The EdS degree program affords the opportunity for advanced graduate study and is available to those who already hold a master’s degree (completed prior to admission into the EdS LEO program.) For the specialist degree, students will complete 9 semester hours of faculty advisor approved graduate-level coursework that constitute an area of focus, in addition to the 32 semester hours required in the Principal Licensure program. The Leadership for Educational Organizations EdS requires a total of 41 semester hours of coursework. Candidates must also successfully complete a comprehensive exam in the final semester. The Comprehensive exam will include one of two options:
Academic Paper / Multimedia Product(s) Summarizing Learning Across Courses and the Colorado Principal Quality Standards (CPQS)
Performance Assessment Targeting a Focused Subset of the CPQS
The 9 semester hours beyond the 32 semester hour principal licensure program must constitute an area of focus and/or a specific advancement of knowledge and skills for the license. Students can choose 9 semester hours (3 courses) from the following options (or receive faculty approval for other relevant graduate-level coursework):
EDUC 7100 - Leadership in Education
EDUC 7230 - Oganizational Performance In Educational Contexts
EDUC 7500 - Strategic Human Capital Development
EDUC 7510 - Strategic Organizational Management
EDUC 7520 - Strategic System Improvement
EDUC 7530 - Strategic Leadership Development