Contact: Lynda Smith
Office: CU-Boulder Folsom Stadium, Room 218
Telephone: 303-492-8351
Fax: 303-492-8353
Mailing Address
AFROTC Det 105
University of Colorado
371 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0371
The Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (Air Force, Army and Navy) programs offer students the opportunity to receive a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force, United States Army, United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. This program is in conjunction with a students’ major course of study and is similar to an academic minor. Both the Army ROTC and the Air Force ROTC programs offer two-year and four-year programs with options for undergraduate and graduate students, active duty and reserve. The Naval ROTC program offers the same with the exception that there is no support available for graduate students. All offer competitive scholarships and a varying degree of course credit. For more information, contact the ROTC offices on the Boulder or Denver Campus.
At A Glance: Air Force Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)
Aerospace Studies
U.S. Air Force ROTC offers several programs leading to a commission in the U.S. Air Force upon receipt of at least a baccalaureate degree.
Standard Four-Year Program
This standard program is designed for incoming freshmen, or any student with four years remaining until degree completion. It consists of three parts: the general military course for lower-division students (normally freshmen and sophomores); the professional officer course for upper-division students (normally juniors and seniors); and leadership laboratory (attended by all cadets). Completion of a four-week summer training course is required prior to commissioning.
Modified Two-Year Program
All undergraduate and graduate students are eligible for these programs. They are offered to full-time, regularly enrolled degree students and require at least two years of full-time college (undergraduate or graduate level, or a combination). Those selected for this program must complete a six-week field training program during the summer months as a prerequisite for entry into the professional officer course the following fall semester.
Leadership Laboratory
All AFROTC cadets must attend leadership laboratory (two hours per week). The laboratory involves a study of Air Force customs and courtesies, drill and ceremonies, career opportunities and the life and work of an Air Force junior officer.
Other AFROTC Programs
Other programs are frequently available based on current Air Force needs. Any AFROTC staff member in Boulder (303-492-8351) can discuss best alternatives. Interested students should make initial contact as early as possible, as selection is on a competitive basis. There is no obligation until a formal contract is entered.
Air Force College Scholarship Program
A scholarship board is held at the end of each semester for students who have at least one semester of full-time college credit and a 2.5 GPA. Students selected for this program are placed on scholarships that pay tuition, book allowance, nonrefundable educational fees, and subsistence of $300–$500 per month, tax-free. These scholarships are available in all academic disciplines and are two to three years in length. All cadets enrolled in the professional officer course receive $450–$500 per month subsistence during the regular academic year.
Flight Opportunities
Prior to entering the fourth year of the AFROTC program, qualified AFROTC students can compete for pilot and navigator allocations. Cadets receiving a pilot or navigator allocation will begin flight training after completion of their degree and commissioning as a second lieutenant. All cadets are eligible to fly with the Civil Air Patrol while enrolled in AFROTC.
USAF Nursing Programs
Qualified nursing students can compete for nursing scholarships. This scholarship can lead to a rewarding career as an Air Force officer, serving as a doctor or nurse. The prehealth scholarship pays for an undergraduate degree and medical school.
AFROTC Course Credit
AFROTC credit for graduation varies with each college. Students should contact the appropriate college for determination of credit.
The AFROTC program is offered through the University of Colorado-Boulder. Students at CU Denver may register for AFROTC classes (listed below) through the concurrent registration process. Contact your dean’s office for the appropriate forms. AFROTC classes begin with the AIRR prefix.
AIRR 1010-1. The Air Force Today 1. One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour lab per week. Introduces students to the U.S. Air Force and the USAF officer profession. Uses instructor lectures, films and videos, and group activities to examine Air Force issues, officership qualities, and military customs and courtesies. Emphasizes the communication skills necessary for an Air Force officer.
AIRR 1020-1. The Air Force Today 2. A continuation of AIRR 1010-1. One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour lab per week.
AIRR 2010-1. Development of Air Power 1. One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour lab per week. Studies air power from balloons and dirigibles through the jet age and historically reviews air power employment in military and nonmilitary operations in support of national objectives. Looks at the evolution of air power concepts and doctrine and introduces the development of communicative skills.
AIRR 2020-1. Development of Air Power 2. A continuation of AIRR 2010. One 1-hour lecture and one 2-hour lab per week.
AIRR 3010-3. Air Force Management and Leadership 1. Two 1 1/2-hour seminars plus one 2-hour lab per week. Provides an integrated management course emphasizing concepts and skills required by the successful manager and leader. Includes individual motivational and behavioral processes, leadership, communication, and group dynamics while providing foundation for the development of the junior officer’s professional skills (officership). Emphasizes decision making and use of analytic aids in planning, organizing and controlling in a changing environment. Discusses organizational and personal values (ethics), management of change, organizational power, politics, managerial strategy, and tactics within the context of military organization. Uses actual Air Force case studies throughout the course to enhance the learning and communication process.
AIRR 3020-3. Air Force Management and Leadership 2. Two 1 1/2-hour seminars and one 2-hour lab per week. Continuation of AIRR 3010. Emphasizes basic managerial processes while employing group discussions, case studies, and role playing as learning devices. Continues to emphasize the development of communicative skills.
AIRR 4010-3. National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society 1. Two 1 1/2-hour seminars and one 2-hour lab per week. Studies U.S. national security policy which examines the formulation, organization, and implementation of national security policy; context of national security; evolution of strategy; management of conflict; and civil-military interaction. Also includes blocks of instruction on the military profession/officership, the military justice system, and communicative skills. Provides future Air Force officers with the background of U.S. national security policy so they can effectively function in today’s Air Force.
AIRR 4020-3. National Security Forces in Contemporary American Society 2. Two 1 1/2-hour seminars and one 2-hour lab per week. A continuation of AIRR 4010. Includes defense strategy conflict management, formulation/implementation of U.S. defense policy, and organizational factors and case studies in policy making, military law, uniform code of military justice, and communication skills.