2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Chair: Christopher Beekman
Program Assistant: Connie Turner
Office: North Classroom Building 4002
Undergraduate Advisor: Tiffany Terneny
Telephone: 303-556-3554
Fax: 303-556-8501
Stephen Koester, PhD, University of Colorado
Tammy Stone, PhD, Arizona State University
David Tracer, PhD, University of Michigan
Associate Professors:
Christopher Beekman, PhD, Vanderbilt University
Sarah Horton, PhD, University of New Mexico
Charles Musiba, PhD, University of Chicago
Marty Otanez, PhD, University of California-Irvine
Assistant Professors:
Jamie Hodgkins, PhD, Arizona State University
Tiffany Terneny, PhD, University of Texas-Austin
Adjunct Faculty:
Sharon Devine, PhD, University of Colorado
Jean Scandlyn, PhD, Columbia University
Undergraduate Information
Anthropology Major
Anthropology is the study of human origins and evolution, the present conditions of human life and the prospects for the future. It considers human beings as biological and social entities and seeks to explain both diversities and commonalities of peoples and cultures. For undergraduates, anthropology provides a rich overview of human life. It also introduces them to a variety of skills and practical research methods anthropologists apply in laboratory and field studies of the ecological constraints on human existence, the cultural bases of individual and organizational behavior and the problems and circumstances relating to the maintenance of today’s healthy, productive human action in general.
Anthropological training provides entry to a variety of careers in archaeology, museology, education, community service, public administration, public health, international affairs and business. The specific skills it provides are useful to students of environmental design, city planning, community development, the medical and nursing professions and allied health sciences, law, public affairs and secondary education.
Click here to see the requirements for the major.
Departmental Honors Requirements
Students wishing to graduate with departmental honors in anthropology must have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5, with a 3.7 minimum GPA in anthropology for cum laude (3.8 for magna cum laude and 3.9 for summa cum laude), as well as prepare an honors thesis of high quality. They must also take ANTH 4810, Integrating Anthropology. Interested students should inquire in the department no later than two semesters before graduation.
Anthropology Minor
Click here to see the requirements for a minor.
Graduate Information
Please go to the Graduate catalog to read about our graduate programs.