2010-2011 Denver Campus Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Daniel J. Howard; Professor of Biology
Associate Deans
Brenda J. Allen, Associate Dean for Planning and Initiatives; Professor of Communication
Laura M. Argys, Associate Dean for Research and Creative Activities; Professor of Economics
Tammy Stone, Associate Dean for Curriculum, Student Affairs and Personnel; Professor of Anthropology
Administration Office
North Classroom, Suite 5014
Phone: 303-556-2557
Fax: 303-556-4861
Undergraduate Advising Office
Phone: 303-556-2555
Fax: 303-556-6277
Mailing Address
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
Campus Box 144
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Application Deadlines
Fall—July 22
Spring—December 1
Summer—May 3
Varies by department. See individual department sections of this chapter for deadlines.
The beauty of an education in the liberal arts is its simultaneous diversity and specialization, its combination of breadth and depth. Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences at UC Denver specialize in a major such as chemistry, English or psychology while creating a foundation of knowledge through general education requirements. Having a broad background in the arts and sciences prepares you to begin your career or to change careers later, to pursue advanced study in a discipline or to study for a professional career such as law or medicine. We believe it also sets the stage for a rewarding and productive life overall. Pursuing a liberal arts curriculum not only increases your knowledge, it enables you to develop such skills as logical argumentation and clear expression, gain insights about relationships in nature and society, develop critical thinking and interpretive ability, solve complex problems rationally and heighten your aesthetic appreciation.
At the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS), we coordinate undergraduate programs with our own graduate programs as well as UC Denver’s professional schools, through which you can combine technical expertise with the broad critical and analytical skills essential to complex decision making. While our dedicated faculty have outstanding academic credentials, their greatest strength is their commitment to highly motivated students representing a broad range of age and experience. Their goal is not only to teach, but to instill in our students a lifelong love for learning and respect for free and independent thinking.
Our curriculum maintains traditionally high university academic standards while providing numerous flexible learning opportunities to meet our students’ varied objectives. We offer opportunities to study urban programs, confront contemporary issues, participate in off-campus internships and make use of the city’s resources. Advisory committees from the community work with CLAS departments and programs, allowing cultural, historical and environmental efforts in Denver to be supported and enhanced by our academic programs.
Liberal arts and sciences undergraduates receive either a BA or BS degree. Many go on to further study in some of the best graduate and professional schools around the country, while others begin their careers in a variety of positions in industry, commerce and government. Each area of study offers a wide variety of curricula, including traditional undergraduate major programs, interdisciplinary studies and pre-professional programs.
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Educational Goals
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences defines liberal education as including four major components:
- Central elements of knowledge including:
- knowledge of the diversity and significant dimensions of human culture and a specific understanding of American culture, including its political and ethnic diversity
- aesthetic awareness and appreciation of the cultural contributions made to the human experience by the social sciences and humanities
- an understanding of the methods of inquiry and development of theory that form the basis of knowledge in the natural and physical sciences
- Essential skills for analysis, writing, computation, communication and decision making
- The development of a constructive orientation toward society through the enhancement of the individual’s capacity to make informed and responsible choices based on reflective consideration of the democratic principles of due process, civil liberties and the balance between individualism and the common good
- The ability to apply knowledge of the arts and sciences to society’s specific needs
The college works to instill in students an understanding of these components through required skills and core courses and through the knowledge and skills required by each major program in the college.
Undergraduate Programs
A complete list of major and minor programs appears in At A Glance: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences .
Major Degree Programs
Students can earn baccalaureate degrees (including areas of emphasis indented below the major areas) in the majors listed in the college At A Glance .
Minor Programs
A college minor represents a concentration of content knowledge, but not to the extent afforded in a major. Minors are optional for liberal arts students, but are encouraged to broaden educational experience and enhance occupational skills.
Students interested in a minor should contact the CLAS Advising Office, North Classroom, 4002, 303-556-2555, for information. Students may also contact the department directly.
Double Majors
Students may graduate with more than one major by completing all requirements for each major.
Double Degrees
Students may earn two undergraduate degrees in liberal arts or from two different schools or colleges of the University of Colorado simultaneously by fulfilling all requirements for both degrees. For example, the Business School and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences have a double-degree program leading to a BS in business administration and a BA in the student’s chosen major.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences requires that a student complete at least 90 liberal arts semester hours to be granted two bachelor’s degrees. Students must complete a minimum of 150 semester hours applied toward the two degrees.
Students planning one of these multiple programs should consult with the CLAS Advising Office at the earliest possible date to get approval for a double-degree program.
Second Degrees
Students who have been awarded a bachelor’s degree (either from the college or elsewhere) may be granted a second bachelor’s degree provided that (a) all general requirements for that degree have been met; (b) the major for the second bachelor’s degree is different from the major for the first; and (c) the college and major department residence requirements are satisfied. A second degree from the college requires a minimum of 30 additional semester hours of credit.
Graduate Programs
Graduate degree programs offered by the faculty of the college through the Graduate School are listed in At A Glance: College of Liberal Arts and Sciences . Many degrees provide the opportunity for students to specialize in concentrations within the discipline; these are listed below the degree title.
Certificate Programs
The college offers undergraduate and graduate certificate programs that demonstrate proficiency in a specialized field of study. These programs differ from minor programs in that certificates may cross traditional disciplinary boundaries and are awarded independently of formal graduation.
Certificate programs are open to degree-seeking students as well as those who aren’t seeking a degree but want to enhance their professional expertise, and require the completion of three to six related courses (9-19 semester hours). The list of certificate programs in At A Glance has been approved by the college and will appear on the student’s official University of Colorado transcript upon completion of all certificate requirements.
Information about certificate programs can be found in the coordinating department section of this catalog and the departmental Web sites, or by contacting the department directly.
Continuing and Professional Education (CPE)
Managing Director: Laurel Dodds
Telephone: 303-352-3728
E-mail: Laurel.Dodds@ucdenver.edu
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) participates in the University’s Continuing and Professional Education (CPE) programs, which include credit courses offered through extended studies during evenings, weekends and at off-campus sites. CPE also includes non-credit courses offered for continuing education units (C.E.U.s) or for professional development and personal enrichment. Information about the CLAS CPE program can be found at: http://thunder1.cudenver.edu/clas/extendedstudies.html
A full degree program, the MA in political science (politics and public policy option), is available as part of the CLAS CPE. This weekend program is offered by the Center for New Directions in Politics and Public Policy at two off-campus locations: Durango, CO and the University Center at Chaparral in Douglas County. See the New Directions Program page for further information.
Signature Areas
CLAS has developed a 12-year strategic plan (2008-2020) that includes five signature areas. Based on proposals prepared by faculty from across the college and university, these areas encompass interdisciplinary themes related to diverse contemporary issues, as their titles demonstrate:
- Colorado Center for Public Humanities
- Math and Science Learning and Education
- Social Justice
- Sustainability
- Women’s and Gender Studies
Each signature area group has developed and begun to implement its vision. A managing director works with faculty and administrators from CLAS and other academic units to coordinate the development of interdisciplinary curricula, research projects, community outreach and academic programs. There are three minors which have been developed through the signature areas: social justice, sustainability and women’s and gender studies. The CLAS Web site will announce activities and post updates about the signature areas at: http://thunder1.cudenver.edu/clas/signatureAreas.html
Undergraduate Policies and Procedures
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Requirements for Admission
CLAS Advising Office: North Classroom, 4002
Telephone: 303-556-2555
Fax: 303-556-6277
Web site: http://thunder1.cudenver.edu/clas/advising/index.htm
New Freshmen
Students planning to enter the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must meet the requirements described in the Information for Undergraduate Students chapter of this catalog.
Transfer Students
Students who have attended another college or university are expected to meet general requirements for admission of transfer students as described in the Information for Undergraduate Students chapter.
Transfer students with at least 30 semester hours of transferrable credit who have been denied admission to the college by the Downtown Campus Office of Admissions, and who have special circumstances not covered by the regular admission policies, may petition the CLAS Academic Standards Committee for provisional admission. The Academic Standards Committee requires evidence of academic performance before provisional admission is granted. Policies and procedures for the CLAS Academic Standards Committee are available through the CLAS Advising Office.
Grading Policies
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences adheres to the University of Colorado grading policies found in the Registration and Records chapter of this catalog. The college also maintains specific grading policies for liberal arts students.
Incomplete Grades
When a student has special circumstances that make it impossible to complete course assignments, faculty members have discretion to award an incomplete grade. Effective January 1, 2009, all incomplete courses are now assigned a grade of Incomplete (I). Incomplete grades are not awarded for poor academic performance or as a way of extending assignment deadlines. While not required, a CLAS course completion agreement form (available from the CLAS Advising Office) is strongly suggested when faculty and student agree on an incomplete grade.
To be eligible for an incomplete grade, students must:
- have successfully completed 75 percent of the course
- have special circumstances (verification may be required) that preclude the student from attending class and completing graded assignments
- make arrangements to complete missing assignments with the original instructor within one academic year
Students are allowed up to three semesters (one year) to complete the requirements for the incomplete, after which the I reverts to an F grade on the student’s transcript. Any request to allow a grade change after the one-year period must be petitioned to the CLAS Academic Standards Committee.
Pass/Fail Grading Option
Students may select the pass/fail grading option for most courses. In addition to Downtown Campus policies covering the pass/fail grading option (see the Registration and Records chapter of this catalog), CLAS students must adhere to the following college pass/fail grading policies:
- Courses in a student’s major, minor and certificate may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Courses required to show proficiency may not be taken on a pass/fail basis: ENGL (core curriculum), MATH (core curriculum) and first two semesters of foreign language.
- Courses used to satisfy the intellectual competencies section of the UC Denver core curriculum may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Courses in the knowledge area section of the Downtown Campus core curriculum may be taken on a pass/fail basis.
- Courses used to satisfy CLAS graduation requirements may be taken on a pass/fail basis. (Exception: communicative skills, major/minor courses.)
- Students must sign up by the drop/add deadline for the semester.
Repeated Courses
Students may re-register for any course. Both (all) courses remain on the transcript and both (all) grades are used to calculate the student’s GPA. Course credit toward graduation is counted only once for a given course no matter how many times the course is repeated.
Academic Policies
Students are referred to the Registration and Records and University Policies chapters of this catalog for a description of academic policies that apply to all undergraduate students at UC Denver’s Downtown campus. [Graduate students are referred to the Graduate School Rules and the Graduate Policies and Procedures section below.] The policies that follow apply specifically to College of Liberal Arts and Sciences undergraduate students.
Students in the college are expected to assume responsibility for planning their academic programs in accordance with college policies and major requirements. To assist students, the college maintains the CLAS Advising Office, North Classroom, 4002, 303-556-2555. Students are assigned to a college advisor in this office according to the students’ last names and must meet with this advisor upon matriculation into the college. The CLAS Advising Office also has specialty college advisors in teacher education and health careers. The college advisor is responsible for advising students of college policies and requirements, and the certification of college requirements at graduation.
As soon as students have determined a major, they should meet with a major department advisor. The major department advisor will be responsible for the student’s major advising and for certification of the completion of the major program at graduation.
Students planning to ultimately earn a degree from one of the professional schools should also see an advisor in that school or college.
The University of Colorado Denver Downtown Campus participates in a campuswide early alert program to identify undergraduate students needing assistance from academic and student service offices. Providing assistance early in the semester is very important to student success in their baccalaureate program. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences is committed to actively participate in the program through a collaborative working relationship between faculty and academic advisors in the college.
The early alert program is designed for faculty to identify students in weeks five and six of the semester who need assistance because of academic performance, class participation and/or behavior issues. Assistance is provided to students identified by faculty through academic advising and through referrals to appropriate UC Denver student service offices.
Goals of the early alert program are to:
- increase student academic success
- improve student persistence and graduation rates
- increase communication between students and faculty
- increase communication between students and academic advisors
- increase student utilization of student service offices
Further information about the UC Denver early alert program is available from the Undergraduate Experiences Office at 303-556-6506.
Students at the University are expected to maintain progress in their degree program, as defined by being in “good academic standing.” Good academic standing requires minimally a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 on all University of Colorado course work.
Academic Probation
- Academic probation is a warning to students that they are not progressing toward completion of their degree in a satisfactory manner.
- Students are placed on academic probation when their cumulative CU GPA falls below a 2.0 at the end of any academic term.
- Students are informed in writing (via University-assigned email and postal letter) of their academic probation status.
- Students on academic probation will be required to complete the Academic Success Plan during their first semester on academic probation.
- Students will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor to discuss the completed Academic Success Plan before they will be allowed to register for the subsequent term.
- Students on academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor every semester that they are on academic probation before they will be allowed to register.
- Academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester GPA each subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0 to return to good academic standing. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to meet graduation requirements.
- Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic probation will be placed on restricted academic probation.
- Students have five semesters or 30 credits (whichever happens sooner) to raise their cumulative GPA to above a 2.0, or they will be placed on academic suspension.
- Once a student has raised his/her cumulative CU GPA to at least a 2.0, s/he will be removed from academic probation and notified via University-assigned email that s/he is in academic good standing.
Restricted Academic Probation
- Students who fail to earn the 2.3 semester GPA during any semester of academic probation will be placed on restricted academic probation.
- Students are informed in writing (via University-assigned email and postal letter) of restricted academic probation status.
- Students on restricted academic probation will be allowed to enroll for a maximum of 6 credits/2 classes per semester (whichever is more). A course and its attached lab are considered to be one course in this case.
- Students on restricted academic probation will be required to schedule an appointment and meet with their academic advisor in order to register for courses.
- Students on restricted academic probation will not be able to register online; they will need to register for courses using a Schedule Adjustment Form, which must be submitted to the Service Center (North Classroom #1003) for processing.
- Restricted academic probation requires that students achieve a minimum 2.3 semester GPA each subsequent term until their cumulative CU GPA is at least a 2.0. Students must achieve a minimum 2.0 cumulative CU GPA to return to good academic standing and to meet graduation requirements.
- Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
- Students who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or above in five semesters or 30 credit hours on academic probation and restricted academic probation will be placed on academic suspension.
Academic Suspension
- Students on restricted academic probation who do not meet the 2.3 minimum semester GPA will be placed on academic suspension.
- Students are informed in writing via certified/registered letter of their academic suspension status.
- The minimum duration of academic suspension is for a period of one year (three semesters, including summer term). Students placed on academic suspension will be unable to take courses from any CU campus during this time.
- Should a student be placed on academic suspension while registered for the next semester, s/he will be administratively dropped from their courses by the University.
- A student’s academic suspension status is permanently indicated on his/her official University of Colorado transcript.
- During the one-year academic suspension period, students who wish to return to the University should consider one (or both) of the following actions:
♦ Attend another regionally-accredited college/university.
Students who choose to attend another institution while on academic suspension can take as many or as few credits as they choose, but must earn a 2.75 cumulative GPA in all transferable course work.
Students should consult their academic advisor to discuss appropriate course work.
♦ Use the time off to directly address and resolve the factors that contributed to the academic difficulty.
- After the one-year suspension period has elapsed, students must petition the appellate committee (of the school or college they wish to enter) for readmission and meet and document at least one of the following criteria:
♦ Attendance at another regionally accredited college/university where they earned a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 in transferable credit.
♦ Explanation of their previous academic difficulty, demonstration of what has changed, and how this will allow them to now achieve and maintain good academic standing (including a semester GPA of at least 2.3 and a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.0).
- Students who choose to petition their college’s appellate committee for readmission must submit their petitions by the following deadlines:
♦ For fall admission: June 1
♦ For spring admission: December 1
♦ For Maymester/summer admission: April 1
- If a student is granted readmission and his/her CU GPA is below a 2.0, s/he will be readmitted on restricted academic probation. These students must meet the condition of restricted academic probation every semester until their cumulative CU GPA is at least 2.0.
Second Suspension
- Students who are readmitted after their first academic suspension and fail to meet the conditions of restricted academic probation for a second time are placed on a second suspension for an indefinite period of time.
- Students on a second suspension may be readmitted to the University only by petition to the college’s appellate committee.
- Students will not be considered for readmission unless they have demonstrated significant improvement in academic performance at the college/university level, and/or considerable and positive change in personal circumstances.
Students in the college may earn credit toward a degree for knowledge gained prior to enrollment in the college or for knowledge gained outside traditional college courses. Specific programs by which credit is awarded are described below. In addition, credit may be earned for ROTC.
General information regarding these options can be found in the “Transfer of College-Level Credit” section of the Information for Undergraduate Students chapter. Students should contact the CLAS Advising Office for specific details of these programs. For credit in a student’s major or minor, the appropriate department must be consulted.
Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate
Students who have taken advanced courses in high school and who have earned high scores on the Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate standardized exams may be eligible for university credit. See the Information for Undergraduate Students chapter of this catalog under “Transfer of College-Level Credit” for additional information. Individual departments establish advanced placement criteria for credit. Students should contact the department advisor for specific details concerning advanced placement credit.
College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences students may earn university credit by examination in subject areas in which they have obtained college-level proficiency. The use of CLEP subject examinations toward major, minor or certificate requirements is subject to a separate evaluation by the faculty advisor in the department or program. To receive academic credit from CLEP, students must present official test results to the Downtown Campus Office of Admissions. A maximum of 30 hours of CLEP credit will count toward the degree. See the “Transfer of College-Level Credit” in the Information for Undergraduate Students chapter of this catalog for additional information.
Credit by Examination
Students with sufficient experience and knowledge may receive credit for a specific course by taking a comprehensive examination given by the faculty. Students should consult the Registration and Records chapter of this catalog for more information.
Internships or Cooperative Education
Undergraduate students may seek credit from an employment experience that contains academic content and is sponsored by a CLAS faculty member. Internships are helpful for career exploration early in a student’s academic career or for job experience after developing academic content in the major.
Students must have a minimum 2.75 cumulative GPA in a minimum of 15 semester hours of UC Denver course work. A maximum of 3 semester hours of internship credit per semester and 9 semester hours overall are allowed toward the 120 semester hours applied toward graduation. Undergraduate students should contact the Experiential Learning Center for details about the internship contract and faculty sponsorship requirements.
Courses in the Professional Schools and in Physical Education
Students may count up to 24 semester hours of academic course work taken outside of liberal arts, such as business, engineering, architecture, journalism and education.
Up to 8 semester hours of activity courses in physical education will count toward the 120 hours required for the degree; these are included in the 24 semester hours allowed outside CLAS.
Independent Study
Qualified CLAS undergraduate students who seek to further their examination of knowledge outside the structured classroom are encouraged to register for independent study. Undergraduate independent study is a nonstructured, independent research project under the sponsorship and supervision of a faculty member. Students should consult with the faculty sponsor to discuss the project and initiate the independent study contract.
To qualify for independent study credit, students must have a declared major or minor in the discipline of the independent study project and a minimum cumulative UC Denver GPA of 2.5. Those seeking senior level independent study must have a minimum junior standing and sufficient course work to allow independent research in the discipline.
Faculty seeking to sponsor an independent study project must have either instructor or tenure-track rank. Faculty seeking to sponsor an independent study project as part of an undergraduate honors project must be tenure-track rank.
Independent study projects are typically awarded credit on a 3:1 (4:1 in summer) basis for contact hours per week to semester hours. That is, a 3-semester-hour independent study project typically requires 9 hours of effort per week over the semester.
Graduation Requirements
Undergraduate students graduating from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences must fulfill requirements for the college and for the major department. Residence requirements apply to both college and major department. A checklist of graduation requirements follows in this section.
Students are responsible for knowing the requirements for their degree and for fulfilling these requirements. Upon completion of the college and major requirements, the student will be awarded the appropriate degree.
General Requirements
- a minimum of 120 semester hours passed
- a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA
- a minimum of 45 semester hours of upper-division work
- a minimum of 30 semester hours of CLAS course work with letter grades at the Downtown Campus
- fulfillment of all college and major requirements
Note: Not more than 24 hours outside the college (for example, business and engineering) can be applied toward the 120 hours required for the bachelor’s degree.
General Education
The general education graduation requirements are established by the CLAS faculty and combine specific requirements from (1) the Downtown Campus core curriculum, (2) the CLAS graduation requirements and (3) foreign language proficiency.
Major Requirements
In addition to completing the college requirements outlined above, students must declare a major and fulfill all requirements of the major department. Department requirements include at least 30 semester hours of work in the major with a minimum grade of C (2.0), of which at least 16 semester hours in the major are at the upper-division level. The GPA in the major must be at least 2.0.
The college places a maximum number of semester hours (required plus elective courses) in the major department, discipline or program as follows:
Degree |
Maximum Hours
BA |
48 |
BS |
56 |
The department is responsible for determining when a student has successfully completed the major requirements and for certifying the completion to the dean of the college.
Declaration of Major
It is important that students declare a major as early as possible in order to receive proper advising toward departmental requirements. Students in the college must declare a major by the start of their junior year (greater than 60 hours). Transfer students to the college with junior or senior standing should declare a major in their first semester at UC Denver. Students are allowed to change their major at any time.
Residence Requirements
A minimum number of semester hours must be earned in residence in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. All students have college and major residence requirements. Students should check with their major department to ascertain residence requirements for the major.
Students transferring to the Downtown Campus must pay particular attention to residence requirements. Students transferring academic credit from Metropolitan State College of Denver should see the CLAS Advising Office for special consideration of residence credit.
Residence credit hours are earned from CLAS courses taught by UC Denver faculty while the student is enrolled as a degree student in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
All CLAS students must meet college residence requirements.
- Students must earn a minimum of 30 residence semester hours.
- For students who exceed the minimum 30-hour residence requirement, a minimum of 21 out of the last 30 semester hours applied toward graduation requirements must be in residence.
- Departments maintain a residence requirement for the major, minor and certificates. Students should consult with a faculty advisor concerning departmental residence requirements.
Intent to Graduate
Students must submit their intent to graduate online application by the published deadline for the semester they expect to graduate. If the degree is not completed, they must resubmit the intent to graduate each subsequent semester until graduation. Failure to submit the intent to graduate will result in delayed graduation.
Graduation Application
Students are required to meet with their CLAS major and minor advisors at the beginning of the semester/term in which they plan to graduate to initiate the graduation verification process. CLAS advisors will distribute graduation applications to students who qualify, and then their intent to graduate online application is approved. The deadline for filing a graduation application with the CLAS Advising Office is the published last day to add courses in each semester. Failure to submit the intent to graduate and graduation application with the CLAS Advising Office will result in delayed graduation.
Academic Honors
College Honors
A student who performs superlatively in course work in the college will be awarded a bachelor’s degree accompanied by the statement with distinction. To be eligible for graduation with distinction, a student must have completed a minimum of 45 semester hours at the University of Colorado (on any CU campus), including the final semester, with a GPA of at least 3.75. The 45 semester hours must be completed in the student’s junior and senior years. A maximum of 6 out of the final 45 semester hours may be completed with a grade of P (on P/F option).
Departmental Honors
Departments in the college offer programs through which students can qualify for Latin honors: cum laude, magna cum laude or summa cum laude. Determination of the level of honors is made by the department. Detailed information can be obtained from the CLAS Advising Office or from the individual department.
Dean’s List Criteria
UC Denver will use a fixed criterion across all colleges for determining eligibility for the Dean’s List. This policy applies to undergraduate students.
For fall and spring semesters, students must successfully complete 9 hours in the semester, upon which to determine grade point average. These courses can be both within and outside of the college. Pooled courses will not be included in the calculation nor will they count toward the 9 hours required for consideration. The GPA required for inclusion in the Dean’s List is 3.75.
In the summer semesters, students must complete 6 hours as a basis for inclusion in the Dean’s List. Course inclusion is the same as in fall and spring semesters. The GPA required for Dean’s List in summer is also 3.75.
Colleges will collect data each semester on the number of students making the Dean’s List and report the number and percentage of total students in the college.
Scholarships tied to Dean’s Lists in individual colleges may have additional requirements.
The Office of the Registrar will calculate the semester GPAs for all students two weeks prior to the due date for semester grades. Those GPAs will be the basis for determining the Dean’s List. Incompletes will not be considered in the calculation of minimum number of hours. The Dean’s List will not be recalculated to include completed incompletes.
Graduate Policies and Procedures
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Admission to Graduate Programs
Each CLAS graduate program handles admissions to its master’s or doctoral programs, and defines its own admission standards and procedures based upon the general Graduate School guidelines . Some departments process application files within the department and some have the Office of Admissions process application materials, so be sure to check with the department to which you are applying to learn their specific procedures and deadlines. ApplyYourself, a planned new tool for graduate admissions, is expected to become active by spring 2010. Look for more information as it becomes available.
The criteria for admission shall be based on a combination of the following: minimum 3.0 GPA, standardized examinations, prior professional experience, portfolios or other indicators. Regular admission to master’s programs requires the completion of a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree from an accredited college or university at the time of matriculation or demonstration of the completion of work equivalent to that required of these degrees as specified by UC Denver.
Students are admitted as regular or provisional students. Students receiving provisional admission are subject to certain requirements set out by their programs for a probationary period, not to exceed two years. The requirements may be more stringent, but provisional students must complete each semester’s course work with a GPA of 3.0 or higher on all work taken.
International students must meet all requirements for regular admission as well as the requirements of the UC Denver Office of International Affairs. These include: documentation in English or a certified English translation of the completion of a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree or the equivalent at the time of matriculation as evaluated by International Admissions; financial documents required by the UC Denver Office of Admissions; a certified English translation of all records and references not in English; TOEFL scores above 525. See the Information for International Students chapter for more information.
Transfer Credits
Up to 12 semester hours can be transferred in from another graduate program (including hours taken at UC Denver as a nondegree student with a grade of B- or better) and applied toward a CLAS master’s degree. Courses taken while still an undergraduate student may be counted as pre-admission credits, but may not exceed 15 and cannot have been applied toward the undergraduate degree. Only courses numbered 5000 and above or classified as graduate level can be transferred. Up to 30 transfer semester hours or semester hours taken as a nondegree student may be applied toward a PhD degree. Courses taken more than 10 years prior to admission must be revalidated by the department or program.
If less than one calendar year has passed since a student in good standing was last enrolled in courses at UC Denver, a student must only notify the program they wish to re-enter. If a student does not register for three consecutive terms, he/she needs to be readmitted. This requires the student to submit Part I of the graduate admission form to their department or program; they must also pay the application fee. Those who have not been active for more than four years must complete the full application process.
PhD students may apply for a time extension or leave of absence as long as the total time to complete the degree does not exceed 10 years. Up to one year of an approved leave of absence may be taken without reapplying to the program upon return.
Changing Degree Programs
Students changing degree programs need to be admitted by the new department. They must provide all items required of students applying for the first time, but may petition the program to which they were originally admitted to release their initial application materials to the new department. Any transfer of courses to the new degree program is at the discretion of the new department or program.
Students should consult with their faculty advisors early and often. Each graduate program has a faculty coordinator who should be consulted about program requirements. This may be the same person as a student’s faculty advisor. While students are strongly encouraged to meet with their faculty advisor every semester, they must meet with their faculty advisor and/or faculty coordinator at the beginning of their last semester to verify that all degree requirements have been met and to have their candidacy form approved and signed.
Graduate Courses
All courses that count toward a graduate degree must be approved by the degree-granting graduate program. At least 30 hours must be considered graduate rank (taught by graduate faculty). Eighteen hours are required at 5000-level or above with the remainder subject to departmental approval. Courses below the 4000-level can only be applied if taken beyond the 30-hour graduate minimum.
Students may use courses offered through the continuing and professional education program in the pursuit of graduate study only if they obtain proper academic approval from the graduate program.
Graduate students may take up to a total of 7.5 independent study semester hours (in a 30-hour program), or 25 percent of the total program hours, under the direct supervision of a faculty member and with the approval of the CLAS graduate dean. However, it is important that students check with their programs concerning the maximum number of independent study credit hours that may count toward their degree, as this number may vary. The minimum UC Denver GPA required to register for independent study credits is 3.0, and students must be admitted to a CLAS degree program. Each independent study project may be taken for 1-3 semester hours. Students use the special processing form to outline the project and how the grade is determined, which then must be approved by the supervising faculty member and CLAS graduate dean.
Graduate-level internship credit may be earned in some programs. Students must be admitted to a CLAS degree program, have completed a minimum of 6 semester hours and have a minimum 3.0 GPA. A maximum of 6 hours of internship credit is allowed, except where specified by the program (i.e., nonthesis clinical psychology). Students should contact the Experiential Learning Center for details about the internship contract and faculty sponsorship requirements.
Minimum GPA
A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in courses applied to a degree program is required. Grades of B- or better are accepted for most master’s degree programs; however, some programs have more stringent grade requirements. Doctoral minimum grade is B-. Courses applied to a graduate degree may not be taken pass/fail.
A student whose cumulative GPA falls below 3.0 or who receives a grade lower than a B- will be placed on academic probation by the CLAS graduate dean. A registration stop will be placed on students at the time they are placed on probation. This stop keeps probationary students from registering until they meet with their departmental advisor to plan courses that will be taken; then the stop will be removed.
In the two semesters following placement on probation, the student is allowed to take only courses applicable to the degree and all grades must be at or above a B grade, or the student will be suspended. At the end of two semesters after being placed on probation, the student must raise his/her cumulative GPA to 3.0 or he/she will be suspended. A student may petition the CLAS graduate dean for an extension of the probationary period in extenuating circumstances.
Incomplete Grades
When a student has special circumstances that make it impossible to complete course assignments, faculty members have discretion to award an incomplete grade. Effective January 1, 2009, all incomplete courses are now assigned a grade of Incomplete (I). Incomplete grades are not awarded for poor academic performance or as a way of extending assignment deadlines. While not required, a CLAS course completion agreement form (available from the CLAS Advising Office) is strongly suggested when faculty and student agree on an incomplete grade.
To be eligible for an incomplete grade, students must:
- have successfully completed 75 percent of the course
- have special circumstances (verification may be required) that preclude the student from attending class and completing graded assignments
- make arrangements to complete missing assignments with the original instructor within one academic year
Students are allowed three semesters (one year) to complete the requirements for the incomplete, after which the I reverts to an F grade on the student’s transcript. Any request to allow a grade change after the one-year period must be petitioned to the CLAS Academic Standards Committee.
Master’s programs can be either thesis plan or nonthesis plan; nonthesis plans may include a project or report. No more than 6 thesis semester hours or 4 project semester hours can be applied toward a master’s program. Students may register for one or more thesis or project credits each semester up to the maximum.
For doctoral programs, a minimum of 5 hours and maximum of 10 hours of dissertation credit may be registered for in any semester. Students must receive approval from the CLAS graduate dean and the dean of the Graduate School to register for fewer than 5 dissertation hours.
Doctoral candidates must be registered for dissertation credit each fall and spring semester following successful completion of the comprehensive examination. Students on leave of absence, approved by the program and filed with the Graduate School, do not have to register for dissertation credits.
A student does not have to register for thesis or dissertation credits after a successful final examination and thesis defense even if the final version of the thesis/dissertation and the record of the final examination are submitted to the Graduate School at a later date.
Thesis/Dissertation Procedures
The thesis/dissertation must comply with specifications outlined in “Guidelines for Preparing Master’s and Doctoral Theses ,” and have received a preliminary thesis format approval from the Graduate School. The student’s faculty committee must approve the final draft of the thesis, three copies of which must be filed with the Graduate School before graduation. The thesis binding fee must be paid when the thesis is submitted to the Graduate School.
Research Protocol
Students doing research that involves gathering data from human subjects must have their research protocol approved by the Human Research Committee. Students doing research that uses animals in any form must have their research protocol approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.
Graduation Application
Graduate students in a master’s degree program initiate the graduation process through the CLAS Dean’s Office, North Classroom Building 5014. Doctoral candidates initiate the graduation process through the Graduate School, Lawrence Street Center, Suite 300. Both master’s and doctoral candidates must follow deadline dates published in the online CLAS Graduate Advising Web site and on sheets available from departmental graduate advisors, the CLAS Dean’s Office or the Graduate School.
All graduate students must submit their intent to graduate online application the semester they intend to graduate, an application for admission to candidacy and a request for graduate examination/thesis defense.
Admission to Candidacy
The application for admission to candidacy form is available in the CLAS Dean’s Office, the Graduate School, the student’s program office or online at the CLAS Graduate Advising Web site. This application must be signed by the student’s advisor and the program coordinator, certifying that the student’s work is satisfactory and that the program outlined in the application meets the requirements set for the student.
A student on probation is not eligible to be awarded a degree until s/he is removed from probation. A student with provisional admission status must be changed to regular admission status before admission to candidacy.
Intent to Graduate
Students must submit their intent to graduate online application by the published deadline for the semester they expect to graduate. If the degree is not completed, they must resubmit the intent to graduate each subsequent semester until graduation. Failure to submit the intent to graduate will result in delayed graduation.
The Graduate School deadlines (to file the application for admission to candidacy and intent to graduate, schedule and hold the comprehensive exam or thesis/project defense, submit thesis for format review, and turn in the final thesis) are published each semester and are available from the CLAS Dean’s Office, departmental graduate advisors and the Graduate School. Deadlines and forms are also posted on the CLAS Graduate Advising Web site. It is the student’s responsibility to know and to adhere to these deadlines.
Comprehensive Examination or Thesis/Project/Dissertation Defense
Students must be registered when they take the comprehensive examination or defend the thesis or project. This can be accomplished by registering to take a regular course, independent study/thesis/project credits or through candidate for degree registration. The examination may be oral, written or both.
The master’s examination must be given by a committee of three members of the graduate faculty, all of whom sign an exam report form signifying that the student has passed the exam or defense. The committee chair must be a regular member of the Downtown Campus graduate faculty, and the other members must hold at least a special graduate faculty appointment. PhD dissertation defense committees include four graduate faculty members, one of whom is from outside the primary department and must unanimously approve the examination.
The record of the thesis defense must be approved by the student’s faculty committee and filed with the CLAS Dean’s Office before graduation. In programs where the project/report defense counts as the comprehensive exam, this requirement applies to projects/reports as well. A student who fails the comprehensive final examination or defense may retake the examination only once.
Time Limits
Master’s degree students admitted after January 2009 have a maximum of five years from the date of the start of course work after admission to the program to complete all degree requirements. This limit can be extended by a leave of absence approved by the student’s graduate program. Students admitted prior to January 2009 have seven years to complete their master’s degrees (according to previous Graduate School Rules).
Doctoral students have eight years from the date of the start of course work after admission to complete all degree requirements for a PhD (10 years with approved leave of absence).
Note: Individual graduate programs may have time limits that are more stringent.
Residency Requirements
A minimum of two semesters of work must be completed at UC Denver.
Academic Ethics and Petitions
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Academic Ethics
[This information applies to both undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.]
As members of the UC Denver academic community, faculty and students accept the responsibility to maintain the highest standards of intellectual honesty and ethical conduct in all forms of academic work. While most violations center around cheating or plagiarism, the UC Denver Academic Honor Code on the Downtown Campus is more comprehensive and includes the following categories: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication and falsification, multiple submission, misuse of academic materials and complicity in academic dishonesty.
The CLAS Academic Ethics Committee, composed of faculty, students and staff, is charged with establishing academic ethics policies and, when necessary, evaluating ethics charges against students or faculty. Faculty and students should be familiar with the Academic Honor Code for the Downtown Campus (see the University Policies chapter) and the CLAS Academic Ethics Policies, available from the CLAS Advising Office, North Classroom, 4002, and online at the CLAS advising Web site.
Faculty who charge student(s) with a violation of the Academic Honor Code may lower a student’s grade without review. Faculty bringing such charges are required to notify the student in writing. Students charged with an ethics violation continue in the class and may appeal the faculty decision to the CLAS Academic Ethics Committee. Students charged with a violation of the Academic Honor Code are encouraged to meet with an advisor in the CLAS Advising Office to review their rights and obtain assistance with procedures.
Petitioning for Exceptions to Standing Academic Policy
The CLAS Academic Standards Committee is responsible for the administration of the academic policies of the college as established by the faculty. This committee constitutes the bridge between the faculty in its legislative capacity and the students upon whom the legislation comes to bear. The committee is empowered to grant waivers of exemptions from and exceptions to the academic policies of the college. Students wishing to submit a petition to the committee should meet with the advising staff first to discuss the petition.
Students in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences may appeal a grade. Every attempt is made to resolve grade disputes at the department level. However, unresolved grade issues may be appealed to the CLAS Academic Standards Committee and initiated through the CLAS Advising Office, North Classroom, 4002, 303-556-2555. Details of the grade appeal policies are available in the CLAS Advising Office.
The Office of the Registrar establishes deadlines each semester for registering, adding courses, dropping courses, selecting the pass/fail option and withdrawing from the university. These deadlines are clearly identified on the Registrar’s Web site. Students seeking to waive these deadlines must petition the associate dean of the college. Instructions for deadline petitions are available from the CLAS Advising Office.
The Graduate Council reviews grievances related to procedural issues for graduate students that cannot be resolved at the college level.
Preparation for Professions
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Completion of the undergraduate curriculum of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences can prepare students for a number of careers in the professions. See below for information on preparation for those professions most frequently asked about by students in the college. Students seeking information about other professions should contact the CLAS Advising Office, North Classroom, 4002, 303-556-2555.
Students intending to enter a school of law may major in any field while completing the bachelor’s degree, since law schools do not typically specify course work entrance requirements. More important to law schools are methods of study, critical thinking and communication skills. Students interested in law school should consider the interdisciplinary minor in law studies (see Law Studies in the CLAS departmental descriptions). For further information, contact the CLAS Advising Office or one of the faculty advisors identified in the law studies minor.
Health Careers
The college has faculty health careers advisors to assist students in preparing for careers in the following:
- dentistry
- medicine
- osteopathy
- veterinary medicine
Course programs also have been developed within the college to prepare students for the following specific careers within the general area of health sciences:
- dental hygiene
- medical technology
- nursing
- optometry
- pharmacy
- physical therapy
- physician assistant
- podiatry
Because the prerequisites for these health career programs are continually changing, students interested in pursuing one of these careers should contact a health careers advisor at 303-556-4350 or 303-556-6218 for current requirements and for advising. See the Health Professions chapter of this catalog for further information.
Liberal arts students seeking certification for teaching at the primary or secondary level must complete a baccalaureate degree plus approximately 40 semester hours of professional education required for licensure from the School of Education & Human Development.
Liberal arts students interested in a K–12 teaching career are encouraged to participate in the educational studies minor program or the K–12 teacher licensure program in collaboration with the School of Education & Human Development. See the Educational Studies/Teacher Licensure section in the CLAS departmental descriptions.
Collegewide Interdisciplinary Programs
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Joint Degree Programs BA/MPA
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, in cooperation with the School of Public Affairs, offers students the opportunity to complete both a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in five years rather than the usual six years. The program combines undergraduate general education and major studies with a specialized curriculum in public affairs and strives to develop intellectual and professional skills in a coordinated manner. Participating major programs in CLAS include communication, economics, political science and sociology, as well as others.
Students in the BA/MPA program must fulfill all of the graduation requirements for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; maintain a 3.5 undergraduate GPA in CLAS and have completed 75 percent of their undergraduate program to be eligible for admission; and enroll formally in the programs through the CLAS Advising Office. Students admitted to the program begin taking graduate-level courses in public administration during their senior year. These courses will count toward the bachelor’s degree as electives. For further information, contact the CLAS Advising Office, 303-556-2555.
Centers and Institutes
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Center for Computational Biology
Director: Stephen Billups
Telephone: 303-556-6269
E-mail: dana.franklin@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://ccb.cudenver.edu/
The Center for Computational Biology (CCB) is a multi-campus center aimed at catalyzing interdisciplinary research and developing educational programs in computational biology throughout the University of Colorado system. The center brings together faculty and students from a variety of fields, including mathematics, computer science and the biosciences, to engage in interdisciplinary research aimed at advancing biological discovery through the development and application of computational tools and mathematical models and techniques. The center leads the development of new courses and educational programs for University of Colorado students. All programs led by the CCB initiative integrate education with research; students are introduced to research as part of their education.
Center for Computational Mathematics
Director: Jan Mandel
Telephone: 303-556-4475
E-mail: Jan.Mandel@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://ccm.ucdenver.edu/index.shtml
The Center for Computational Mathematics was established to foster research in one of the discipline’s most exciting new field. Through extensive ties with industry along the Front Range and government laboratories across the country, the center provides outstanding opportunities for motivated students to receive additional training and experience.
Center for Ethics and Community
Director: Candice L. Shelby
Telephone: 303-556-4803
E-mail: Candice.Shelby@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~cshelby/cec.htm
The Center for Ethics and Community seeks to strengthen ethics in schools, the community, universities and all professions. Certificate programs are available to members of the UC Denver community, as well as individuals outside the university.
Center for New Directions in Politics and Public Policy
Director: Kathryn Cheever
Telephone: 303-556-5950
E-mail: Kathryn.Cheever@ucdenver.edu
Web site: clas.ucdenver.edu/newdirections/index.htm
The center’s programs are based on the notion that effectively addressing the public priorities of the 21st century requires that those working on matters of public interest possess a keen understanding of the political forces that guide or thwart the successful mobilization of resources and the achievement of constituent goals consistent with the public interest. Similarly, the need and opportunity for the active engagement—or leadership—of concerned citizens in the policymaking process is greater than ever before. Accordingly, students in any of the center’s academic programs will be representative of not only those working professionals in the public and nonprofit sectors, but also elected officials; community activists; interest-group stakeholders; educators from a wide range of demographic, occupational and personal backgrounds; and simply concerned citizens.
Center for Research in the Health and Behavioral Sciences
Director: Susan Dreisbach
Telephone: 303-556-6796
E-mail: Susan.Dreisbach@ucdenver.edu
The Center for Research in the Health and Behavioral Sciences (CRHBS) is dedicated to promoting research and community service in health issues facing the local Denver area, Colorado, the nation and beyond. Research conducted by the allied CRHBS faculty is unique in integrating biomedical, public health and social science perspectives. Current external funding of research through CRHBS is focused on such topics as preventing HIV and STD transmission program evaluation. Research assistant and internship positions for students in the health and behavioral sciences doctoral program are commonly available through CRHBS.
Colorado Center for Public Humanities
Director: Philip Joseph
Telephone: 303-556-4648
E-mail: Philip.Joseph@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://clas.cudenver.edu/publichumanities/
The work of this center is oriented around two primary goals. First, as a think-tank, the center investigates the public value of the humanities disciplines in relation to historical change by sponsoring programs that help to clarify the roles that humanities-based scholarship can play within the region, the nation and the world more generally. Our second goal is to direct the engagements of humanities scholars toward extra-academic communities. In pursuing this objective, the center will support scholars whose research programs are designed to reach civic groups outside the university walls and to benefit from the involvement of these groups.
Fourth World Center for the Study of Indigenous Law and Politics
Director: Glenn T. Morris
Telephone: 303-556-2850
E-mail: Glenn.Morris@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://carbon.cudenver.edu/public/fwc/
The Fourth World Center for the Study of Indigenous Law and Politics was founded in 1984 as a resource commons of authoritative information on indigenous peoples’ affairs. The major components of the center’s educational project are:
- the creation and presentation of a university-level multidisciplinary curriculum focused on the study of indigenous peoples
- the publication of the Fourth World Bulletin, a journal on indigenous politics with a global concentration
- the development of university textbooks for the study of indigenous politics
- the presentation of public forums
- the presentation of testimony before international legal organizations
The center features a library, periodicals, audio and visual equipment and online news archives on current development issues surrounding “the Fourth World.”
Shared Analytical Services Laboratory
Lab Manager: Jeff Boon
Telephone: 303-556-4520
E-mail: Jeffery.Boon@ucdenver.edu
Web site: clas.ucdenver.edu/sasl/
The Shared Analytical Services Laboratory fosters and promotes disciplinary and interdisciplinary research in the environmental sciences. Faculty represent disciplines within the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, as well as civil engineering. Services provided by the laboratory are available to all members of the university community, as well as to members of the public and private sectors through joint projects.
Smart-Girl Leadership Institute
Telephone: 303-556-2557
E-mail: Lissa.Gallagher@ucdenver.edu
Web site: http://thunder1.cudenver.edu/clas/smartgirl/
The Smart-Girl Leadership Institute is a prevention and enrichment program that trains college students to lead and inspire adolescent girls to make smart choices and become confident, capable and self-reliant women. UC Denver students earn credit while they build the skills to lead small groups of girls through a fun and effective curriculum.
Writing Center
Director: Justin J. Bain
Office: North Classroom, 4014
Telephone: 303-556-4845
Web site: clas.ucdenver.edu/writing/
The Writing Center provides free writing assistance to all members of the UC Denver community, including students, faculty, staff and alumni. Professional writing consultants are available to assist writers in one-on-one sessions. All consultations are by appointment; to schedule an appointment please visit our Web site.
In addition, the center hosts professional development workshops for graduate students and faculty; maintains a library of grammar handbooks, citation manuals and composition texts; and conducts informational class visits. For additional information on our services for students, see the listing in the Student Services chapter.
Departments and Programs
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