Feb 11, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog

Arts & Media

College of Arts & Media (CAM)

Click on any of the following links to go right to that information:

Dean: Laurence D. Kaptain, DMA and FRSA
Associate Dean, Academic and Student Affairs: Dane Webster, MS
Assistant Dean, Budget and Financial Systems: Karen Ludington, MBA


Dean’s Office 
Arts Building, Suite 177
1150 10th Street
Phone: 303-315-7400
Fax: 303-315-7404

Mailing Address:
College of Arts & Media
Campus Box 162
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

National Center for Media Forensics:
Campus Box 154
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364

About the College of Arts & Media


Our mission is to effect change by preparing students to successfully pursue their passions.

Our students acquire the skills they need to excel in an academically rigorous, experiential learning environment energized by creative exchange, real-world experience and diversity of voice.

Core Values

Creative Excellence - Academic and artistic rigor, creativity and innovation are bedrock principles of the CAM community and the cornerstone of how we define excellence. As champions of creative excellence in art marking and artistic expression we support risk-taking, intellectual freedom and social responsibility.

Discovery - We believe in a culture of shared discovery. Our students learn by doing, and as emerging peers, are important contributors to the knowledge exchange. We value rigorous investigation, critical thinking, diversity, collaboration and invention.

Denver - We are committed to learning both inside and outside the classroom. The accessibility, diversity and cultural energy of Denver make CAM a better place to teach, work and learn, We strive to offer reciprocal experiences to the citizens of this great city and pay it forward by extending our reach and impact in the global community.

Programs of Study

Music & Entertainment Industry Studies  

CAM also offers a wide range of undergraduate degree options. Please see the Undergraduate Catalog or contact CAM@ucdenver.edu for more information.


CAM is constantly working to enhance and add to its facilities; see below for just some of the resources.

National Center for Media Forensics Facilities

  • Computer lab featuring multimedia analysis and processing software such as Cognitech, Ocean Systems, DAC, Agnitio, iZotope Rx Advanced, Adobe Creative Cloud, MATLAB, EnCase, Cellebrite and Cedar Cambridge hardware/software systems
  • Security DVR and camera lab
  • Graduate student workstations accessible from anywhere in the world via Remote Desktop Connection
  • ENF (Electric Network Frequency) databases around the US

CAM General Academic Policies

Please see the Academic Policies  and the Information for Graduate Students  pages of this catalog for academic policies that apply to all students at the university. The policies that follow apply specifically to all graduate students in the College of Arts & Media. Contact ncmf@ucdenver.edu with any questions about these or other college/university policies.

Students must also follow the policies outlined in the Graduate School Policies and Procedures. Visit the Academic Policies  page in this catalog and click on the link to access this reference.

Adding/Withdrawing from Courses After Census

Students wishing to add or withdraw from a full-term course after the semester add/drop deadline (census) should contact ncmf@ucdenver.edu for guidelines and instructions.

Grade Appeals

For College of Arts & Media courses:

  • When a student has questions or concerns regarding academic issues such as project grades, final grades, attendance policies, etc., the student is encouraged to speak directly with the faculty member teaching the course.
  • If resolution or clarity of understanding is not reached, the following procedure should be followed:
    • The student contacts the chair of the department offering the course to discuss the concerns and his/her point of view.
    • The department chair speaks with the faculty member to ascertain the faculty member’s point of view.
    • The department chair facilitates a meeting between the student and faculty member to discuss the issue.
    • If the student still has concerns after completion of these procedures, the student should contact the College of Arts & Media associate dean of academic and student affairs.


The College of Arts & Media has strict policies for granting incomplete grades. They include but are not limited to the following:

  • Reason for incomplete must be a verifiable circumstance beyond the student’s control that made completion of the course impossible. The student must provide documentation.
  • The majority of course requirements (75 percent) must have been completed with a passing grade to be eligible for an incomplete (B (3.0) for courses toward recording arts; B- (2.7) for courses toward media forensics).
    • Whether the student has successfully completed 75% of the course with a passing grade is determined by the instructor and based on the requirements listed in the syllabus.
  • CAM course completion agreement must be signed by both the instructor and student, with final approval by the dean’s/advising office.
  • All course work must be completed within one calendar year of the end of the original course, unless an earlier deadline is specified. 
    • The final grade (earned by completing the course requirements) does not result in deletion of the incomplete (I) from the transcript. A second entry is posted on the transcript to show the final grade for the course, with a notation that the course was ‘Originally graded as Incomplete.’
    • At the end of one year, I grades for courses that are not completed will automatically revert to an F.
  • Requests for a retroactive change from a letter grade to an incomplete will not be considered.

The student is responsible for requesting an incomplete grade and submitting all of the appropriate paperwork and obtaining approvals. Please contact ncmf@ucdenver.edu for additional information. 

Curricular Changes and Course Substitutions

Graduate students fall under the degree requirements that were in place when they first enrolled in their programs. If a program revises its curriculum, students have the option of following their original degree requirements or the revised curriculum. Courses under the original requirements may no longer be taught or may not be available for a set duration. In this case, the department faculty will approve reasonable course substitutions.

Course substitutions in the graduate degree must be approved by the designated area head in the specific program area, the department chair and/or possibly the associate dean. Please contact ncmf@ucdenver.edu for additional information.

Applying to Graduate

Students expecting to graduate are required to apply to graduate via UCDAccess by the published deadline. Students who do not apply by the deadline must apply to graduate for the following semester.

Applications will be accepted starting the first day of the student’s registration for the semester in which the student plans to graduate. Applications are due by 5 p.m. on census date (the drop/add deadline) of the semester in which the student is applying to graduate, as noted on the published academic calendar. Students are encouraged to meet with a faculty advisor the semester before they intend to graduate to review graduation procedures and degree requirements.

Students who have not attended the university for one calendar year (three consecutive semesters, including summer term) or longer must gain readmission to the university prior to applying for graduation. It is the student’s responsibility to apply with enough time for the readmission process to be finalized by the census date. 

Academic Policies, Procedures and Curriculum Committee

The CAM Academic Policies, Procedures and Curriculum Committee is the appellate committee for all student-related academic petitions, issues and appeals. The committee is responsible for the evaluation and interpretation of the approved academic policies of the college. Questions about the interpretation of policies may be directed to CAM Advising and Student Services. Procedures and petition guidelines are available at the CAM website or by emailing ncmf@ucdenver.edu.