Jan 28, 2025  
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog 
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Business School Graduation Requirements

In addition to the campus core, the following requirements must be met:

Required Courses

The following courses are required prerequisites for courses in the business core and may count toward the campus core as well. Please see an advisor for more details:

In addition to campus core and the above courses, the following requirements must be met:

Business Core

Specific grades are required for the business core courses in order to meet prerequisites and qualify for graduation. Prerequisites are listed within the course description. Students should try to complete the business core in the order listed below.

Requiring a ‘C-’ or higher:

Requiring a ‘C’ or higher:

International Studies

Choose one of the following courses: (a specific course may be required for some emphases)

Other courses in international business may be offered periodically that satisfy the international studies requirement. 

Area Of Emphasis

Business majors must complete the prescribed courses in an area of emphasis comprising a minimum of 15 semester hours taken at CU Denver.  A minimum GPA of 2.0 is required for courses in the area of emphasis.

The areas of emphasis include:

  • Accounting Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Finance Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Financial Management Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Human Resources Management Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Information Systems Emphasis (specializations available in Accounting, Financial Management, Human Resources Management, Management, and Marketing) - BS in Business Administration
  • International Business Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Management Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Marketing Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Risk Management and Insurance Emphasis - BS in Business Administration
  • Sports Management Emphasis - BS in Business Administration

The specific requirements of these areas of emphasis are described in subsequent sections.


Experiential Learning

Business students must earn 3 semester hours of credit in an approved Experiential Learning course. This can be satisfied by completing:  an Internship; MGMT/ISMG 4900; MGMT 4120; or completing a Study Abroad course.

Experiential learning is a graduation requirement for students beginning their bachelor degree program at any institution in summer 2007 or later. Students beginning their bachelor degree program prior to summer 2007 are not required to meet the experiential learning requirement. Students may petition to waive the experiential learning requirement based on hardship or documented work experience of one year or more related to their chosen area of emphasis.

Other Courses

Guidelines for Elective Credits. Elective credits should be selected carefully because not all classes are acceptable. Generally, to be acceptable, electives must be taught by regular University of Colorado faculty, must have a form of assessment, such as a term paper and/or examinations, and must be regular classroom-type classes. Course coverage must be college level, not repetitious of other work applied toward the degree, must be academic as opposed to vocational or technical and must be part of the regular university offerings.

Independent Study

Junior or senior business students desiring to work beyond regular course coverage may take variable credit courses (1-3 semester hours) as nonbusiness electives under the direction of an instructor who approves the project, but the student must have the appropriate approval before registering. A maximum of 6 semester hours may be applied toward degree requirements. An independent study request form must be signed by the student, the instructor, the program director and the director of advising and admissions.


A maximum of 6 semester hours of approved independent study, internships, experimental studies, choir, band and/or music lessons, art lessons may be applied.


Students may select the pass/fail grading option for most courses. In addition to Downtown Campus policies covering the pass/fail grading option (see the Academic Policy  section of this catalog), Business School students must adhere to the following pass/fail grading policies:

  • Courses used to complete Business Core, a student’s area of emphasis, business minor, specializations, and/or certificate requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  • Courses required to demonstrate proficiency may not be taken on a pass/fail basis (includes the first two semesters of foreign language and regional expertise coursework.)
  • Courses used to satisfy Business School graduation requirements may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. (MATH 1080, COMM 2050, ECON2012, ECON 2022, ENGL 3170, and MGMT/ISMG 4900. Exception: experiential learning/internship must be taken on a pass/fail basis.) ECON2012 may be taken as pass/fail to satisfy the CU Denver core curriculum, however a letter grade is required in order for it to satisfy the Business School graduation requirements.

GPA Requirement

To graduate, a student must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for all courses attempted at the university acceptable toward the BS (business administration) degree as well as a 2.0 for all business courses. In addition a 2.0 is required for courses applying to the student’s area of emphasis.

Upper Division

All students receiving the BS degree in business must take at least 45 upper-division semester hours as a CU Denver student.

Residency Requirement

At least 30 semester hours of business courses (including the business area of emphasis courses) must be completed as a CU Denver student. The 30 hours for residence must include MGMT 4500.

Business School Foreign Language Hours Proficiency

The Business School’s foreign language requirement or regional expertise requires that students demonstrate a minimum level of proficiency in one foreign language.

This requirement is met through completion of one of the following:

  • a second-year (Level II) high school course with a minimum grade of C- (2.0)*
  • a second-semester-level college course (1020) with a minimum grade of C- (2.0)
  • satisfactory proficiency testing, including taking and passing a proficiency exam

*High school courses will not apply toward degree credit; however, they will waive the specific foreign language requirement from having to be done at the college level.

Students choosing the regional expertise requirement with one year of high school foreign language or one semester of college level work can satisfy the requirement by completing a minimum of 6 semester hours of course work from an approved list that relates to the politics, arts, history, culture or economy of any region of the world other than North America.

Courses used in the expertise area must meet the Business School guidelines and can be chosen from the list specified by the Business School. Students should contact their business advisor if they have questions. The advisors can be reached by emailing undergrad.advising@ucdenver.edu or calling 303-315-8100 to schedule an appointment.  

Area of Emphasis

Complete all requirements associated with your individual area of emphasis.