Feb 16, 2025  
2012-2013 CU Denver Catalog 
2012-2013 CU Denver Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Physics BS

Program Requirements

Students must declare their intention to major in physics by the time they have completed 60 semester hours and complete between 47 and 51 semester hours (depending on the track chosen) in physics and related topics. Additionally, all tracks require 16 semester hours in math ancillary courses. No grade below a C (2.0) can be used to meet the requirements for the major. At least 12 semester hours of the requirements for the major must be completed at CU Denver.

A senior thesis, usually from participation in research, is required for all students wishing to graduate with departmental honors. All other students are encouraged to do research leading to a project report or senior thesis.


Required Courses Common to All Tracks

Total physics courses required for all tracks: 25 Hours


Required Ancillary Courses

Total ancillary math courses required for all tracks: 16 Hours

Total required semester hours for all physics major tracks: 41 Hours



Pure and Applied Physics (Track 1)

Take in addition to the courses common to all tracks:

Elective Physics Courses

Six semester hours of physics-related electives at 3000-level or above approved by advisor, including up to 3 hours of independent study

Total Track 1 Specific Courses: 21 Hours

Plus total required courses for all physics majors: 41 hours



Biophysics and Medical Physics (Track 2)

Take in addition to the courses common to all tracks:

Biophysics electives


Total Track 2 Specific Courses: 24 Hours

Plus total required courses for all physics majors: 41 hours



Major Total: 62-65 Hours



Note: courses above marked * are generally required for medical school admissions. In addition, the following are generally required for medical school admissions, but NOT for the biophysics and medical physics track: