2020-2021 Graduate Catalog
STEM Education
Return to: School of Education & Human Development
Return to: School of Education & Human Development
Office: Lawrence Street Center, 701
Telephone: 303-315-6300
E-mail: academicservices@ucdenver.edu
The STEM Education program promotes elementary and secondary mathematics and science teachers’ passion, confidence, and competence in providing mathematics and science teaching-learning processes informed by insightful theories, effective learning activities, and innovative teaching strategies, as well as by international perspectives. This program focuses on the integration of theory, research, and practice to enable teachers to make instructional decisions and implement mathematics and science lessons that promote students’ conceptual understandings and problem solving, including opportunities for doing research.
Information about faculty in this program is available online at: https://education.ucdenver.edu/about-us/faculty-directory/-in-category/categories/sehd/program-areas/stem-education
Program Options
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