Mar 01, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Electrical Engineering

Chair: Stephen D. Gedney
Program Manager: Annie Bennett
Administrative Assistant: Karla Flores
Office: North Classroom 2615
Telephone: 303-556-2872


Hamid Fardi, PhD, University of Colorado Boulder
Stephen Gedney, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Miloje Radenkovic, PhD, University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia

Associate Professors
Jan Bialasiewicz, PhD, DSc, Silesian Technical University, Poland, PE-Colorado 
Tim Chifong Lei, PhD, University of Michigan
Dan Connors, PhD, University of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignMark Golkowski, PhD, Stanford University 
Fernando Mancilla-David, PhD, University of Wisconsin at Madison  
Jaedo Park, PhD, The Pennsylvania State University    

Assistant Professors
Chao Liu, PhD, Purdue University

Senior Instructors
Brian Atkinson, MS, University of Colorado Denver

Electrical Engineering Programs

Modern electrical engineering is a very broad and diverse field. Never before has there been such a challenge and opportunity for electrical engineering to serve mankind. Today’s electrical engineers are involved in the development of technology, materials and products to improve the quality of life. They are concerned with the generation and transmission of power, the control and utilization of natural and synthetic resources, the communication of data and information and the intelligent use of computers in consumer as well as industrial products and processes. Systems in electrical engineering range in size from microprocessors through megawatt energy conversion systems to global audio and video communication networks.

At CU Denver, the electrical engineering curriculum prepares students for careers in product design, manufacturing, research, development, operation and plant engineering, technical sales and application engineering. The goal is to educate and inspire students to achieve their maximum career potential.

Mission Statement

We provide graduate programs and an ABET-accredited undergraduate program that are accessible to a diverse group of students-students of different racial and cultural backgrounds, full-time students as well as those who have considerable work and family commitments outside their academic learning and students with a wide variety of work experiences.

Undergraduate Information

Entering students begin their program with a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, chemistry and computers. Social science, humanities and communication courses provide a diverse background. Intensive courses follow in the theory and laboratory application of digital logic and electrical circuits, electromagnetic fields, electronics, computer engineering and digital hardware design, linear systems, controls, electrical machines and power systems and microprocessors. Throughout the entire course of study, students reinforce their understanding of theory through laboratory experience and extensive design projects. A strong background is provided in all of the major fields of electrical engineering: circuits and electronics, microcomputers, signal and image processing, communications, autonomous and robotic systems, power and energy conversion, and automatic control systems and instrumentation. Ethics is an integral part of the curriculum. During the senior year, advanced undergraduate-level courses in different specialty areas, design projects and professional electives allow the student to explore areas of special interest.

Students should supplement this information about the curriculum by consulting a copy of the Department of Electrical Engineering Advisement Guide, which may be obtained in the Department of Electrical Engineering office located in North Classroom 2615. The Department of Electrical Engineering Advisement Guide contains the latest information concerning the curriculum as well as guidelines and procedures with which each student should be familiar. To be awarded the bachelor of science in electrical engineering, a student must satisfactorily complete 128 semester hours, satisfy all university graduation requirements and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in all electrical engineering courses attempted. Appointments to see any of the departmental advisors may be made by calling 303-556-2872.