Sep 07, 2024  
2013-2014 CU Denver Catalog 
2013-2014 CU Denver Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

University Honors and Leadership Program

Director:  Steven G. Medema
Program Coordinator:  Phyllis Chaney
1047 Ninth Street Park
Telephone: 303-556-5297
Fax: 303-556-6744
Web site:


University Honors and Leadership (UHL) is a program of excellence designed for students who have demonstrated superior achievement in academic performance and/or outstanding leadership qualities. UHL is founded on the premise that the integration of rigorous programs of academic excellence and leadership education provides the ideal environment in which to develop the gifts of the next generation of leaders in academia, business, policy-making, and service to communities local, national, and global.

The UHL program is unique in integrating academic honors and leadership education within a highly selective learning community of outstanding students and faculty. UHL allows students to complement their major field of study with a traditional honors experience in the academic honors track or a program of leadership education in the leadership studies track. Students move through the UHL program in cohorts that simultaneously promote community, teamwork, and individual initiative. All UHL courses are multidisciplinary, reflecting the view that that the ability to effectively analyze the challenges faced in all sectors of society can be enhanced by the integration of appropriate information drawn from a broad base of perspectives and problem-solving skills. The UHL program complements this philosophy with an emphasis on the development of exceptional oral and written communication skills, projects that steep students in sophisticated research methods, and the opportunity to work in teams to solve practical problems in the community.

The Academic Program

UHL is a multidisciplinary cohort program consisting of 27 semester hours of coursework to be completed over four years. The UHL courses substitute for most of the CU Denver Core curriculum requirements.

UHL students are given the opportunity to pursue a traditional honors experience through the academic honors track of the program or to focus on leadership education through the leadership studies track. UHL students have a shared first-year experience, taking a core of coursework common to both tracks. The second and third years of the UHL program offer programs designed specifically for the academic honors and leadership studies tracks. The UHL students come together for a two-semester capstone research seminar in the fourth year.

UHL Core

The UHL Core is a body of courses, the completion of which is required of all UHL students. The UHL core includes:

Waiver of English 2030 requirement for UHL Students

All UHL students who have not previously received credit for English 2030 or its equivalent are required to complete a UHL section of English 2030. UHL students who have previously received credit for English 2030 or the equivalent will not receive additional CU Denver credit for English 2030 and so are not required to take the UHL section of this course. Students who believe that they are exempt from the English 2030 requirement should meet with the UHL advisor to confirm this exemption.

Credit Hour and Distribution Requirements for UHL Certification

UHL students are required to complete 27 credit hours of UHL courses, including two (2) one-semester-hour UHL seminars, in order to graduate with UHL certification. Students who have previously received credit for English 2030 or the equivalent must complete 24 hours of UHL courses. In addition, students are required to structure their UHL curricula so that they satisfy the CU Denver core curriculum requirements within their UHL programs of study. Students should meet regularly with the UHL advisor in order to ensure that their UHL coursework satisfies the necessary requirements for UHL certification and CU Denver graduation.

Academic Honors Track Requirements

The academic honors track provides a rigorous academic experience to complement the student’s major, develops an environment for lifelong learning, and promotes self-discovery.  Students are exposed to complex problems, competing perspectives, and differing approaches to important topics.  Undergraduate research is emphasized in the academic honors track to prepare students for graduate school or a post-baccalaureate professional program.

The second and third year of the academic honors program develops students’ core knowledge areas through the integration of humanities, arts, science, behavioral and social science, international perspectives, and cultural diversity by way of multidisciplinary courses where students are exposed to multidimensional issues. As they continue to build and broaden their communication, analytical, and critical thinking skills, students learn to apply knowledge to new areas, expand their view of the world, and develop sensitivity to and appreciation of the arts, diversity, and global society.

Minor in Multidisciplinary Research Methods

Students pursuing the academic honors track have the opportunity to earn a minor in “Multidisciplinary Research Methods.”

Leadership Studies Track Requirements

The leadership studies track develops skills and experiences that prepare students for the challenges of leadership in corporate, institutional, and public life. Leadership studies students work together to develop their abilities to meet the challenges of a world characterized by the increasing globalization of leadership responsibilities and the rapid change in what leaders need to learn and know. They confront complex issues, individually and in teams, while taking responsibility for becoming lifelong learners.

Students develop their leadership potential through self-guided learning strategies, practical team projects, theory-based seminars, contact with outstanding leaders, and individualized mentoring. The leadership studies track is designed to create a collaborative learning environment where students work in action-oriented teams on innovative solutions to practical issues.

Minor in Leadership Studies

Students pursuing the leadership studies track have the opportunity to earn a minor in “Leadership Studies.”

UHL Graduation Requirements

In order to graduate with “University Honors,” students are required to satisfy course and credit hour requirements and must have a GPA of 3.50 or higher in their UHL courses. No grade below B- (2.70) in a UHL course will count toward the UHL graduation requirements.

The UHL Admissions Process

Admission to the UHL program is competitive. In addition to meeting published requirements for admission to CU Denver, students must have a high school GPA, class ranking and SAT/ACT scores commensurate with an honors educational experience. For example, we expect that applicants would rank in the top 10 percent of their high school class and/or have scored in the 90th percentile or above on the SAT/ACT.

Students who wish to be considered for admission to the UHL program must submit the following application materials:

  • A completed UHL application form
  • A written essay
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • High school transcripts and transcripts for all college-level work completed to date
  • SAT and/or ACT scores
  • One photo (head-shot)

A personal interview is required with all students who are selected as finalists for admission.

 Applicants for admission to the UHL program should show evidence of ability and desire to:

  • Take responsibility for their own learning, for self-discovery, and for personal and intellectual growth.
  • Learn about and understand diverse, competing perspectives, viewpoints, and values
  • Profit from varied modes of learning
  • Become responsible and contributing members of the UHL program, the university, and society.

Application information can be found on the UHL website:

Transfer Student Admissions

Due to the cohort-based nature of the UHL program, transfer applications can generally only be considered for students who have completed less than 30 credit hours of university-level coursework. In addition, potential admission is contingent on the availability of slots in the current UHL cohort.

Please note that students who are admitted into the UHL program after the first semester of their freshman year will be required to complete the first-year UHL courses during their first two semesters in the program. No UHL credit can be granted for honors or leadership courses completed through other university honors programs.