Army ROTC courses are college electives you can try out for up to two years with no obligation.
ROTC is a two- to four-year elective where leadership is the curriculum.
Color Guard
Ranger Challenge team
Run Club
Bataan Death March in New Mexico
Bonfils Blood Drive
Tri-Military Competition
Military Ball
Spring Tri-Military Awards Ceremony
Summer Training Internships: Leadership Training Course (LTC), Leadership Development and Assessment Course (LDAC)
Ski Trip
Air Defense Artillery, Armor, Aviation, Corps of Engineers, Field Artillery, Infantry, Chemical Corps, Military Intelligence Corps, Military Police Corps, Signal Corps, Adjutant General Corps, Finance, Ordinance Corps, Personnel, Quartermaster Corps, Transportation, Medical Service Corps and Nurse Corps
Army ROTC program is the 11th largest ROTC program in the nation out of 272 programs.
Three of the top 10 teams in Ranger Challenge in 2011
Top 5 in country for LDAC scores
Military officers rank the highest for confidence in leaders of institutions (Harris Poll).
Commissioned officers serve our nation around the world: Alaska, Hawaii, Italy, Germany, Korea, Afghanistan, Iraq and in 132 other nations.
100% placement rate for officers commissioned through ROTC.
Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the Army; average starting salary is roughly $48,000. More information is available online at www.goarmy.com/rotc or www.colorado.edu/AROTC.
Class Locations
Metro State (Charley Company)
Colorado School of Mines (Bravo Company)
University of Colorado Boulder (Alpha Company)