Mar 11, 2025
SPED 4021 - Exploring Diversity in Content and Pedagogy IISummer 2010 Registration SPED 4021 An essential feature of instructional and curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation is the ability of teachers to draw upon students’ previous experience, help students make connections between new information and previous knowledge and skills, and support students to transfer new information to real-life contexts and environments. The purpose of this course is to explore multiple aspects of complex processes including: 1) standards-based instruction (e.g., the relationship between standards and curriculum); 2) instructional design including both direct and indirect instruction; and 3) assessment, including both selected response measures as well performance and portfolio assessment; and 4) differentiation in curriculum and instruction so that meaningful instruction becomes accessible to all students. Prereq: IPTE 4006. Admission into the IPTE Program. Cross-listed with SPED 5021.Semester Hours: 1to 2 Registration is changing. Visit our website for details ucdenver.edu/registration.
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