Pharmacy
Phi Rho Sigma
Prism—GLBTI and Supporters
Reproductive Health Interest Group
Rho Chi—Pharmacy Honor Society
Rural Health Network
Sigma Theta Tau—International Honor Society of Nursing, Alpha Kappa Chapter-At-Large
Silver Society—Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant Student Society
Student Academy of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (SAAAPA)
Student Interest Group in Neurology
Student National Medical Association
Student National Pharmaceutical Association
Student Senate—HSC Student Governance
Students for Global Health