Program Director: Dennis Murray
Telephone: 303-315-8419
Marcelle Arak, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Heidi Boerstler, PhD/JD, Yale University/University of Denver
Jean-Claude Bosch, PhD, University of Washington
Peter Bryant, PhD, Stanford University
Wayne Cascio, PhD, University of Rochester
Lawrence Cunningham, DBA, University of Tennessee
E. Woodrow Eckard, PhD, University of California-Los Angeles
Richard Foster, PhD, University of Chicago
James Gerlach, PhD, Purdue University
Jahangir Karimi, PhD, University of Arizona
Susan Keaveney, PhD, University of Colorado
Gary Kochenberger, PhD, University of Colorado
C. Marlena Fiol, PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Dennis Murray, PhD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Bruce Neumann, PhD, University of Illinois
Edward O’Connor, PhD, University of Akron
John Ruhnka, JD/LLM, Yale School of Law/Cambridge University
Dean Taylor, PhD, University of Chicago
Clifford Young, PhD, University of Utah
Associate Professors:
Ajeyo Banerjee, PhD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Kenneth Bettenhausen, PhD, University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign
Kang Rae Cho, PhD, University of Washington
Gary Colbert, PhD, University of Oregon
Elizabeth Cooperman, PhD, University of Georgia
Murray Cote, PhD, Texas A & M University
Carol Dee, PhD, Louisiana State University
David Forlani, PhD, University of Minnesota
Blair Gifford, PhD, University of Chicago
Dawn Gregg, PhD, Arizona State University
Deborah Kellogg, PhD, University of Southern California
Sarah Koovor-Misra, PhD, University of Southern California
Vick Lane, PhD, University of Washington
Michael Mannino, PhD, University of Arizona
L. Ann Martin, PhD, University of Minnesota
Madhavan Parthasarathy, PhD, University of Nebraska
Michael Roberts, PhD, Georgia State University
Judy Scott, PhD, University of California-Irvine
Manuel Serapio, PhD, University of Illinois
Marlene Smith, PhD, University of Florida
Steven Walczak, PhD, University of Florida
Assistant Professors:
David Chandler, PhD, University of Texas – Austin
Vinit Desai, PhD, University of California at Berkeley
Stephanie Johnson, PhD, Rice University
George Kiersey, PhD, University of Southern California
Mary Malina, PhD, University of Colorado
Robert Nieschwietz, PhD, Arizona State University
Ronald Ramirez, PhD, University of California-Irvine
Reina Ray, PhD, Indiana University
Zhiping Walter, PhD, University of Rochester
Senior Instructors:
John Byrd, PhD, University of Oregon
Elizabeth Connor, MS, Colorado State University
Chen Ji, MS, University of Colorado
Michael Harper, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Robert Hockenbury, MS, University of Houston
Barbara Pelter, PhD, University of California-Davis
Mary Lee Stansifer, PhD, Northwestern University
Eric Thompson, MS, University of Colorado
Errol Biggs, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
John Daley, PhD, University of Washington
Cindy Fischer, MA, University of Colorado
Linda Fried, JD/LLM, University of Miami
Wendy Guild, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Fredrick Hampel, MS, Kansas State University
Barry McConnell, MBA, University of Colorado
Peter Miller, MA, Farleigh Dickenson University
Jeffrey Nystrom, MS, University of Colorado
Eric Reiner, MBA, Louisiana State University
David Ruderman, MBA, University of Colorado
Ira Selkowitz, JD, University of Denver
Lori Seward, PhD, Virginia Tech
Mary Lee Stansifer, PhD, University of Florida
Cindy Sutfin, MS, University of Colorado
Emily Vera, MS, University of Colorado
The Master of Business Administration (MBA) program provides a general background in management and administration. This background enables the student to have the breadth of exposure and depth of knowledge required for an advanced-level management career. The program is devoted to developing the concepts, analytical tools and communication skills required for competent and responsible administration of an enterprise viewed in its entirety, within its social, political and economic environment.
The professional MBA program allows the scheduling of classes with maximum flexibility so students can progress through the program at their own pace, by taking as little as one class per semester or as many as five classes per semester, at times that are convenient with their work schedule. The program can be completed in as little as 16 months or as long as five years plus one semester.
Online courses add additional flexibility. Students may complete all degree requirements online, or combine online and campus courses to broaden the choice of electives or to fit a business travel schedule or personal learning style. Choice of online electives is limited.
The MBA program is also available in different configurations: 11-Month (full time, see relevant section), Health Administration and the Executive MBA (see relevant section). All MBAs have the same curriculum requirements; they differ only in their focus, the flexibility of course scheduling, and the time required to complete the program. The 11-Month and Executive MBAs are lockstep programs (no open electives, no specialized tracks), where students form a cohort and complete all program requirements together. No course transfers, waivers or substitutions are permitted.