Please click here to see Sustainability department information.
The sustainability minor is interdisciplinary, drawing on the expertise across CLAS departments: anthropology, biology, chemistry, communication, economics, environmental sciences, geography, geology, history, economics, philosophy, physics and political science. The core courses are taught by faculty from natural sciences and social sciences, who will present theories and concepts from both empirical and humanistic perspectives. The teaching faculty change each term so that faculty from any given CLAS department will rotate through the core courses every 3-4 years.
These degree requirements are subject to periodic revision by the academic department, and the College reserves the right to make exceptions and substitutions as judged necessary in individual cases. Therefore, the College strongly urges students to consult regularly with their major advisor and CLAS advisor to confirm the best plans of study before finalizing them.
Program Delivery
- This is an on-campus program.
Declaring This Minor
General Requirements
To earn a degree, students must satisfy all requirements in each of the areas below, in addition to their individual major requirements.