School Library and Instructional Leadership MA
Office: Lawrence Street Center, 701
Telephone: 303-315-6300
Fax: 303-315-6311
Web site:
Information about SLIL faculty is available online at
Program Overview
The school library and instructional leadership program within the ILT master’s degree program is a nationally recognized NCATE-AASL revised and approved school library media education program that leads to the Colorado Department of Education endorsement for school libraries. The program integrates information literacy standards through the use of collaborative planning, as approved by the American Association of School Libraries. Technology and library resources are seen as tools to increase student achievement by integrating the information literacy standards with the content standards of the classroom teacher. The program adheres to the constructivist theory of resource-based learning and promotes an appreciation of children’s and adolescent literature. The program believes that school librarians require education as a teacher as well as a librarian, as advocated by the American Library Association and the International Association of School Libraries. As a school librarian, you will provide collaborative instruction, information access and leadership through the management of your library program and the library resources. Courses are offered in a completely online program, or a monthly Saturday cohort scheduled in communities across Colorado.
Once admitted, students begin a plan of study that typically takes about two years to complete. Consult the SLIL Web site for more information about specific plans of study, course offerings and expectations of cohort groups.
Admission Requirements
Admission decisions are based on undergraduate and graduate grades, external letters of recommendation and fit with the program as reflected in a letter of intent. In some cases, results of a test (GRE) are also required. Prospective students should consult the SLIL program Web site for complete admission procedures and requirements.
Professional Expectations
All students in the SLIL program are expected to show a strong commitment to the program and to maintain high academic, professional and ethical standards. Inappropriate or unprofessional conduct is cause for discipline or dismissal from the program.
Technology Expectations
The SLIL program uses computers and related technologies either as a focus or a tool for learning. Students are expected to obtain an e-mail account and check it frequently. In addition to on-campus facilities, SLIL students need convenient access to Internet-connected computers off campus, either at their place of work or at home. In addition to textbooks, software purchases may be required or recommended for specific classes.
Program Requirements
School library students also have a choice between endorsement-only and full master’s programs. The master’s program requires a minimum of 36 graduate semester hours. Students complete a plan of study consisting of courses and professional field experience. To receive Colorado teacher endorsement, students are required to pass the PLACE test in school library. This is a Colorado Department of Education requirement.
An Example of Two-Year Plan for School Library Program
Courses are offered only in certain semesters and courses should be taken in a particular sequence based on when you start the program. Advising is required prior to enrolling in a course, even as a non-degree student, in order to ensure the most effective course sequencing and availability of courses.
Typical First Year
Second Year
* SCHL 5530 Foundations in School Librarianship should be taken as the first course in your program.
** 80 hours of field experience hours are required. Field experience may be completed over the course of a year; online seminar hours will be completed during the field experience timeframe. Field experiences are completed within a pre-approved school library. See Field Experience Policy for more information.
*** LALC 5740; LALC 5790; and RSEM 5080 are offered on-campus in other semesters as well.
****Electives are usually attendance at Colorado Association of Libraries (CAL) conference in the fall; CASL in the spring; or TIE in the summer.
Comprehensive Examination for All SLIL Students
The comprehensive exam consists of a professional portfolio where in students demonstrate program competencies through work products and related accomplishments. The portfolio is created throughout the student’s program and submitted for faculty review the final semester. For more information, see the ILT Web site. For complete details about the SLIL program and endorsement requirements, see the ILT Web site at